What makes you lose motivation to write?

So, I know personally my motivation for writing goes up and down, sometimes I feel extremely motivated to an hour later I’ve lost that motivation already…

Personally for me what’s holding me back most is my insecurities about if it’s good enough, especially the plot of a story. I’m decent at creating a character but feel like often I lack creativity and then I get stuck on the actual storyline again… This just makes me unmotivated to push through and continue writing.

Also, I’m easily distracted and don’t stick to writing plans I make so whenever I get distracted it’s hard to get back on track and again, that motivation I had to write just disappears again…

What are some things that make you lose your motivation to write?


Drama happening in my personal life.
Loss of ideas

I don’t really know how to get the motivation to start writing these stories again. :sweat_smile:


Ohh, yeah, your personal life can definitely have a major influence on your motivation to write, like sometimes I have so much on my mind already I can’t even find the energy to open my laptop to write but I still want to write…

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Feeling uninspired/not having ideas.

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Feeling uninspired, personal issues, etc…

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Uninspired. Hunger. Personal Issues.


I usally get stuck when i dont know what i shall write. Its like i have a and i got c but i got no idea what b is. And i have big problem with just jumping over stuff

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Oooo where do I begin?

  • Personal issues
  • Feeling brain dead
  • Running out of ideas
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I jump into ideas without thinking


What makes me lose motivation is reading other stories.

Oh, because “This is so great, better then my idea,” feeling?


Yep, that feeling right there!

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Honestly same…

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When my pen just stops working… I won’t get up to get a new one because I’m too lazy so I just give up :expressionless::green_heart::eyes::sparkles:

Usually these things:
-Personal issues
-I’ve started a scene or sub-plot that I don’t know how to resolve or continue
-The characters don’t inspire me any longer
-When I’m not feeling well


For me it’s bad feedback. It doesn’t have to be feedback on my writing, so if someone starts telling me that my art is bad I lose all my motivation write (fun fact: I don’t lose my motivation to draw…)


I lose motivation when I think something I’m making is bad then I end up coming back to it a few weeks later. Or days.

When I feel really confident and set deadlines only to realize later there’s no way in hell I can make them.

happy birthday :partying_face:

I lost my motivation to write my story a few weeks ago.
It has ten published chapters, and I was writing chapter eleven but once I wrapped up the cliffhanger from the previous episode, I just… didn’t have any ideas as to how to continue it. Not only that, but a personal problem also interfered with my will to continue writing this story.

This went on for about a month.
But then, one night, the idea to wrap up the story and end it at chapter eleven came to me.
I mean, the main character has fulfilled the main purpose as to what she needed to accomplish in the story. I could make her go through other things, but what’s the point?
So now that I’m wrapping the story up, I’ve regained my motivation to write it, and I’m probably going to finish it in the next few days.