What's your LEAST favorite subject in school

what’s your least favorite subject you have and/or had in your school. And explain why.


Science and French. They were so boring I always had to pinch myself every second so I did not fall asleep. But in year 9, French did become really fun but for wrong reasons :sweat_smile:


My least favourite was P.E.

The teacher really didn’t like that I kept fit outside of school and didn’t need to take part. He’d always try to undermine the notes I’d bring.

He got especially angry that I couldn’t take part in rugby because of my martial arts training :joy:


It would have to be Spanish, I wanna punch the teacher in the face. Him and his bullshit punctuality rules, texting my mum everyday.

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Chemistry. I just find it boring…
Also P.E. I hate playing sports. I do like watching them, though.

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Well, Cough cough my least favorite class is English

Because, it’s boring and my teacher finds every little thing I do, to get me in trouble. English is boring for me because there’s nothing to do, other than read and write which makes me feel stupid.

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Art because of the teacher. He says yawning is obnoxious, gave a kid detention for accidentally tripping over a chair, takes points off for no goddamn reason, sent me to the principals for yawning, and so much more.


My least favourite? PE definitely. :face_vomiting:

The thought of having to do all that exercise makes me want to vomit. I loved looking at the bad PE grades on my report. To me, PE was the most pointless subject. How was that going to help me become a surgeon? I think PE should be optional, especially the swim unit. That was hell :grimacing::grimacing::nauseated_face::heart::heart::heart:


Spanish and English. And World History.


I don’t like the teacher and she doesn’t like me and she never tries to help anyone understand her subject


Math…I hate certain maths.

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Bio 100% even tho I love my teacher I’m just terrible in science.

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Math and science i’m bad at both of those things and it just makes me feel stupid and helpless.

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welp. i used to be pretty good at math but then this year it’s been… eh. then science is just naturally a bad and disrupting class. i don’t like pe either, it makes me insecure.


Bump, because I’m bored and idk what else to do. :blue_heart:


Hated English. Never read a book that was assigned to me, and was a terrible writer. My vocabulary still sucks.
Also struggled in science. I could not get an A!

Not sure why I minored in both english and science in college… :unamused: I didn’t like it there either.


P.E. I like active stuff but I dont wanna run in circles all day because someone talked or do the activites – half the games they make us do I dont understand the rules and get in trouble. Hence my C.


Maths, I just can’t do it. Back in year 11 I was in the second to highest set (class) and everybody had the harder test papers but my teacher realised it was pointless with me so he gave me a colouring sheet while everybody else did a test… (I really felt singled out)

Also PE, not because I don’t like sport (well I don’t like football) but because my year group always used to exclude me from the teams and stuff. I’m not good at all sports. Especially not trampolining but I still tried. People mainly made fun of me for trying :sweat_smile:.


Favourite: Maths

Dislike: History and PE.

History is super boring and I have bad coordination skills.

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Physics - Too complicated and I barely need it.

R.E - Has no purpose. We only took it because it was a Catholic school

P.E - I had P.E teachers that picked on me so that was great. I didn’t like most of my P.E groups so team sports weren’t exactly fun. There would be the people “too tired” to walk half a lap and the people who acted like we were in the Olympics