what’s your least favorite subject you have and/or had in your school. And explain why.
Science and French. They were so boring I always had to pinch myself every second so I did not fall asleep. But in year 9, French did become really fun but for wrong reasons
My least favourite was P.E.
The teacher really didn’t like that I kept fit outside of school and didn’t need to take part. He’d always try to undermine the notes I’d bring.
He got especially angry that I couldn’t take part in rugby because of my martial arts training
It would have to be Spanish, I wanna punch the teacher in the face. Him and his bullshit punctuality rules, texting my mum everyday.
Chemistry. I just find it boring…
Also P.E. I hate playing sports. I do like watching them, though.
Well, Cough cough my least favorite class is English
Because, it’s boring and my teacher finds every little thing I do, to get me in trouble. English is boring for me because there’s nothing to do, other than read and write which makes me feel stupid.
Art because of the teacher. He says yawning is obnoxious, gave a kid detention for accidentally tripping over a chair, takes points off for no goddamn reason, sent me to the principals for yawning, and so much more.
My least favourite? PE definitely.
The thought of having to do all that exercise makes me want to vomit. I loved looking at the bad PE grades on my report. To me, PE was the most pointless subject. How was that going to help me become a surgeon? I think PE should be optional, especially the swim unit. That was hell
Spanish and English. And World History.
I don’t like the teacher and she doesn’t like me and she never tries to help anyone understand her subject
Math…I hate certain maths.
Bio 100% even tho I love my teacher I’m just terrible in science.
Math and science i’m bad at both of those things and it just makes me feel stupid and helpless.
welp. i used to be pretty good at math but then this year it’s been… eh. then science is just naturally a bad and disrupting class. i don’t like pe either, it makes me insecure.
Bump, because I’m bored and idk what else to do.
Hated English. Never read a book that was assigned to me, and was a terrible writer. My vocabulary still sucks.
Also struggled in science. I could not get an A!
Not sure why I minored in both english and science in college… I didn’t like it there either.
P.E. I like active stuff but I dont wanna run in circles all day because someone talked or do the activites – half the games they make us do I dont understand the rules and get in trouble. Hence my C.
Maths, I just can’t do it. Back in year 11 I was in the second to highest set (class) and everybody had the harder test papers but my teacher realised it was pointless with me so he gave me a colouring sheet while everybody else did a test… (I really felt singled out)
Also PE, not because I don’t like sport (well I don’t like football) but because my year group always used to exclude me from the teams and stuff. I’m not good at all sports. Especially not trampolining but I still tried. People mainly made fun of me for trying .
Favourite: Maths
Dislike: History and PE.
History is super boring and I have bad coordination skills.
Physics - Too complicated and I barely need it.
R.E - Has no purpose. We only took it because it was a Catholic school
P.E - I had P.E teachers that picked on me so that was great. I didn’t like most of my P.E groups so team sports weren’t exactly fun. There would be the people “too tired” to walk half a lap and the people who acted like we were in the Olympics