RP Anonymous Confessions, Questions and Feedback

Could someone recommend an active European fantasy RP / SG to me?

:thinking: Does it have to be European? 'Cause there will likely be European RPers and European characters so does the RP itself have to be set in Europe?

We have X-Men (signup) which is fantasy/sci-fi but is based in the States.
Dark Snow (signup), but I’m not sure where it’s set.
Amadeus hasn’t started yet, but it looks like it’ll be active, though I’m not sure where it is set.
And Charmed Coven SG (signup), but I don’t think it’s set in Europe… maybe, but eh the creator is a kiwi if that counts for anything :woman_shrugging:t5: OH MY GOD SPEAKING OF I HAVE TO FREAKING REPLY TO THAT IM SO SORRY CALI

I’d like to join a few RPs but, since I have a lot of artist friends, I don’t want to make faceclaims with images that are not my copyright. Is it okay to submit without face claims? Drawing a portrait for each character is so much work!

Hm, it would depend on the RP owner, really. I’d imagine most would be okay with that, but to be honest, this doesn’t happen often at all so I can’t say for certain. Alternatively, you could look for FCs that you know are copyright free but if this proves to be problematic then just take it up with the RP owner and I’m sure that you can come to a solution!