“Maxon, MAX stop I"m going to drop my ice cream,”
Laughter met her lips as the man wrapped his arms around her waist, kissing her neck as he pulled her body against his. It was always that way with Amie and her boyfriend… wow… boyfriend. Honestly, Amelia had never been in this position before. Men always seemed to chase after Phoebe and Amelia had always been fine with that. After all, Amie was just… better by herself, her nose in one book or another. Flirting was never her thing, hell, social interaction were just a worrisome endeavor. Well… until Maxon that was. She didn’t know what it was about her that interested him in the first place, but now she couldn’t help but smile when she was around him… even if she had to keep it a secret from her family. After all, If Maxon’s parents found out he was dating during football season… it apparently wouldn’t be pretty.
“It’s fine Ames, If you drop it, I’ll buy you another one,”
Amie let out a soft sigh as he turned her body around only to playfully use the ice cream in his hand and place a spoonful on her nose. “Or, you know, Instead of dropping it I can just use it all to do that,” She smiled as he kissed the ice cream off her nose, before moving his lips down to her own. Wrapping her arms around him, Amelia pulled him closer. She could feel his… well… you know against her leg but said nothing. The two were… taking it slow… something honestly Amie needed, though Maxon was always the one to push things a little further. She found his limps moving to her neck and was about to stop him when she heard the sound of a dog barking. Pulling away, she gave Maxon a look of confusion before hearing it again and realizing it was coming from a little thing whining at their feet. The dog looked like a puppy, and honestly, Amie had no idea how the little thing had ended up on the beach.
“Hey little guy…are you okay?” She found Maxon bending to his knees as he bet the dog which immediately snuggled up in his hand. “Why don’t we get you cleaned up you little Rascal?”
End of Flashback:
Amelia couldn’t stop her heart from dropping into her chest as she saw her dog snuggling up to Maxon - a man who truly broke her heart. Amelia Grace didn’t know it that day, but she meant nothing to the man standing in front of her. Absolutely nothing. Though, alongside a mixture of sadness, there was anger in her voice as she tried to get her dog away from the man. Yes, her dog. They may have found him together, and Maxon may have been the first to pick him up and clean him… and name him, but Rascal was her pet - one that she kept in her home after finding him that day. The anger in her figure grew as the man brought up the ice cream place they used to go to together. How dare he… bring that up. The man truly had no right.
“Just…give me my dog and go the hell away Maxon. I was glad I didn’t have to see you for the past few months and low and behold your finally back. Well, guess what, I don’t want you here. So please, give me my dog, and go the other direction on this beach so we don’t have to have this… pointless conversation,”
Perhaps if she wasn’t so angry, Amelia Grace would be nervous. After all, despite what he did to her, Maxon was still her first boyfriend. The first man she cared about as more than friends… her first… love? Perhaps. Either way, her anger fueled her response and all she wanted now was to go back to her house and be alone, yet again.