Blue Royalty | Official Thread

Jess let her hands run through her hair in the water, shaking her head ever-so-slightly as he said something about watching first - but she wasn’t listening. Jess was too invested in the way he looked at the moment - the moonlight hitting his body as he watched her. And the way that he watched her - damn… it was making her crave him more than she already did. So as he stripped down, Jess bit her lip - her mind already working on exactly what she wanted to do to him once he was in there with her. And thankfully, he didn’t make her wait. Because in another moment or two, there he was - standing right in front of her. Her eyes trailed across his chest, now wet with the water that surrounded them. Though she allowed her eyes to meet his for a few moments. Moving into his touch when he cupped her cheek and gasping when he moved it down her body.

“Or not” were the last words before she lost herself in the pleasure of being with him - one she never thought would happen. After all - whoever imagines that they’d be sleeping with their former best friend… okay technically she did a few nights ago with her dream but the reality was… without a doubt in her mind… better than the dream.

Time skippity skip

She laid her head against his chest as they were wrapped within each other’s arms on the ground. Neither of them had said anything since they both finished for the third time. But every now and again Jess let her hand run up his body or let her lips kiss his chest – which usually started their next round. Though now as she laid in his arms, watching his features illuminated in the moon-light, something in her heart tugged as she stared at him. She moved her eyes to his wrist, adorned by a Rolex. A memory coming to mind as she looked at it.


“I’m going to absolutely miss you to death Davina,” Jessica smiled, hugging the older woman at the airport. The woman had visited the girl for a few days after an invite from Jess – which she did often. In retrospect, Davina DeLoughry was a second mother to Jess and she could never cut the woman out of her life. She tried when she left the rest of her friends, but the woman simply flew to London and showed up at her door years ago and since then, their relationship only grew.

“I actually was hoping you could do me one favor,” Jess mumbled – taking a small gift box out of her bag. “Do you mind sneaking this in with the rest of Dorian’s gifts for his birthday?” Jess asked and she found the woman nodding.

Within the box, Jessica had bought her old friend a Rolex engraved with the words ” To one day seeing you in the hall of fame…” Though what no one else knew was there was a second engraving on the inside of the watch that no one would most likely ever see – words which said ” With Love, Jess”

End of Flashback:

She never knew if he got it. She never really asked questions when she saw Davina again – but now, seeing it, Jessica allowed her fingers to brush over his wrist ever-so-gently – taking his hand in her own and bringing it up to her lips, kissing it without saying anything. She didn’t know how long they had been there – been out, but she knew it had been a while. In retrospect, the two had lost track of time… more than once.

“Did you ever read your letter?” Jess whispered for the first time in hours making coherent sense besides the “Dori” and other profanities that she had been moaning on repeat earlier.

@astxrism - And my last pre-written response


The game continued as Marie tried to wrap her head around the fact that Zion had kissed her. She knew that Zion was queer, but the dare was to kiss the person you were attracted to. Zion liked Marie? She had to talk to them when she got the chance. She was suddenly snapped out of her thoughts by Yara daring her to do a Tequila shot and lick the salt off someone near her. She blushed, looking around the circle, her eyes landing on Valerie Wood. She moved over so she was sitting next to her, asking first if it was ok, and getting the affirmation, sprinkling some salt on Valerie’s bare arm. She licked it off, taking the shot. After that, she moved back to her seat, daring Zion to use a pickup line on someone.
@CerealKiller - Valerie and Yara(sorry if Valerie is already doing something, I couldn’t think of who to do the dare on)
@Caticorn - Zion


Ketziah Drake

Ketziah’s smile grew wider as he said that being stuck with her was all he needed. Everything was just right at that moment, being there felt right. However, her smile soon turned to a look of confusion when he said thank you. She looked at him and paused for just a moment to see if he was going to follow up with what the thank you was for, but he didn’t. “Thank you? For what?” She couldn’t think of any reason for him to be thanking her, so she was curious why.



“Thank you? For what?”

Andy let out a small huff of air from his nose and turned his head looking up at the night sky ”For what not? For coming here after me, for staying, for being such a significant thing in my life for years now, generally for being one of the best people I know.” he said softly and turned to look at her with a soft light smirk along with his last sentence ”Just… for being this amazing thing that is you. He added.



Dorian DeLoughrey

Dorian let his fingers gently slide up and down Jessica’s back, trying to steady his breathing as she laid her head against his chest. For the third time. For the third time tightly holding her without saying anything. But this time his mind was somewhere far away - back to some better times when they were still friends, when he could talk to her everyday without worrying about losing her. Without a fear of having a temporary happiness that someone would ruin soon and make things go back to normal, new normal. And maybe it was better to say something, stop them from doing this again and just go back to the camp, not letting it hurt all over again… but he didn’t want to do that.

Feeling her lips against his hand brought him back to reality and he looked at her with a slightly confused expression but he quickly smiled softly at her, not wanting to overthink or question her actions. Instead he brought her hand up to his lips and did the same thing, after a long time paying a close attention to her features. How she grew up but didn’t really change. “No. I never opened the box,” he whispered, now playing with her hair. Opening that box and reading the letter was something he wanted to avoid until he was ready for it, felt it was right to do. And maybe now it was. “Do you want to do it with me? We should also head back… I don’t even want to know what time to is,” he quietly continued, laughing lightly as he lifted himself up on his elbows, for a second looking around, savoring the moment.



Sadie could almost hear the judgement from Jordan after the accidental suggestive answer - but then instead of what she thought she could hear, she heard a laugh. And maybe not… a necessarily mocking one, too. An exhale came in the form of a laugh along with him. “Yeah, sorry… no- I mean, you’re right. Yeah,” She said, quickly, shaking her head along with the follow up of the unnecessary apology. No, she didn’t feel ashamed for what they did, though Sadie didn’t completely love the idea of her becoming one of many. In one night. However, for some reason, part of her didn’t want Jordan to know about it. Even after he said there would be no judgement, and she believed him. “Thank you,” She added, but also not continuing with the answer to the original Dorian question.

After seeing his reaction to her question, Sadie quickly realised she should never ask questions, as they- or she- continuously seem to unintentionally put a downer on conversations. “I’m sorry… to hear that,” She replied, though more sorry about the fact that she asked. “Yeah, some of those dares have been…” Sadie looked down, not being able to find the correct word that would cover the entirety of Dare or Drink, that went from prompted makeout sessions to distressing secrets being exposed. “Well, you know,” She said, her words drifting off as they stopped at a space away from everyone.

She stopped talking the second a pair of steady hands were placed on her shoulders. Sadie’s eyes met his as she slowly mirrored the smile he had. Then after a moment, they broke away, standing at a distance to start completing the dare. Jordan started a… seemingly easy move, though, after looking around to make sure absolutely no one else was around to see, her attempting to copy was not entirely simple. Though Sadie thought she was doing something different after each critique, Jordan stepping in front of her subtly told her that she had been doing it wrong. She hastily nodded her head before his hands were on her waist, and she was quick to continue the movement to break the tension, that was probably just felt on her side. This time, Sadie put more thought into the action, trying to make it two sharp movements with the assistance of his hands.

When Sadie finally reached an acceptable replication, Jordan started talking. “Yeah, I think that was good. I hope,” She replied through a sigh of relief. Then she nodded, in response to him having an idea. “Okay…” She started, a little unsure about going into a dance from only just being able to do a single move. But, he told her to trust him. “Yeah. Yeah, okay,” Sadie finally replied with a lot more certainty.

@benitz786 — Jordan Williams
@astxrism — Dorian DeLoughrey


Ketziah Drake

Ketziah smiled as Andy began to explain why he had thanked her, and quickly her cheeks were red from blushing at the sound of his words. For every reason he had to thank her, she could thank him just the same after knowing each other for so many years. “How could I not come here after you. You’ve been a big part of my life too, and you’re one of the most amazing people in my life. So, thank you Andy, for everything.” She smiled then kissed him again.



“How could I not come here after you.”
technically you could, like nobody else came, but I’m glad you did” he said genuinely. When he left the cano he wasn’t expecting anyone to follow him, on the contrary, he left to get away from people and have a quiet time alone to breath. But the plan was changed as Ketziah followed him, and honestly? It was the best thing that happened to him in quite a long time.
”…So, thank you Andy, for everything.”
She said and kissed him again, which you’d never ever find him complain about. There was something about her kisses, they were special, the kind that get you addicted like you can never have enough. ”Anytime” he responded to her thank with a smirk. Anytime.



A soft sigh escaped Jess’ lips as she felt his lips on her hand. For the first time in a long time, Jess felt free. As if nothing was holding her back. For such a long time, that thing was always her guilt for leaving her friends - especially Dorian. But now as she laid within his arms, she felt happy. Maybe Jessica was fooling herself - getting lost in a delusion of momentary bliss. But all she knew was she didn’t want to leave it. Leave a bubble where they were, for once, okay again. The warmth she felt in his arms only strengthened that ideal in her mind. Dorian DeLoughrey felt like… home. One that she missed like crazy when she had left.

When she asked him the question about his letter - her own letter still sitting in the pocket of her jeans settled on the floor a little away from the two of them - she smiled as he told her that he didn’t open the box. For some reason, that idea made her happy - and moreover - the possibility of opening it together. As they were supposed to do the first time and as was hoped by the 14-year-old Dorian DeLoughrey and Jessica Pierce who had naively made the promise in the first place. So as he asked the question of if she’d read it with him, along with the fact that they should probably head back she nodded, though after a second, allowed her hands to cup his face. “But I can’t promise…” she started - scooting closer to him, “… I won’t make fun of what a 14-year-old DeLoughrey wrote. That’s a right of passage,” she joked. Though with space now closed between them, Jessica brought her lips to his once again, savoring the feeling before pulling away and smiling at him. It was harder, however, to get herself to stand up leaving the warmth of his body so she could put her clothes on. Part of her just wanted to stay there forever but they both knew that wasn’t possible. As she reached her discarded Items, Jess put her pants back on and her shirt, watching as Dorian had begun to do the same. “I missed you,” she whispered - after getting the last of her clothes on.

She waited until he finished getting dressed before walking over to him and wrapping her hands around his neck once again. “Dori…” she mumbled, closing her eyes momentarily before opening them up once again to meet his own. “I’m sorry I left like… I did. You deserved so much more than that I just… I didn’t know what to do but that’s not an excuse.” she whispered before pulling him into a tight hug. It wasn’t the whole story - but maybe a fraction of the bigger reason she had left. One… one that she now intended to tell him about. “I…” she started… “Why don’t we head back,” she whispered, pulling him in for another kiss before making him turn around so she could jump on his back and the could walk them both back. After all - he always boasted about that soccer stamina - he may as well use it.

As Dori walked, Jessica had her arms and legs wrapped around his back as her head leaned against his shoulder - her eyes almost begging to close. It wasn’t a first for Jessica to be staying up late - honestly, she didn’t know how late it was but it likely didn’t beat her record of staying up for 72 hours a few months ago simply because she couldn’t physically sleep. But now - now Jess could feel her body comforted by the man holding her and falling into exhaustion. Though she kept herself up for a few moments, placing small kisses on Dorian’s neck as he walked every now and again - leaving marks that would likely bruise in the morning - though he had enough of those from the fun they had hours earlier. After a few moments, however, she may have fallen into a light, blissful sleep because the next thing she knew was her name being called softly because they had arrived at his tent. Groggily opening her eyes, Jess returned on her own two feet and turned him around to face her one last time. “Dorian,” she whispered - her exhaustion clear in her voice. “I want to…” she started taking a deep breath, “tell you what really happened that night… why I left,” Jess uttered. She knew he deserved that much from her and she wanted to tell him. So, with that, she took his hand within her own, leading the man to his tent to be alone once again but as Jessica opened the flap - what she saw inside woke her up immediately. Within Dorian’s tent, electric candles adorned the interior as the tent was filled with the polaroids that originally sat in the box. So much for not opening the box… Though the most surprising aspect was a girl asleep in the middle of the tent, lingerie on her figure as she slept in Dorian’s bed. Emily Dalton, if Jess recalled correctly, seemed as she had fallen asleep waiting for Dorian - an open letter in her hands which Jess recalled as the letter to his future self.

Jessica stood frozen for a moment, looking at the scene as the previous bliss she felt with Dorian crashed down and reality set in. , Of course, was all she could think as she straightened up and turned towards Dorian who had clearly been waiting for her to enter. “This…” she started, pointing at the two of them. “Was clearly a f*cking mistake” Jess muttered - letting go of his hand harshly before walking away from the man - something she clearly should have done when he told her he lied about Anna to hurt her.

@astxrism - :frowning:


“I do pride myself on being hard to get.” His eyes were staring off into the distance, he was caught off guard by her speaking again. “Okay, I usually play it corny though I must warn you.” He was smirking now, moving his arm to the back of his neck he sighed. “You know how you can’t see stars in the city because the lights are too bright? Well, I can’t see them standing next to you either.” He had finished and before he knew it they were back to the conversation or lack there of about why he flinched. He nodded along to her remark about the baggy jeans.

He almost couldn’t help it when his fist curled at the name. A voice similar to his dad’s reminded him of all the times his dad was teaching him how to fight. ‘Don’t be a wuss! You’re representing the Stanford name!’ “Don’t call me that.” He muttered, he thought if he lowered his tone he could keep the emotion out of it. He took a deep breath and just like that his previously darkened eyes lit up and he chuckled nervously. “Yeah, I guess so.” A jerk to everyone? He held his hand up. “I wasn’t a jerk to everyone, you don’t know the full story.” He rolled his eyes and crossed his arms, a visible way to tell he was shutting down there. He wasn’t about to tell some girl the full story of his past. “I’ve changed alright, I’m just not sure it’s for the better.” He looked up at the darkened sky.

@Megan - Maddy



She laughed a little. It was corny, but it was cute. She would at least give him that. “Okay not too bad. Definitely think you could do better.” She joked. “No okay it was good, you just need a little follow up. Probably a kiss or something. You know, if you really like the girl.” Flirty remarks were always interesting to hear. The french boys had some of the worst pickup lines, as did most boys but it was fun to see the attempts.

Her bottom lip curled in as she bit down on it. Defensive. Closed off. He was really closed off. “Alright then” she continued on, not wanting to question him or push him about it more. “Ah right. Not knowing the whole story, well as I don’t expect you to tell me I think the lockers would like an explanation” She hoped he knew she was joking. That was Maddy’s way of dealing with things or avoiding the subject, she joked about it until the topic blew over. “Hm.” She started, “Well I guess I’ll have to see for myself in the next couple weeks. Prove me wrong.” Her eyes kept going back to him, watching him stare up at the dark night sky.

@Dying_Dragon - Hayden


“Would you have let me kiss you, though?” He knew the answer was going to be no, and honestly he wasn’t hopeful. They had just met, well, re-met and although they had shared a flirty conversation he didn’t think it would lead anywhere further. “You are the expert here, being a girl and all.” He’d be lying if he said he didn’t want to see the ‘expert’ at work. “So what about you? How do you usually get guys, or gals, or non-binary pals.”

“I apologized to the lockers right before I got dragged away from the fight.” The corner of his mouth curled into a small smile. “They understood. Thought he deserved it too.” He’d go along with her avoidance, after all the topic was about him. It was the least he could do. If he didn’t show it enough, he hated talking about himself or his past, especially with people who had already formed an opinion about him. He tore his eyes awake from the sky to glance over at her. “You already plan on spending the next couple weeks with me?” He joked. “I will.”

@Megan - Maddy



“Would I have?” She shrugged. A kiss was barely anything compared to the ‘lap dance’ she gave Jessica earlier in the night, and honestly she did find him attractive. She’d be lying if she said she didn’t want to kiss him. “Oh the expert huh? I don’t usually make the first move” Though that wasn’t one hundred percent true, she didn’t just sit back and do nothing. “Well I just sit there and look pretty.” She snorted, covering her mouth as she let out of a laugh. “Okay no seriously. The accent usually catches people off guard at first. The terrible pick up line followed by a joke and some weird flirting is usually enough to do it.”

“Ah did you? Are you sure they were oh so forgiving, or maybe… scared they would get hurt again” She made puppy dog eyes. “The poor lockers” She shook her head. He deserved it. Wonder what he did to deserve it. That really was none of her business though. “Oh yeah. I mean someone has to make sure these lockers don’t get hurt.” She teased, “Okay no seriously. You seem okayyy to be around” She said as a smile was plastered across her face. “I’ll be here when you do” They interlocked eyes for a second before she tore her gaze away and focused on the sounds around them. The sound of chatter in the background, and the occasional snapping of the burning wood. She could barely see anything but she truly was enjoying herself.

@Dying_Dragon - Hayden


Ketziah Drake

“Well I’m not like everyone else, am I?” Ketziah said with a smirk. There were probably a couple of others who might have thought to follow Andy and chose to let him have space like he had intended instead, but for Ketziah it hadn’t been a question at all, and going after him was a choice she was certainly glad she made. “I’m glad I did too.” She smiled at him. She knew how she felt being there with him, but there was one thing that she really wasn’t sure of at that point though. They were no longer just friends, but what were they now? “So, anytime, what does that include? Just being able to thank you for being an amazing person in my life, or…” she paused with her face close to his. “more?”



Jezebel Mallory Sloane

“I… I know. I didn’t meant to hurt you. I wish I hadn’t hurt you how I did. I just want you to know the truth now.” As Jezebel spoke, she was nearing the point that she would start crying, already tears were beginning to build in her eyes. Everything in her head was a complete mess. Just as soon as her mind had started to clear up, things changed in such a way that everything was worse than it had been before, soon to continue into a worse state, and she didn’t even know how to tell anyone. However, trying to explain herself honestly, Mikel stepped over and kissed her. For the first time since prom, they kissed, and it just brought to mind how the couple months before prom had been. Spending time together since January after her Paris trip and his trip with Daniel, to their first official date on Valentine’s Day, and how she had originally looked forward to prom. Though the kiss had caught her off guard, she deepened the kiss and pulled herself slightly closer to Mikel.



Jordan and Sadie hadn’t had many conversations - but for some reason, the one commonality between all of them was the excessive amounts of " I’m sorry" she portrayed. It was as if she was afraid of offending him… or being herself… maybe even both. Either way, it was this exact ideal that was peeking through into her dance moves which were rigid. Though this wasn’t a hard fix - not at all. Jordan just needed to make it so she was being more herself - and naturally, her body would relax alongside that. It was something many people he worked with struggled through - though there was always a way to break through to the real them and ease them up, even if only slightly.

“Yeah, I think that was good. I hope,”

Jordan smiled softly at the statement. “See that…” he started, “…Is the problem” he whispered, bringing his hand up to his chin as he watched her. “Sadie you’re thinking too much, dancing is all about feeling and you can’t do that when your mind is concentrating on what everyone else is thinking. That just gets in the way… trust me, I learned the hard way at my 5th-grade recital,” he joked. “You can’t think your way through this you have to…” he started trying to find the right words to say this, “… let your body drive you.” Despite saying it with words - Jordan knew the only way to fully understand was to do it. So with that, and the confirmation from Sadie that she trusted him - he nodded and put a song on his phone. “I want to see if you can just react to what I do okay?” Jordan asked as the music started playing - him allowing his body to move with the beat for a few seconds as she watched. Trying to get her comfortable with the idea of what he was going for. That was, at least, before he moved towards her. As he reached her, Jordan pulled her body against his with the music, gently touching her chin, arms, and hips - getting her used to the concept of simply reacting to what he did. Spinning the girl, Jordan moved with Sadie along to the music - the girl clearly getting more comfortable as the song went along as he dipped her body spun her around for the second time. A soft smile reached his lips as she started getting into the song, doing her own dance alongside his - allowing him to react to her as she was doing to him in the beginning.

Though, as he held her body up, bringing it down slowly to the ground - his smile dissipated as he realized how close they were - something that usually didn’t bother him. Looking at the girl, he fixated on her eyes for a second, moving a stray strand of hair behind her ears before realizing what he was doing and clearing his throat and moving away. “That was…” Jordan started, a slight cough escaping his lips, “That was really good Sadie - now why don’t we do that for the group?” he smiled after a few seconds - catching his bearings as he grabbed his phone off the ground.

@novella - ohmygawd im sorry it’s bad i’m so tired :frowning:


“Well I’m not like everyone else, am I?”
”You’re way better” he said in response to her statement
“So, anytime, what does that include? Just being able to thank you for being an amazing person in my life, or… more?”
Andy raised his brow lightly a her question ”It depends,” he started ”If you want it to be more or not” he said, turning the question back to her ”I know what I want,” he gently moved a loose hair behind her ear, before putting his hand on the top of her neck, stroking her cheek with his thumb ”I want you, with everything that comes with you. the whole package, ups and down and everything.” he added. Genuinely meaning every word ”But that… depends if you want that too” he finished quietly, looking at her with a glimmer of hope in his eyes. She was special, she really was, Andy could barely picture a world where he was lucky enough to have her as anything more than a friend. But who knows…



Zion Pestana

Second round of Dare or Drink
Zion sat, waiting for their next dare. Their next dare came from Ketziah, who asked them who they would have a threesome with out of the people in the room. Once again, they looked around the circle, thinking about what they would say. "I would say Ruby and Marie because I have a thing for blondes.” They told everyone, biting the inside of their cheek to stop themself from blushing.

@Ouijaloveletters - Marie and Ruby mentioned
@Littlefeets - Ketziah mentioned

Dominic Lucier

Second round of Dare or Drink
Dominic got himself ready for the next round of Dare or Drink. This time, his dare was coming from Sadie. She dared him to kiss the person he’s most attracted to. Technically, the person I’m most attracted to isn’t here. He thought to himself, looking around the group of his classmates. Eventually, he made his way over to where Andy was sitting and knelt down in front of him, leaning in and kissing him to complete the dare. He pulled away and walked back to where he was sitting, then dared Marie to kiss the least attractive person in the group.

@novella - Sadie mentioned
@Ouijaloveletters - Marie mentioned


Aline Ribeiro

Some of these dares were really amusing to watch. For example, Dorian was dared to go around the circle and kiss all of the guys. He’d been getting a lot of dares to kiss people, but even she wasn’t expecting for him to be dared to do that. It was entertaining though, watching him go around kissing all of the guys. His remarks and the guys’ reactions to the kisses definitely made it all the more fun to watch. She didn’t expect his gaze to land on her, and then for him to saunter over towards her. He murmured in her ear that what he was going to was in place of her brother not being there… which was bull, but hey, she wasn’t going to protest. Aline matched his playful smirk with one of her own, inhaling sharply as he mimicked the trail of kisses she had left alongside his neck earlier, but in reverse. He cupped her cheek as he moved up her neck, stopping to hover just inches away from her lips. Dorian met her lips in a soft kiss, one that contrasted the deeper one she was expecting. It was nice though, but then again, kissing Dorian was always a fun thing to do.

Dorian parted from her and then returned to his seat, turning to dare Andy the question they had all been wondering; why had Jessica left four years ago? But Andy, to say the least, did not take that well in the slightest and after going off on Dorian, Dorian punched him and then Andy punched him back. A fight would’ve broken off if Andy wasn’t held back, but he was and so he stalked away and Dorian was quick to leave after that too. She would’ve gone after him to see if he was alright, but for one, she had a dare left to go and he looked to her like he was going somewhere with purpose. Perhaps to meet someone who’d walked off earlier or something. She didn’t mind either way—if he wanted to see her, he knew where to find her.

After refusing to yell out the lyrics to the WAP song (which, frankly, wasn’t even that hard of a dare, but you do you girlie), Reina dared her to tell everyone what happened to her ex the night he died. She only had one ex who died… and that was Evan. And… was that really something she wanted to get into? She sighed, tucking a stray of hair behind her ear. “Well. He was drunk, came to that cliff spot back in Beryl where I was and just… was running his mouth. Anyway, we were both just… yelling at each other and he came at me and I pushed him and then he tripped and fell off. The cliff. Yeah.” She was being very vague but it was enough in her mind. “And then I called the ambulance and everything but he still died so…”

Clapping her hands together, she turned to Brandon, a bright smile on her face. “Yes, Brandon, I dare you to riiide Jessica like a cowboy,” she said with a playful smirk.

@people yes bye


Elias Stokes

Elias rose his brows,”Ouch, I don’t know how hurt I should be from that.” He hid a smile before letting it slowly creep back onto his face. He shrugged and faced her,”I don’t think I could say the same about you.” That was meant to be a good thing, but soon after he said it he realized it was a tricky statement. Eh nothing he could do about now besides see her response to it and laugh.

They continued talking to each other before Elias’s name popped up once again. Seemed awfully quick, but whatever. Ah… this one was gonna be a funny one. “What’s the most embarrassing time you have gotten turned on?” Zion had asked him this. He didn’t know them a whole lot, but still a good dare nonetheless. He had to think hard for this one. Ha, now he had one. They would hard core bully him for this. “Okay, well you asked and now you shall receive. Probably would be when a certain someone was driving. It makes no sense… and they had also caught me.” He shook his head.

Letting out a small laugh, he returned back to Delilah. It seemed as if they hadn’t even talked much between the two dares. “It wasn’t as embarrassing as I bet everyone had hoped for, but in the moment it was. I can tell you that.” Eli then continued on," So this wasn’t such a bad game of dare or drink?" He shrugged.

@novella ~ Delilah
@Caticorn ~ Zion Mentioned