Anonymous Confessions 2.0 šŸ¤


I was confused because I didnā€™t send a confession like that, but then it must be Solly and she referred to Courtana but then I realized what a Siri is :cowboy_hat_face:

I talk to Siri on the forums though even when Iā€™m not bored :star_struck:






Ok but same :flushed:
I was literally thinking of doing workout guides at 3 am.


Because they can lmao


Just do you :star_struck:
My family hates 1930,40,50,60,70 clothes but i STILL want it.

ā€œBonnie why tf did you buy this?ā€

ā€œBonnie why canā€™t you dress like girls your age?ā€

ā€œBonnivellā€” wtf are you WEARINGā€

And people think I want to go back to 1930-1970s.:face_vomiting:
Nope I just like the fashion, movies, music, and art.
Oh well Iā€™ll still wear it because I enjoy it.

Wear for yourself not for others :heartpulse:


I never Ignore anyone.
I talk way to fast sometimes but I donā€™t Ignore :crazy_face:
So if you need to talk

Iā€™m here :sunglasses:


:flushed: I get people are mad they arenā€™t picked.
But I hope things donā€™t get to out of handā€”


I just want to let you all know that we are fully prepared to ignore every single on of these


Lol same


More beef, more :hamburger: :hamburger: :hamburger:, right ? :sunglasses:

Sadly, Halloween is over, if not I could actually pm Freya and give her a shock. :smirk_cat:

However, I donĀ“t pm others unless itĀ“s a gc, they started the pm or asked me to pm them, or if there is a really good reason. I donĀ“t want to make anyone feel uncomfortable. But you can always visit my Dark Castle to get in touch or pm me first. :wink:


No thatā€™s not what Iā€™m saying is objective.
Screenshot 2020-11-13 at 10.37.54 AM

This is exactly what I mean. This is the definition for objective and Iā€™m using it right in my statement. I only invest my time in the actual facts and everything that plays into each choice of preference. But when itā€™s something that involves me well-being I choose obvious safe answers. I didnā€™t mean anything like that. Just options like whether I support Trump, my opinions on people. I mainly say I remain objective and opinion-less on those sorts of things because I do not know everything about such. Just like if someone were to tell me someone is a bad person for doing (insert action) I try and see the otherā€™s point of view through their story to make up the actual event and what really occurred, not just what one person claimed happen. I mostly say this because I AM capable of catching toxicity, Iā€™m capable of catching a liar. Iā€™ve had my experience and learning. So after observing everything and anything, itā€™s hard to have a bunch of opinions or really get down to the point unless itā€™s the exact occurrence or summary of an event through every perspective Iā€™ve grasped. Thanks for that input though! Gave me more insight on how people think.

Exactly what Iā€™m saying. But even then I donā€™t refer to pros or cons justā€¦ facts. I donā€™t like to describe anything as bad or good because I personally donā€™t let myself get affected and I like honesty. :slight_smile:

Itā€™s kinda not my thing to do even if I tried lol. Because instead of that, I cannot help but think of even everything that might have affected someone elseā€™s perspective or opinion. Itā€™s never about me and how I feel, itā€™s how everything ties in together that has me floating in neutrality.


My dmā€™s are always open!


I thought I was the only one who thinks like this :joy:


Ok, if you want to try to dictionary definition me, I can break down what youā€™ve said and show the obvious virtue signals and naivetĆ©, as well as a lot of implicit biases that you have.

Now, first of all, there are biases in which facts you choose to consider, why and how. You simply canā€™t, as a human being, process every single fact on every single opinion youā€™re supposed to form. So the places where you choose to get your facts from will contribute to a bias. For example, I mainly read news from the West. If I had the ability to read news from other countries, I would find that Western news, even newspapers with very clear and distinct political leanings, will have similarities. Why? Well, simply because we all have implicit biases based on where we grew up and how.

For example. in the West, the conception is that being wealthy is a good thing. Having loads of money and becoming rich is a good thing. That is an implicit bias. So, when you weigh up the western facts that you are exposed to simply based on the languages you can read and understand, you find, as you said, ā€œsafe answersā€ for how you can become wealthy. You see that as objective. However, the fundamental idea is built on the premise that having lots of money is a good thing. So, it is fundamentally built on a bias that you donā€™t even realise you have. If you read the Bible, youā€™d see that Jesus didnā€™t particularly see having lots of money as a good thing. The same with just after the Russian Revolution when people were getting rid of the Cossaks.

You cannot escape biases. So, wen you say ā€œI am objectiveā€, you are virtue signalling. Youā€™re basically saying that you donā€™t subscribe to opinions that are obvious to you. However, there is simply no way to escape the opinions that you were raised with. Simply no way. You were not raised in a vacuum, so you naturally have opinions based on how you were raised that you present as ā€œfundamental truthsā€ or ā€œcommon senseā€. Thatā€™s just how humans are. And if you say thatā€™s not true, youā€™re simply naive.

An example of when this became super clear to me was when I was talking to a friend of mine about family dynamics. As someone who has both Eastern and Western influences on my upbringing, I could see the merits of both living in a huge family compound and having a small family unit. However, I had to make a decision because I canā€™t live in a huge family compound and have a small family unit. So I chose a small family. Based on my environment and the fact that I was brought up in the western world, where the whole country is aimed more at small family units than large compounds. Try to find the housing or land for a big family. Itā€™s hard!

But when I told my friend about the way my family lives in India, he saw it as fundamentally flawed. He said that with his objectivity, he could see many ways in which it didnā€™t work for him. Yes, his ā€œobjectiveā€ opinion is surrounded by subjectivity that he cannot escape and that affects him without him even knowing it.

Now, your example that you use to show whether youā€™re objective or not is an absolutely terrible one.

This shows me that my warning was completely valid.

Objectively speaking, there is a right answer to whether you should support Trump or not. And Iā€™m not saying this as a socialist or whatever. Whether you are left-wing or right-wing, Trump should not be supported.

If you are a Libertarian, Trump has been extremely authoritarian, particularly regarding the media. Plus, he has done things like secretly trying to turn back freedoms on gay marriage and adoption, plus the freedom of Trans people to serve in the military. So, he is not someone that you should support based on your own political ideology. Objectively speaking.

If you are a Nazi or a white supremacist, Trump has been extremely wishy-washy on whether he supports white supremacy or not. He has done nothing to forward or further white supremacy other than be the president. None of his policies have endorsed a white master race. Sure, they have hurt PoCs more, but they have done little to nothing to improve the lives of white people. He also does occasionally condemn white supremacy, even if it seems reluctant, so he hasnā€™t even helped to normalise it.

If you are someone who thinks that the government should spend as little money as possible, Trump should not be supported by you based on your own fundamental political ideology and the facts. In his presidency, the national debt has grown massively, so he has done the opposite of improve the economy.

If you believe that the country should be run by a good businessman, Trump is objectively, according to the facts, not a man to support. Why? Because he has had multiple bankruptcies. His TV programme where he fires people? Well, itā€™s a fake TV programme. Factually speaking.

If you believe that racism is bad, Trump has enacted policies and made statements on the old renmants of institutional racism. For example, his targeting of places like Detroit with his issues regarding the ā€œillegal votesā€. He is targetting redlined areas. Also, his whole thing about people living the ā€œsuburban lifestyleā€ not being affected by low income housing affects PoCs more than white people.

If you believe that we need to stop global warming (which is also an objective fact. We do need to stop it if we want to continue to live on the planet), Trump should not be supported, as he appointed a climate change deniar to deal with climate issues in the US.

If you are someone who believes we should be reducing abortions, it is factually proven that banning abortions does not lower the rate of abortions. Only sufficient sex education and affordable contraception does that. So the way Trump deals with abortions will not lower the rate, and therefore you should not support him based on your own political views.

If you believe in the importance of Christianity, Trump is a divorcee who canā€™t even name his favourite passage in the Bible. He is no friend to Christianity and Jesus himself said that ā€œit is easier for a camel to pass through the eye of a needle than for a rich man to enter the Kingdom of Godā€.

If you believe in improving life for as many people as possible, then objectively-speaking, you should not support Trump. His handling of COVID has killed more people than it could have with any other president. It is proven that making healthcare and education universal improves the quality of life of a country. Plus, his handling of the Black Lives Matter protests have, factually speaking, increased racial tensions.

If you are the kind of person who wants to see America crash and burn, you should probably choose a better candidate to represent you. While he seems to be doing a lot of that, Trump is increasing the rhetoric about making America ā€œgreat againā€ (whatever that means), so he probably isnā€™t the best bet for spreading your ideology.

It doesnā€™t matter what side of the political isle you are. Trump is either incompetent or evil. There is no objective reason to even consider support for him. The arguments that Trump supporters make are full of inconsistencies and they actually go against what Trump either does or says. So, deciding that you donā€™t want to form an opinion between Trump supporter and non-supporter is not objective.

Also, choosing to remain in the middle of Trump supporter or not Trump supporter is not objective. Itā€™s fence-sitting.


Just a highlight cuz I agree on this part :3


I really donā€™t like when people try to patronise me using the dictionary. I have an MA in History with Politics and Iā€™m currently doing a postgraduate degree in teaching English Language and Literature. Plus, I am fully qualified to teach English as a Foreign Language. I have a diploma in copywriting and proofreading and editing. I am probably one of the most qualified people on this website when it comes to definitions.


Plus, I have diplomas in copyright law, diversity and inclusion and creative writing and I have been teaching English for 5 years.


I speak English, Gujarati and Hindi. I speak French to a conversational level and I have the basics of Japanese and Korean. Mandarin is next.


I might hit you up at some point