Jess let her hands run through her hair in the water, shaking her head ever-so-slightly as he said something about watching first - but she wasn’t listening. Jess was too invested in the way he looked at the moment - the moonlight hitting his body as he watched her. And the way that he watched her - damn… it was making her crave him more than she already did. So as he stripped down, Jess bit her lip - her mind already working on exactly what she wanted to do to him once he was in there with her. And thankfully, he didn’t make her wait. Because in another moment or two, there he was - standing right in front of her. Her eyes trailed across his chest, now wet with the water that surrounded them. Though she allowed her eyes to meet his for a few moments. Moving into his touch when he cupped her cheek and gasping when he moved it down her body.
“Or not” were the last words before she lost herself in the pleasure of being with him - one she never thought would happen. After all - whoever imagines that they’d be sleeping with their former best friend… okay technically she did a few nights ago with her dream but the reality was… without a doubt in her mind… better than the dream.
Time skippity skip
She laid her head against his chest as they were wrapped within each other’s arms on the ground. Neither of them had said anything since they both finished for the third time. But every now and again Jess let her hand run up his body or let her lips kiss his chest – which usually started their next round. Though now as she laid in his arms, watching his features illuminated in the moon-light, something in her heart tugged as she stared at him. She moved her eyes to his wrist, adorned by a Rolex. A memory coming to mind as she looked at it.
“I’m going to absolutely miss you to death Davina,” Jessica smiled, hugging the older woman at the airport. The woman had visited the girl for a few days after an invite from Jess – which she did often. In retrospect, Davina DeLoughry was a second mother to Jess and she could never cut the woman out of her life. She tried when she left the rest of her friends, but the woman simply flew to London and showed up at her door years ago and since then, their relationship only grew.
“I actually was hoping you could do me one favor,” Jess mumbled – taking a small gift box out of her bag. “Do you mind sneaking this in with the rest of Dorian’s gifts for his birthday?” Jess asked and she found the woman nodding.
Within the box, Jessica had bought her old friend a Rolex engraved with the words ” To one day seeing you in the hall of fame…” Though what no one else knew was there was a second engraving on the inside of the watch that no one would most likely ever see – words which said ” With Love, Jess”
End of Flashback:
She never knew if he got it. She never really asked questions when she saw Davina again – but now, seeing it, Jessica allowed her fingers to brush over his wrist ever-so-gently – taking his hand in her own and bringing it up to her lips, kissing it without saying anything. She didn’t know how long they had been there – been out, but she knew it had been a while. In retrospect, the two had lost track of time… more than once.
“Did you ever read your letter?” Jess whispered for the first time in hours making coherent sense besides the “Dori” and other profanities that she had been moaning on repeat earlier.
@astxrism - And my last pre-written response