Blue Royalty: After Reunion Questions Thread (10-20 years after the end of the RP)

You don’t know that, and I’m not a high school kid with no idea what to do anymore.

Well I would know more about her if she would actually give me the chance to get to know her.

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“Don’t say that. I know Leo, he would have been a good husband and father with or without me.”

laughs you’re adorable. I’m not pregnant.”

“… well, I guess we’ll never know what she’ll want.”

“… is it weird to say she reminds me of me as a kid?”

"I know… I just want her to know all her options before choosing one. If that’s Kai, I’ll respect it. "

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So you’re telling me you don’t have a file sitting at home with the words “Adelaide Parker” that you’ve skimmed?

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Yes, he would have been a good husband. He was closed off, but he always took care of Miranda while she was alive and treated her like a queen.

But I can’t say he would have been a good father without you in his life. He’s far better now than he once was. He was in a lot of ways an absent father to his kids when they were young. He very easily could’ve become very harsh with them. But with you in his life he’s much kinder.

What makes you so sure? Isn’t it possible?

Trust me, even though the two of you weren’t close anymore, she still cared about you.

She’s a lot like you were as a kid.
Just like Kai is a lot like how Leo was when he was younger, and like Miranda too.

What other options are you wanting her to think about?

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"I’m… I’m glad Leo was a good husband to Miranda. She deserved the world and more… and her kids do to. So while I still don’t believe you about Leo with his kids without me, I’m glad he is the man that he is today. "

"No!.. obviously n… well…no it’s not… "
looks down at her hands as she subtly counts something on her fingers and then her face changes to a worrisome expression.

"I’m sorry… is this interview over yet… I… I have other appointments… "

“And I cared about her too… I just… could never be the person I once was with her again. I love her… I loved her… but I could never be her friend…again.”

laughs That… kind of scares me a little.”

“I don’t know… being with Kai without signing a document? Testing the waters without jumping the metaphorical gun?”

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You just realized I’m right, didn’t you Addie?

Miranda understood. She always regretted losing you how she did.

It is crazy how similar you and Leo are to Kai and Jess.

How would you have felt if someone suggested that when you were originally dating Leo?
And why wait when they both already know they only want each other?

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Thoughts about your girl having a brunette era?

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“N…N…No comment.”

"… I know. But it doesn’t change what happened. "

“That’s one word for it”

Sigh I’d want to marry him more.”

“i don’t have an answer for that honestly.”

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Leo in that world

  1. Leo, how are YOU doing?
  2. So Leo, your daughter nearly killed Addie’s daughter because she protected your son, thoughts?
  3. Have you checked in on your kids?
  4. Have you met Jessica or Anna yet?
  5. How would you feel if I told you Jessica was going to propose and marry Kai soon?


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  1. How would you feel if addie started pulling away from you because of all of this?
  2. Have you noticed anything strange about her? How she acts around you? Or anything like that? Eating habits maybe?
  1. Do you regret being with addie so soon after your wife died?
  2. What do you think your kids would think about addie?

Kai in this world but like wayyy before he knew jess

  1. Hey… how much do you know about your dad’s girlfriend?
  2. How long has your dad been dating her?
  3. Aren’t you curious about meeting her?



Hi dori quesitions

  1. Do YOU think you deserve a boy’s night?
  2. You should ask jess for a day off from her and the kids don’t you think? Go out with the guys. Get hit on by HOT girls. You know the drill. Doesn’t have your team cheat on their SOs anyways?
  1. You think that you’ll do that in the future with your kid?
  1. Son vs daughters - which one do you prefer?
  2. Are you done having kids now? You think?
  3. Lmao hate to break this to you, you’re not even halfway. You’re gonna have 4 more kids
  1. Why didn’t you go with?
  1. Tell jess you thought that
  1. Be honest tho - do you charge it for her?

In my opinion, blonde suits her best. But blonde or brunette, she’s just as beautiful either way.

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So, to be clear, if she came to you telling you that she was thinking about dying her hair - you’d vote no?

(I’m thinking the first time she sees him after they’re broken up and he’s married to miranda, etc, she’s a brunette)

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My preference would be no, but I wouldn’t choose to stop her from dying it if she wanted to.

Oooh interesting.

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I wonder if he’d recognize her right away or it would take longer

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I feel like it’d depend on if he got a good look at her. Cause once he saw her up close, he’d realize immediately.

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I kind of want him not to notice at first and her notice and watch him (out of shock almost) and then he finally looks at her after a couple of minutes

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like I can almost see her realizing, trying to “run off”, and then her boss introducing her before she can

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Introducing her as Adelaide Pierce of course

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