What's your character-making process? :Netherlands:

Everyone has their own way of making a character. Everyone starts somewhere different and gets stuck at different times. @RPers, Share your precess for creating a character here, and who knows you can help each other to improve your process.

Here’s mine:

  1. 1/2.1 finding a (temporary) FC.
    Sometimes it’s nice to first find an FC because then I can bind a personality to the face.

  2. 2/2.2 Finding a unique personality.
    Lately I’ve been wanting more variety between my characters to make them unique. By adding a unique personality, I also find unique FCs.

  3. Finding a name.
    I always look for names that are short, such as Tom, Mark, Lisa, etc. These names are easy to remember and quick to write.

  4. Creating the backstory.
    It’s easier for me to tie a personality to a backstory than the other way around. I try to add at least 4 elements. Often it is Family, Friends, experience (quarrel, loss, etc.) and Relationship oriented.

  5. Personality:
    In addition to the specific personality, I also connect other personalities that fit the FC, the background story and the current living situation. I also try to add personalities that give interesting situations to the RP.

  6. Details.
    Then I add some details and tadaaa, done.


Ah Meeke, this is very informative


Uhh is this in another language??




I was thinking that…
Uh, is this a translator problem or smth?


Ah yes that was totally an accident and not something me, Cali and El thought would be funny to see the confusion.

And the actual confusion totally wasn’t funny either :rofl:


oMg mEeKe iS wRiTiNg iN aNoThEr LaNguAgE tHaT i dOn’T uNdErStAnD
i’M pAnIcKiNg oMgGgGgG


oH nOoOoO


– FC
– Name, age, gender, sexuality
– Biography: I write down short points of what events took place and then write proper sentences. Like this:

  • event 1 lol
  • event 2 lmao
  • event 3 rofl
  • etc

– Personality: Same as the bio, but instead of events, I write down character traits/likes/dislikes/hobbies/etc. Like this:

  • trait 1 lol
  • likes/dislikes 1 lmao
  • hobby 1 rofl

– Other, not very important stuff: Like birthdays, personality type, zodiac sign, etc.

  1. Finding a fc
  2. Finding a name
  3. So I use my detailed slides for creating characters so I work on things they like and don’t like
  4. Then I move on to biography
  5. Personality
  6. Other info - fears, pets, favorite this and that…
  7. Playlist, yes
  8. Moodboard
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I forgot to add ‘making name banners’

A chaotic process of crying, writing, hating what you wrote, hating yourself, hating your computer, trying to come up with something creative, realizing that your character is like all your other characters just in different fonts. Oh, and finding an FC

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oh my god omg GIF by CBC

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added a couple tags

for me, its generally like this:

  1. find fc
  2. scour baby name websites until I land on one that gives the character
  3. neglect the character for 123432 days
  4. come back a couple days before the due date in a frenzy
  5. bio
  6. reread and rewrite the bio until satisfaction, whether begrudging or whole
  7. personality
  8. struggle with strengths/weaknesses & likes/dislikes if that rp requires it
  9. stare at the doc
  10. nitpick
  11. wait a couple hours/days
  12. either drop it in the form, or post it on the signup thread and disappear from that thread for a few days as I recover from the anxiety :sparkles:

honestly, i don’t really have a linear process to my character creation? it feels a lot more ‘real’ and organic if i’m building off each different part of the character as i go- so i write part of the bio, the style, a few personality traits, etc etc, and just bounce back and forth like a wild pingpong ball lol

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Usually what I do is I find a FC and lots of times I can come up with a backstory for them. There have been a few times where I I already know everything I want about a character but need to find a FC. Like one of the old RP’s I was in which was Are You The One? I think it was season 5 maybe six I already knew my female character backstory but did not gave a FC for them.