Summary: The year is 1986 on planet Earth, universe 328. Tensions with the Soviets and their allies have spiraled into nuclear war. Most of southern America, along with the upper northeast, has been ravaged by atomic attacks and turned into an uninhabitable wasteland. Out of the rubble and scars of war has risen a new, powerful, and potentially dangerous form of life: The Mutants, humans with dormant mutated ‘X-Genes’ that, when activated naturally through puberty or by some other means, can grant their possesor uncanny powers. Despite making up less than one third of the American population, some of the mutants posses powers so great that they could wipe out the entire northern hemisphere without breaking a sweat.
Intensified due to the tensions of the war, mutaphobia and human rights groups spread like wildfire throughout the nation, dedicated to putting unpowered humans first and shutting out or destroying mutants before they destroy humanity. Some mutants fight back with thier unstable and uncontroled powers, often fanning the flames whether they mean to or not. Others go into hiding, terrified of a world that hates them for being born. Some use the conflict with humans to profit for thein own gain, to gain power or wealthbehind the scenes and monger fear to both sides. A select group, however, may be able to bring peace to all of this, provided they follow a certain type of leader. And the closest thing mutantkind has to that type of leader is the young, brilliant, and inexpierienced Charles Xavier.
Xavier, with the help of his strong psychic powers and a close friend, is traveling across the country and scouring the globe for the mutants with not just the most power, but the most potential. He is seraching for those who will preserve peace and justice, who will defend themselves without slaughtering their enemies, who will create an example for all of mutantkind- and mankind- to follow. But someone is working behind the scenes to destroy what he is building. Someone is trying to widen the divides between man and mutant and cause a bloody uprising that could destroy both sides forever. Which radical extreme will win? Which will you choose? Whatever you choose, do so wisely. You are a member of the first great team of mutant leaders. You are a member of the X-Men: First Class.
This is the form you will fill out when you are ready to signup. Make sure to reserve first!
Character Form:
Age: (No younger than 16)
Mutant Power: (Try not to make it the same as other characters’ powers, canon or otherwise.)
Allegiance: (You can leave this blank at the start of the rp, but as the story goes on you will either be X-Men, Brotherhood, or Neutral.)
^^(At least 5 for both. I added these to help you flesh out your characters’ personalities, but if you don’t think you need them you don’t have to include them.)
Personality: (At least 5 sentences)
Bio: (At least 6 sentences)
Faceclaim: (Must be a real person, no cartoons or anime, but you can edit the photos to make them look more mutant-y.)
Example Form:
Name : Kôzuke Ui
Age : 19
Gender : Female
Sexuality : Demisexual
Mutant Power :
Atramentokinesis- Can control ink and morph it into various weapons as long as it is close enough to her. She can also lift her tattoos off of her skin to use as weapons and morph their shapes while they aren’t on her body.
Ink Secretion- Can secrete ink from her skin and bleed an ink-like substance.
Allegiance : Undecided
Likes : Kendo, Competition, Tea, Incense, Respect, Giving Advice, Role Playing Board Games
Dislikes : Alchohol, Attention, Showing Skin, Being looked down on by her Elders/Superiors, Smoking, Animals
Personality : Ui carries herself in a certain way, and she’s very particular about her appearance and environment. She may come off as cold and haughty, and many people avoid her, thinking that she’s pretentious, which never bothers her. She’s very much an introvert, and she’ll only be seen around people who she knows she can trust and rely on. She’s a hard person to open up, and she may be agressive and test you to make sure you’re really trustworthy. She hasn’t had many good expieriences with people in the past, so she can never be too careful.
Even though she may come off as mightier-than-thou or paranoid, Ui can be very motherly. She loves to look after people and comfort young mutants in need, emphathising with them and relating with them on a personal level, and she coddles her loyal hairless cat, Ashi, with the same care you’d give to a newborn infant. She’s very sensible and she can come up with a good solution to almost evey problem. She loves giving out advice to people, usually whether they ask for it or not. She’s usually much warmer towards her juniors then her contemporaries, and she’ll often freeze up and go silent in the presence of an elder out of fear.
Despite usually being cold and contemplating, Ui has a thriving inner geek. She’s secretly obsessed with roleplaying board games like Dungeons and Dragons, and playing and planning out characters is her favorite guiulty pleasure to calm her mind before bedtime.
Bio : Ui grew up in the heart of Yokohama, Japan’s second-biggest city, as the sole heir to the ruthless Kôzuke yakuza. Her father, Gin, was a hardened and bitter old man who’d given up on everything but the family business. Nothing mattered to him anymore but the yakuza. He was determined to keep the gang going, and he’d groom his daughter into the perfect boss for the next generation by any means nessacery. Unfortueately for Ui, her father’s forms of dicipline were, more often than not, painful. Every time Ui acted out of line or made a mistake, her actions were immortailized on her skin, as a tattoo. The severity of her grievance would determine the size. A long green serpent snaked along her spine after she broke her father’s prized urn and lied about it, a tiger’s claws ripped across her ribcage when she skipped a kendo lesson to tend to her ailing cousin, and various thorns weaved their way accross her skin, one painful bard for each time she spoke out even slightly against her elders. Over the years, Ui built up a high tolerance for pain, at least physically. But mentally, the childhood she’d never had left a permenant, painful scar.
She had discovered her mutant abilities when she was 16, a rather old age. She had been saving up for plane tickets to America, where she could run away to a small town and finally be out of her father’s grasp. One of her father’s liutenants had discovered her, however, and exposed her. Gin called her to his private parlor, where the needles and ink were waiting as usual. For a moment, Ui stood silently as he berated her, called her a mistake and an ungrateful coward, taking it silently as she’d been tought to. But the anger and pain that had been building up inside of her for sixteen yearss was reaching it’s boiling point, and she couldn’t take it anymore. A boiling and rumbling inside of her, under her skin, at her fingertips, exploded, and she lashed out at her father and called him a monster. As she did, the marks of her mistakes he gave her ripped themselves off of her skin, charcoal-black outlines floating in the air in the shapes they’d had on her skin. The pots of ink waiting for her in the corner exploded and their contents joined the growing smokey cloud as letters lifted off of checks and yen bills and paintings sacrificed their colors. Every drop of ink, dried or liquid, in the room was drawn to her almost magnetically, hovering around her like a black veil. Before she’d knew it, Ui had forced the ink down her father’s throat in anger, into his lungs, suffocating him. Once she snapped out of her rage, she looked in a mirror to see a black-eyed creature with throbbing black veins staring back at her. Terrified both of her newfound powers and of what would happen if she was discovered, Ui grabbed Ashi and ran to the airport, boarding her plane before the yakuza could make her pay for what she’d done.
When she arrived in America, her painted skin made it hard for her to find a job. Eventually she was able to get a gig as a bartender in a shady Route 66 pub and scrounge up just enough to afford to rent a house. Once she’d moved in, she immediately opened her home to other lost mutants, giving those who looked even more outlandish than she did a place to hide. She kept a low profile (as low as she could, at least) and did what it took to survive during the days. She wore expensive contacts to hide her eyes and covered her protruding veins and most of her smaller tattoos with makeup. She allowed her boss, a smalltime Human Rights leader, to flirt shamelesslt with her and attended anti-mutant rallies with him to ward off suspiscions. Using the skills of forgery and evidence planting she’d learned back in Japan, she framed some of the more violent Human Rights members and fooled their fellows into thinking they were mutants while helping real mutants in need back at home. She eventually built up a solid routine, and for a while, everything was fine, almost pleasant. But then Charles Xavier showed up in her life.
Faceclaim :
Canon Character List: (And who will be playing them)
Charles Xaivier- @GlitterFist
Erik Lehnsherr- @GlitterFist
Raven Darkholme- @Owertym
Jean Grey- @ForeverAngel
Tags and Reserves:
@GlitterFist- 2 females
@Littlefeets- 1 male and 1 female
@CerealKiller- 1 female
@unsungcheerio- 1 male and 1 female
@Sophia1233- 1 male and 1 female
@bread- 1 male and 1 female
@Owertym- 1 male and 1 female
@phnx- 1 male and 1 female
@Ouijaloveletters- 1 female
@ForeverAngel- 1 female
@Kbail- 1 male and 1 female
Talk to me with any questions!