What is something popular now that annoys you?

Hating popular things and then brand themselves as “edgy” for not being into mainstream stuff. There’s a reason why a certain thing is popular.

If a popular thing is not your cup of tea, then fine. But unnecessarily hating on everything mainstream won’t do any good. Let people have preferences.

Another popular thing that I dislike is the sexualization of underage fictional characters. I get that people find some young characters “hot”, but over-sexualizing them is NOT acceptable. It’s even creepier when the ones who are sexualizing them are grown adults.


I think the problem with it has to do with the fandom since I think the whole point of the comic/manga is that its meant to be awful/tragic but the fandom choosing to sexualize and fetishize the relationship between Sangwoo and Yoon.


Disgusting. Just disgusting.


It is and it’s becoming a trend in many anime communities as well. Ex: the Haikyuu fandom being bombarded with MLM ships and being tagged in the Yaoi hastags, despite it not being a Yaoi anime or a Romance anime. Ships are fine but fandoms take it too far when they make sexual fanfictions and content with underage characters.


The BNHA fandom in a nutshell


Yep. And it doesn’t help when they made the teens in the anime have big breasts and curvy bodies and the boys with ripped bodies.


almost everything trendy.

Dabbing, like what?!
vaping heck no
tik tok? no thank you!
vsco girl? it came from an app, how did that turn into turtles?
‘thankeee’ no. just. stop

im not popular can you tell? :sweat_smile:

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The BNHA fandom sexualizing teens in their own art:

The BNHA fandom when the creator draws his characters in average, non-sexy swimsuits:


:skull_and_crossbones: Stop! This shouldn’t be so funny. :sob::raised_back_of_hand:t4:


What the-?!


it was like

and i oop~ tsksksksk save the turtles :kissing_closed_eyes: :v: and i oop~

like wut?!

i was told vsco was an editing software app


I’m reminded of Hanibal Lector.

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dunno who he is

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Fictional cannibal.

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Yes to this 100%

I like some mainstream music, but not all. Depending on what you consider mainstream music, though.

:clap:t3: :clap:t3: :clap:t3:

I’d also add:

  • WAP and anything similar to it
  • Reggaeton
  • Dangerous viral challenges
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My ex boyfriend. Kidding. Fortnite.

Omg​:joy::joy: Why is this true :sneezing_face:

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I felt that, most kids in my school act rude on purpose because they think it’s cute.

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I knew that there r body-shamers out there but i never thought that someone will fat-shame a 0 year old child- :skull:

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