What is something popular now that annoys you?

There’s a lot of things that annoy us (let’s admit it), and a lot of those things are popular. What popular things now annoy you?

For me, I would say:

  • Acting “rude” on purpose
  • Mainstream music
  • Hating popular things because they’re popular
  • LED lights
  • The expectation to always look your best 24/7



Make me listen to rap, I will lil Uzi Hurt you.


I do like some mainstream music.

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Except for Hollywood Undead. They’re not mainstream, though.

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Yes ew


What do you have against LED lights? Aren’t these supposed to be the better energy source instead of using those old irredescents?


I don’t mind if others use them, but they hurt my eyes personally


Photoshopping photos :slightly_smiling_face: love creating unrealistic beauty standards yes





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SMH SENSITIVE EYES ARE OVERRATED SM RN :sob::broken_heart::broken_heart::broken_heart::broken_heart::broken_heart::broken_heart::broken_heart::broken_heart::broken_heart:


Looks at this
Looks at the thread’s title
Urge to make snarky comment… So strong…


Warning: Sexual References and mentions of Abuse

I kinda hate these “boys love”/“girls love”/“yuri”/“yaoi” web comics that are becoming incredibly popular and bombarding every website with ads. There’s a couple of reason for this:

  1. The ads are annoying. Seriously, leave me alone. I don’t like you.

  2. I watch anime. I’ve browsed DeviantArt. I’m used to pervy things and things full of weird fetishes. But even for me, someone who has been desensitized, these are WAY TOO PERVY and WAY TOO FULL OF WEIRD FETISHES, and you can tell this without even reading some of them. Look at the covers. Five seconds into half of these ads a guy is getting feeled up by an invisible angel or thirsting for the dog he just adopted who turned into a human for some reason. There was an ad I saw on a YOUTUBE KIDS CHANNEL while watching vids with my LITTLE COUSINS that had a man with a dog collar on and said, and I quote, ”Touch me in the Daddy Spot” in big, bold letters. Like… Jeez, guys. Chill. Drink some ice water.

  3. Sexualizing serious (and terrible) issues. I think the most obvious example of this is Killing/Stalking. Mental abuse, physical abuse, kidnapping, Stalkholm Syndrome, and whatever else happens in that thing (I haven’t read it, I don’t want to encourage it or GOD FORBID give them my money) is, and say it with me now, NOT HOT. It is TRAGIC and leaves REAL SCARS and REAL TRAUMA and 0.001% of real love. Stop. Stop, stop, stop.

  4. Gay fetishization. If you don’t know what this is, it’s when straight people see LGBT+ people and couples as nothing more than a way to satisfy their own needs. I’m sure you can figure it out. I know that Lesbians have been dealing with this from straight guys for a while, but I’ve been seeing more and more straight women objectifying Gay couples, mostly with these webcomics. As long as you see us as more than “sexy”, that’s fine. But I can’t help but feel uncomfortable when I see this. Think of it in the same way as women being objectified; People are so focused on the body, the looks, how “hot” and “sexy” she is that they don’t really care about her as a person. I don’t really know why it’s a thing; Maybe there’s some sort of exotic (for lack of a better word) allure that draws straight people to LGBT+ couples, or maybe it’s just a very specific fetish. If you’re a part of this community, please explain! But the intensity and increasing popularity and rampant churning out of this media on the internet seems to be encouraging it and exploiting it for profit, and I honest just find it really distasteful.

Again, if you’re a part of the community, feel free to explain the appeal to me!

Okay, I’m done ranting.


just got LED lights :flushed:
but reading further I get why you don’t like them!

  1. Hating popular things because they are popular and no other reason at all.

  2. sexualizing Mafia.

  3. Stanning celebs who has done terrible things and are still doing it now just because they are “hot”

  4. Fetishing east Asian girls (seriously that needs to stop! They are humans like all of us and no they are not naturally “submissive " a lot of them based on my experience are dominant and strong”

  5. Stealing from black culture, not crediting them when you do and the excuse being “culture was meant to be shared” (bruh, no… That isn’t the purpose of culture at all)

  6. Bragging about doing something offensive (I’m looking at you Jennifer Lawrence)

  7. Body shaming (tiktokers I am looking at you)

  8. Sexualizing twerking (tweaking was never meant to be sexual)

  9. Sexualizing boobs.


Episode is squeaking


Yesyes yes yes yessss. :pray:t3::pray:t3::pray:t3::pray:t3:


omg this

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Omg yes and portraying it wrong i just :blush: