The year is 1986 on planet Earth, universe 328. Tensions with the Soviets and their allies have spiraled into nuclear war. Most of southern America, along with the upper northeast, has been ravaged by atomic attacks and turned into an uninhabitable wasteland. Out of the rubble and scars of war has risen a new, powerful, and potentially dangerous form of life: The Mutants, humans with dormant mutated ‘X-Genes’ that, when activated naturally through puberty or by some other means, can grant their possesor uncanny powers. Despite making up less than one third of the American population, some of the mutants posses powers so great that they could wipe out the entire northern hemisphere without breaking a sweat.
Intensified due to the tensions of the war, mutaphobia and human rights groups spread like wildfire throughout the nation, dedicated to putting unpowered humans first and shutting out or destroying mutants before they destroy humanity. Some mutants fight back with thier unstable and uncontroled powers, often fanning the flames whether they mean to or not. Others go into hiding, terrified of a world that hates them for being born. Some use the conflict with humans to profit for thein own gain, to gain power or wealthbehind the scenes and monger fear to both sides. A select group, however, may be able to bring peace to all of this, provided they follow a certain type of leader. And the closest thing mutantkind has to that type of leader is the young, brilliant, and inexpierienced Charles Xavier.
Xavier, with the help of his strong psychic powers and a close friend, is traveling across the country and scouring the globe for the mutants with not just the most power, but the most potential. He is seraching for those who will preserve peace and justice, who will defend themselves without slaughtering their enemies, who will create an example for all of mutantkind- and mankind- to follow. But someone is working behind the scenes to destroy what he is building. Someone is trying to widen the divides between man and mutant and cause a bloody uprising that could destroy both sides forever. Which radical extreme will win? Which will you choose? Whatever you choose, do so wisely. You are a member of the first great team of mutant leaders. You are a member of the X-Men: First Class.
Your first post will be your character entering the Xavier Mansion where Charles and Erik will be waiting, “auditioning” mutants for their new, unnamed team.
No Mary Sues. I will be very strict on this one.
No Godmodding.
Blur all curses with Blur Spoiler AND S*mbols.
You must be hit/damaged in some way in at least every other post while participating in a fight scene.
This is a PG-13 rp. Be very careful with your descriptions and don’t do anything XXX anywhere but the PMs.
Try to post at least once a week.