Worst memories you've made in school

These groups of girls didn’t like me and I had no idea why. One time at the homecoming football game, I was having a lot of fun until we were leaving, and she stepped right in front of me causing me to bump into her. She threatened to fight me and followed me all the way to my car. I was honestly terrified I would’ve gotten hurt that day, and people were staring so it made it even more embarrassing


Added memory tag :eyes::sparkles::green_heart:

I got bullied during the first 2-3 years of high school, so I guess I have many bad memories of that :sweat_smile: Hiding in the bathrooms during breaks wasn’t fun

Ugh, one time, in 2nd grade, I felt sick, and I threw up in my math book. No one bullied me for it or anything. I think I had some pretty nice classmates in second grade.

In fourth grade, my best friend moved away in the middle of the school year, and since I hadn’t made any other friends, I felt so lonely the rest of the year. :cry:

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