Blue Royalty | Official Thread

Celine chuckled at the girl’s comment and a smile came to her face. She never really understood what her brother found in the girl at the time, but now she may have understood that a lot better, there was something about that girl that intrigued her. ”I think you might want to keep your life and limbs for now” she said ”A shame to waste such top quality limbs” she added with a smirk as the two went and drove away

“Okay… now don’t kill me. But what in the bloody hell is an ‘Oreo,’”
Celine shook her head with a light sigh ”You have a lot to learn hun. Oreos are a brand of sandwich cookies, very good” she explained to her and laughed a bit at the mention of a McAndy ”I’m pretty sure it’s the same Andy so let’s skip that part” she told her. Celine didn’t really know Andy that well nor Anna so she didn’t know what was wrong between them, but it doesn’t matter does it?

“My lord, it speaks, Hello my good sir… can we have two cheeseburgers, a large McNuggets, Lots of fries… yes I like those… um and a Mcflurry with… oreos?”
Have you ever seen one of these movies where a classic british character from old times time travels to the future and ends up in the middle of 21st century America with no idea what’s going on? Well what was happening right now was pretty much that, and it was iconic. Let me tell you that, the last time someone called the drive thru person my good sir probably wasn’t last week.

“Fries are good right? I will say I liked it with cheese more, but this is still pretty damn good. McNuggets then? I mean there has to be something about them if Jessica keeps eating them like it gives her life,”
”Everything is better with cheese on it, it’s the golden rule of 21st century America” she told her as eating some fries herself, gotta love those ”Mcnuggets are good, try them with this” she said and pulled out one of the dip sauces from the bag ”Makes it even better”


*“Sure but ex-wife bragging rights just doesn’t have the same pull as wife bragging rights. All your fans are just gonna be like ‘if I had him, I wouldn’t let him go,’ and sh!t like that, and of course I’ll argue that I’ve seen you naked, but it just doesn’t hit the same you know,”
”Hmmmm okay good point you got there, but it’s still better than nothing” he told her at the very philosophical conversation on ex wife/wife bragging rights (very philosophical)

“With all the boobs you signed that day, what was it about mine that made you almost throw me out?”
”The absence” he said ”The absence of what is an open question, is it you? Is it your boobs? Guess you’ll never know” he said with a raised brow at her question. It wasn’t about the boobs, but making fun of those was always fun. Especially when thinking of times she hurt him and trying not to think of that so he could stay as light weighted and in a good mood as he could, even though he knew it wasn’t her fault, at the time it hurt like a b!tch.

”Hey being a popular McDonald’s meal is my thing go get your own.” he said briefly turning his head in her direction as he spoke, protecting his legacy like a boss ”Also true, I am the vampire but if I bite you, you turn into a vampire too, so as a snack I’m pretty sure that’s part of the job description you know”

”You can have all the visitation right you want, no custody though, he’s still mine” he said ”Boy loves you more than he loves Nora I think you’re good on the visitation part” he laughed
“B!tch there are two tattoos on your body just for me. I think that counts for VIP. I don’t need to sneak in. I am the list,”
”Okay okay you get the coconut bra, don’t stab me I’m not immortal like you” he joked, shaking his head

”Yeah maybe sticking to Drake would be better in this part” he laughed ”No McSperm tho, it’s too good to be out there as an official. Humanity isn’t ready” he added, somewhat dramatically joking at the last part
“We’ve had a lot of crazy nights huh?”
”Don’t talk like this is goodbye, I already told you you’re not getting rid of me” he said with a sigh at the first part. ”We sure did tho”

As they got to the McDonald’s the two got off the bike, and Andy couldn’t help but keep worrying about his injured friend ”Whatever you say helpless kitten” he responded to her rolling his eyes.
Going to a McDonald’s was always funny because what else could Jess do if not brag about the man behind the meal to the poor overwhelmed cashier, let me tell you that, it was always entertaining.
”Hey” he said as she sort of introduced him. Photos with the boss, handshakes, but hey they get free food for that so no complaints here

”Does not sound fun I’ll avoid that sh!t while I can “ he said about the diet, though it wasn’t really a choice ”Hey watch your language missy, my d!ck is not little” he stated pointing his finger out ”No lying in McDonald’s it’s a holy ground” he shook his head ”Andy McBobble is a good one tho”


“Appreciate it. I do enjoy my life and limbs… most of the time that is,” Anna added with a smile. It was strange; ironically there was no part of Anna that was screaming ‘this was wrong’. I mean… hell, she was flirting with her ex’s sister. Usually, that was something she did to get back at an ex when she was still… following her old ways of thinking. But now… well… she had been trying to be better. So this… technically wasn’t on the allowed list of things to do. But honestly, Anna Pierce was having more fun than she had in a long time.

This seemed to be a day of firsts because hearing ‘you have a lot to learn’ was not something Anna got often… hell, it was not something she ever got. She usually excelled at anything she did so hearing that over learning what an ‘oreo’ was; was an odd experience. Though she wasn’t necessarily upset by it. Honestly, it was in an odd way… refreshing?

As the girl mentioned that everything was better with cheese, a soft laugh left her lips. “Really everything? Even squid pizza?” Anna teased as she picked the box with these “McNuggets” which just looked like tiny chicken pouches. Though hesitant; Anna followed through, dipping the item in an unidentifiable sauce before biting it. A soft moan left her lips at the taste as her eyes widened. “Damn this is… fvck wow,” Anna muttered; stuffing the rest of the item in her mouth before grabbing another one. “I really spent 10 years not eating the best food on the planet. What the hell is wrong with me?”



“HOW DARE YOU MCALLISTER,” Jess stated, laugher leaving her mouth as he mentioned the absence of her boobs. Though he tried to make it better with his ‘open question,’ they both knew where that was going. “you really woke up today and chose violence huh?” Jess questioned, kicking him at those words. “I’ll tell you that no man has ever complained of my boobs when I was fcking him, or woman for that matter,” Jess continued with a cheeky smile. “Though they’re also a little too busy doing something else to think about that but that’s not the issue at hand. You really are going to go after your poor, injured friend with such a big burn? The audacity. You’re my ex husband; you can’t talk about my boobs anymore,” Jess finished with a huff.

“Also; I don’t need to get my own. I have La Hamburguesa in Mexico unless you forgot about those 20 fans that just ignored you and went straight to me to take photos and get autographs,” Jess questioned. “You have to admit though love, I’d be one sexy vampire.”

Despite the lightness in their previous conversation, nothing could dim the pain she felt when the man said she didn’t get custody of her second favorite dog. “No fair,” Jess sighed. “I think after being married to you for two long years, I deserve something - I’m getting the short stick in this bargain,” she finished. Though that wasn’t the last of it as he told her to stop talking like it was goodbye… but could he blame her? Sometimes it felt like it. “I love you, Nug,” Jess sighed; though made no mention to say anything else on that topic.

“Hey… at least call me a lion or something,” Jess sighed as he used the same moniker she had told him she wasn’t moments earlier. It wasn’t long until the two were sitting in a spot that had become like home. It didn’t matter what Mcdonald’s they were at, but the red seats and greasy air was like home to the two of them. “Oh shut up. For a man who called my boobs nonexistent; you’re really picky about me talking about little McAndy, isn’t that right McBobble?” Jess asked, flicking the head so it bounced up and down. “See, Andy McBobble agrees with me,”



You learn something new every day is what Brandon thought to himself after listening to Zion explain themself on why they wanted to pursue their career. “That’s cool, at least you had someone to look up to you that could help you reach your dreams, and help you now” He didn’t know if their mom was still around to help them, and if she wasn’t then it would be awkward. “When you open up your bakery, I’m definitely visiting. Just make sure to make peanut butter cookies.”

@Caticorn - Zion

Mareena Stokes

Mare hasn’t even told her parents yet. She wasn’t sure if she even wanted them in her child’s life.They will eventually gonna find out, but they didn’t even attend their graduation. Which is a big deal to some since your either leaving your wretched place called home or leading onto exciting adventures. Exciting adventures seemed to be why Mare was happy about graduation. She’ll keep her friends from here close, well mostly her close friends. She looked towards Dan and shrugged,”Darn, at least in a few months it’ll work.” She spoke as she glanced down at her stomach. “Or maybe you could grow a little quicker?” She suggested as she talked to it. Honestly it surprises her that it is that quick. She is really only excited for the cute maternity shoots she will do and that’s pretty much it. Pregnancy is something she really doesn’t want to go through, but she already is in love with the little one growing inside her. She gasped dramatically,”How dare you accuse me of such thing?” She continued right after in a whisper,”Even if you are correct.” She teased him. Calling her child N is something he suggested. How creative of him. “Now that’s a great nickname,” Mare remarked jokingly. She was so thankful for Dan. For everything has done for her and everyone even if he doesn’t really understand it. He may seem selfish, but he would do anything for the people he cares about. “Thank you.” She spoke softly with a smile. Mareena wasn’t even sure because so many things could happen and through something in her plans now. Besides the kid. She nodded slowly,”I have… multiple and multiple times. I just- there is too many options, but i’m slowly figuring it out. Slowly, but surely.” She scratched the back of her neck as she spoke and laughed.”How dare you think so low of me?” She gasped dramatically, withholding her laugh.

@benitz786 - sorrrrrryyyyy


June 16th

”No promises idiot sandwich.” He gasped in mock offence, a hand flying to his heart. ”Pasta is a sensitive topic, don’t disrespect it mister.” Luciano chuckled slightly, betraying his previous expression of supposed offence. “I’m not the chef, it’s not even up to me. But yes, I will respect the gods of pasta and not disrespect.”

yes Luciano is awake in hospital okay literally cannot be bothered to put together a transition sentence anyways. "Don’t move so much you’re hurt.” Gio whispered to him as Lui winced from the pain of adjusting his position on the hospital bed. “I’m fine,” he murmured easily, bringing a light smile to his lips to demonstrate that he really was fine. ”I wouldn’t just leave you to die, it wasn’t even an option.” His head rose slowly with the words, looking to Gio with a warm expression. He didn’t even know what to say to that—what words could express the gratitude and affection he felt towards him? “So you risked your life for me? I… wow, thank you,” he said softly. “And I’m glad you’re okay despite playing superman,” he added, his smile lilting up into a teasing grin.

”Luc… I remember… everything. He inhaled sharply, his eyes flicking immediately to Gio’s. By ‘everything,’ did he mean, well, everything? “You… you do?” He asked, his voice a hopeful whisper. This was big news, and certainly something he hadn’t expected to hear. After all these months he’d thought… well, he’d thought that Gio wouldn’t ever get the memories of their relationship back. “You remember everything?” He echoed, his gaze not falling from Gio’s.

Maybe it was premature, but he was already beginning to imagine what the future could hold. The scales would be balanced, for both he and his sister. Neither of them would have reason to feel as if they cared so much for the guy who barely knew the two of them… now, at least he could remember the time he spent with both of them, could remember the experiences they’d gone through that had shaped the both of them. It just looked to him that maybe there were only good things ahead.

But, as we all know, appearances can be deceiving.

Back to le present which is June 25th oui

It may have appeared that there were only good things ahead, but obviously that was not so, as Aline’s death had totally shattered such an illusion. Left behind were the people trying to pick up the fragments of the wreckage a loss like that had put on her family and her friends. The people who just try to get through this one day, and then the next, as looking too far into the future feels painful. How dare they get to experience life, the joys and the downs, when Aline couldn’t even graduate?

It was hard for Lui especially, but he also recognized that it wasn’t only him who had lost.

"You really didn’t have to, but thanks, it means a lot.” A light smile danced over his lips, simply because this was really the tip of the iceberg in regards to his presents for Gio. Aline may have died before she could give him the birthday of his dreams, but she had started planning for it much before the two of them had even known they would be going to Listaria to attend a royal wedding. Lui, of course, was privy to her frantic planning, which was especially useful now that she couldn’t play them out herself. His thoughts were very apathetic, but it was the only way he was going to be able to get through this day without breaking into tears so that was how it was going to have to be. The absolute last thing he wanted was to make Gio’s day all about him and his grief.

Gio pressed a soft and brief kiss against his lips before saying, "Can’t say no to pasta from a handsome guy can I?” A soft laugh escaped his lips, and he looked down momentarily. “I hope not, otherwise my whole trip was kind of pointless,” he said dryly, raising an eyebrow at him.

"Are you… going to the party?” The question was inevitable, but he had still been hoping that it wouldn’t be asked. Whether he wanted to go to the party was a complicated matter in itself, but it was true that he didn’t want to go home and stare at a wall instead. He was quiet for a few moments but then he looked up at Gio and lifted his shoulders in a shrug. “If you want to go, I’ll go with you,” he said, his gaze following the other kids who were walking to their cars. “It’s probably a big event and I’d get it if you didn’t want to miss it. And maybe,” he turned back to Gio, a wide smile beginning to stretch across his face, “you can use the ride over as a test drive for the new car Aline and I got for your birthday.” His eyes sparkled, and then he was pulling a distinct key chain from his pocket, tossing it in Gio’s direction.

“And listen, I know you don’t like your birthday, and you probably hate it more now with…” He trailed off, clearing his throat. “Yeah. But Aline really wanted to go all out, hence the new car, since you wrecked the old one in that crash. So even though she’s… gone…” Very determined not to break down, he took a steadying breath. “… I think you deserve this one last gift from her.”

@CerealKiller yes needed to give gift even seven days late bye


Friday 5:00pm, 16th July 2030, Serenity Yacht

10 years have passed since the graduation and the Blue Bloods had been revealed, and after going their seperate ways, the once seniors now fully fledged adults (for at least some of them) were brought back together. Easily convinced to do so by the all-inclusive 2-day yacht trip, it was a chance to reunite with those they left behind as they began their own lives.



“I’m sorry, Miss Hawthorne…” Were the words that came from the doctor who sat across from her after the prior disclosure, among many other technical terms that were trying to soften the blow that Delilah didn’t listen to. Clearing her throat, the doctor’s droning on was cut off, “Okay, whatever,” She replied in simple words contrasting his extensive phrasing to portray the sense of carelessness. “Is that all?” Delilah asked with raised eyebrows, followed by the confused nod that sent her on her way.

Straight from the hospital the Beryl Heights marina she went, the only route to get there being a trip down memory lane almost everywhere she looked. Honestly, Delilah had planned on never coming back. So why she was coming back now, she wasn’t too sure. Perhaps to actually say goodbye before leaving this time, a true conclusion for Beryl Heights - though she knew full closure for her could never be an option anymore. Or because two days on a luxury yacht was worth coming back for.

Where had she been since leaving at graduation? Delilah went where any (upper class) lost-soul-trying-to-find-themselves would go: New York, of course. Though it was clear when she arrived that not being a Blue Royalty stopped her from gaining the immediate success that she wanted, and Delilah instead took a path she never thought she’d go on. But after barely making it out of that alive, she managed to get back on track with what she had initially intended. After painfully withstanding minor roles in small project films, Delilah progressed to the main role in a blockbuster film, immediately taking off her career. She was living the life she had always wanted, being even more of a household name she had been before, publically dating her co-star and appearing on practically every talk show in the country.

The life she had in Beryl Heights was forgotten by her the moment she left. From the people she had began to form relationships with, like Candice Clarke and Dorian DeLoughrey, to the people like Daniel Parker, the level of closeness wasn’t taken into consideration when Delilah chose to cut them all off. Perhaps she had given a few half-hearted responses to the messages every few years, but other than that they had become basically strangers to her. So coming back a decade later now had the added weight of facing those she left.

Her eyes flickered up at the yacht that Delilah knew contained the people she had repressed in her mind - though most she had just automatically forgotten about, trying to just see it for what it was: a lavish weekend in a 5-star yacht, a concept that her life revolved around. That’s what made it slightly easier for her to step inside, arriving, of course, alone. Though as she did, for the first time ever, Delilah felt the want to not be noticed by people. In these circumstances, Delilah felt herself immediately gravitate towards the bar, ordering the same Gin and Dubonnet she did on the first party of senior year.

@benitz786 Daniel Parker & Candice Clarke (Mentioned)
@astxrism Dorian DeLoughrey (Mentioned)

an insight into delilah’s decade


Zion Pestana

Zion arrived and boarded the yacht with their wife. A two-day trip on a yacht was nowhere near what they had expected for the reunion, but they couldn’t exactly say they were surprised. Their old high school had always gone beyond normal expectations for any of its events. Their wife on the other hand, was bouncing with excitement. As they stepped onto the vessel, they looked around at the people they graduated with. It had been ten years since they last saw the majority of these people, but they’d be lying if they said that they weren’t the least bit curious as to what everyone has been up to in the decade since they graduated.

After graduating from Cerulean High School, they attended the Institute of Culinary Education in New York, which is where they met their future wife, Emily. An aspiring baker like Zion, she was in the majority of their classes and it didn’t take long for them to develop feelings for her. After collaborating with each other several times during their years at the Institute and dating for the last two of those years, they decided to go into business with each other and started saving their money to be able to buy their bakery. They eventually found a space for sale in Zion’s hometown of Beryl Heights. They renovated the space, turning it into the bakery of their dreams, and had a successful grand opening.

This opening was when Zion decided to propose to Emily, knowing in both their mind and their heart that she was the person they wanted to spend the rest of their life with. She said yes, and the two were married a year later. Their wedding wasn’t massive, but it was no small event either. Zion’s parents, who had obtained green cards following their deportation scare in Zion’s senior year, had invited every member of their family who they could contact. Emily’s family had done the same, bringing in family from all over the world. After their honeymoon ended, they put all their energy into the bakery, which Emily had dubbed ‘Zily’s Bakery’, combining both of their names together.

Fast forward to the present, Zion looked at their wife and giggled as they listened to her excited ramblings. “Em, it’s just my high school reunion. You’re not meeting the queen.” They reminded her as they opened the door to the room they would be staying in. They put their bags down and the two left the room, locking the door. They took their wife’s hand and walked down the hallway, joining their classmates. They smiled as they came across a familiar face. “Marie!” They called out to her, keeping their hold on their wife’s hand as they walked towards her. “How have you been?”

@Ouijaloveletters - Marie


Marie had a bit of trouble getting down to the ship, but both her and Hannah made it with minor issue. They got on the ship, people casting glances at the odd pair. Marie made her way down the hall, realizing she’d lost Hannah. Her search was interrupted when she heard her voice called. “Zion! It’s great to see you!” She felt a slight pang seeing the girl holding Zion’s hand, but she quickly got over it. “I think I lost my wife.” Marie said, laughing slightly. Just then, she heard Hannah calling her. She quickly ran into the crowd, reappearing with a woman in a wheelchair at her side. “Hello. I’m Hannah Keith. Nice to meet you.” Hannah said in a British accent, reaching up to shake Zion’s hand.
@Caticorn - Zion


Reina Katherine Monroe
Ray Monroe

The blonde walked in, simply wearing a basic black T-shirt and jeans as it was all he had to change into after his shift at the hospital, after all, surgical residency meant long hours. Granted, he could have gone back to his place and changed into something nicer before heading to his high school reunion, but he didn’t want to be late and leave his sister waiting. How crazy was it to see all of the people he spent senior year with. Well, they didn’t spend it with him. He tried to stay under the radar, mainly known as Sadie Monroe’s sister. Senior year, he was just Reina Monroe, a girl terrified to be bullied for anything, especially having been born intersex. A girl who hated being in her own skin, who felt like she could never come out and say that she was never supposed to be her parents daughter, that they made the wrong choice the day she was born, that she was always supposed to be their son. The only reason he even made it through high school was because of Sadie. Sadie, his big sister, the person he could always go to, no matter what. Though, once graduation was over, and he started college, he finally took the chance to step out of his shell, and be the real him. For once, he was no longer that kid that was practically scared of his own shadow, he was finally finding his place in the world.

The day of the fashion show during senior year, so much of the message Daniel sent about the Monroe siblings to the entire Cerulean high student body was true. Reina was the black sheep in the Monroe family, glad to hide in Sadie’s shadow, that was no question. For the longest time, the only reason there hadn’t been a surgery to “correct” the condition of being born intersex, was because of money, but over the years, Ray knew that his parents made a mistake in raising him as a girl. Everything feminine about his body tore him apart mentally. He hated everything about himself that made him more of the girl his parents pressured him to be, knowingly or not. When Ray was born, they had to make that choice, and chose wrong. In that message, only one thing wasn’t completely true. Ray had questioned where he belonged for a long time. Was he the person his parents wanted him to be, or the person he felt he really was inside? Though truly, there was no question. Ray was the son his parents wished had been a daughter. Ray knew who he was, just not how to step out of that box he felt locked inside of for so long.

Reina Monroe walked across that graduation stage, for once actually showing some of that confidence that was kept buried inside. Reina was 18 years old, an adult who could do what she wanted, and be who she wanted. With high school over, Ray could for the first time see that light at the end of the tunnel actually getting closer, but first, came the adjustment of going to college, and dealing with his insecurities. Ray was actually leaving home, putting distance between him and his siblings and parents, but as scary as the independence was, it allowed that freedom to be comfortable with himself. Ray had begun the path to becoming a doctor, a surgeon, someone who would have the opportunity to help those who need it most, but first came the most difficult part of everything. Ray had to tell his brothers and parents that she wasn’t “Reina, the perfect little princess” like he had tried so hard to be for them. Ray had spent so long trying to believe it, but what was really stopping him from being his parents son? Nothing aside from self doubt. Reina Monroe was gone forever. There was just Ray Monroe.

Ray had spent so much of his life trying to fulfill the role expected of him, and most of his life felt like he couldn’t be himself, whether it was among peers, or his own family. The only person he felt normal around was his sister. Her support was what kept him going, but he was too scared to really tell what was going on inside to anyone else, even family. The toxicity of his high school before Cerulean, where everyone knew he was intersex because of how his straight boyfriend at the time wanted to have full sex with his girlfriend and flipped when discovering the ambiguous nature of Ray’s body. Every day in that place broke down what confidence Ray had, which made everything in his head that much harder to cope with, but eventually there came the point where Ray was finally gaining that self confidence. A new environment, new people, new opportunities, being himself was possible. Being liked for being himself, was possible. Even with finally being ready to be himself, and having Sadie for support, it was still hard to tell his family. The response was mixed of course, and there was a clear change in the way he was viewed at home. There was discomfort, and Ray knew it would take a lot of time for everyone to adjust, but that wasn’t going to change what he planned to do.

Ray knew what he wanted. He knew without a doubt who he was. In more ways than one, he had Daniel Parker to thank. That message he had sent to everyone that day had hurt and only made his insecurities worse at the time, but for the rest of high school the weight of hiding something so big had been lifted off of his shoulders. Everyone knew, and overall people had looked at him strangely, but it didn’t escalate into a toxic environment. He was able to look forward, knowing that soon enough there would be that chance to not be hiding everything about the real him. When Daniel had first approached Ray on prom night, noticing how he had that spark of something different in being that girl who may have been wearing a dress, yet chose to not let anyone change her decision to wear converse instead of heels, that hidden potential confidence underneath the shyness and insecurities in the way Ray wouldn’t stand for a negative comment about Sadie. Daniel had seen something in Reina, that potential to be more than just Sadie’s shadow, even with that fear of what he could do. His concern regarding Daniel was justified as he easily found his secrets, and eventually revealed them, but soon after, he called, apologizing for revealing what he had over simply being stumbled into during the chaos of the crowd leaving the fashion show. With his apology, came an offer. There was an agreement to pay for the corrective surgeries Ray needed. That offer gave Ray the opportunity to live life how he wanted to, so there was no way to refuse, taking Daniel up on the offer when ready. Shortly after Ray’s 20th birthday, all that was left of a connection to his former life as Reina was old pictures and memories.

Ray finally felt comfortable in his own skin, to be himself in every way. He finished college, going straight into med school, making actual friends, even dating occasionally with the busy schedule of constant studying going on. Ray was actually happy, especially with how Sadie’s life was. She was with someone who would always be able to look out for her just as much or more than Ray would. Jordan was everything Ray could want for his older sister, a friend since him and Sadie had gotten together, and a great father to match the amazing mother that Ray knew his sister would be. Sadie had her own family, but she would still be the person Ray would always go to for comfort, so it was good that Ray liked being around them all, and being an uncle to Sadie’s kids, whenever his busy schedule, from med school and then the beginning of surgical residency, allowed.

Now coming back to a reunion ten years after graduation was such a strange feeling. Ray was 28 years old, and had changed so much since all that time leading up to his 18th birthday. Most of the people there, Ray never really knew them, and the others, Ray hadn’t kept much, if any, contact with, aside from Jordan because of Sadie. Whether it was merely being around people he hadn’t seen in years, merely wearing casual clothing when most would likely dress to impress, or knowing that he would likely be looked at as a stranger, Ray couldn’t help a slight nervousness. Boarding the yacht, feeling like he stuck out like a sore thumb, Ray glanced around at his surroundings, adjusting his glasses slightly and taking a sip of the iced coffee he got on the way, watching his former classmates file onboard.


@novella - Sadie mentioned
@benitz786 - Jordan mentioned & Dan mentioned too


No one expects 10 years to go by in an instant. But sometimes; that’s just how life works. Everyone grows up – whether you want to or not. Honestly, there were times where Candice still felt like that scared 18-year-old girl whose whole life was controlled by her mother. A puppet. That was truly what she was for so many years. But… thankfully… it wasn’t what she stayed. Candice escaped; with the help of her father… her sister. She had truly escaped the wrath of her mother with a bubbly little boy in tow. Zachery Collins was the love of her life. That little boy would forever be her everything.

It was strange how many things could stay the same… hell… how things could change within the span of a few years. Within one year after graduation, Candice had full custody of her 2-year-old. She was living in New York with her best friend who had forgiven her, and they were enjoying life. It wasn’t necessarily what they expected but it was good. Aunt Val loved the boy, and it truly was like their own little home in that New York apartment. Not to mention the fact that the little boy adored his father, Kai, despite not seeing the man too often with his… responsibilities. Though he tried and honestly, that’s all that mattered to Candice. That’s all that ever mattered.

On the opposite end of the spectrum, as bonds form, bonds also broke. The brief happiness and friendship that Candice could sense growing with her sister disappeared in an instant as the girl fell out of her life about five years after graduation. It was something that CC never expected and honestly, it hurt more than anything else. Despite living in the same city for years, CC reaching out multiple times; it was clear that Delilah wanted nothing to do with her. And after one too many tries – Candice did something she didn’t do very often. She gave up. Candice was learning new lessons growing up; if someone didn’t want to be a part of your life, she had no reason to try and be a part of theirs too. And it seemed the distance only grew over the years. Though seeing the girl in movies, shows; it was clear that Delilah Hawthorne was nothing more than a person of Candice’s past. Something that was clear when the girl hadn’t attended Candice’s wedding to a man she met at her job as an animator for Disney.

Ironically, it wasn’t her first job. For a long time, Candice was lost. She knew she loved art, but she was also a realist in the sense of understanding that there are only so many people who actually make it in the art business. Despite having Kai’s support in whatever she did; she didn’t ever want to depend on the man. So, she drifted; she tried a few couple of things for a few years. As Val got into acting, Candice tried her hand as a background actor in a movie or two, though never really found a love for it. It wasn’t until she had the opportunity to animate that she truly fell in love with what she was doing. And in doing so, she even had opportunities to voice act for the movies she had animated in. And then, at her job, she had also met Charlie McDowell, a writer, and Director for various movies and specifically one she had done work in for Disney. And the best part was the fact that he had an instant connection with Zachary.

All in all, it had been a good life. Sure, there were some highs and some lows; but isn’t that all a part of life? Currently, her husband was taking a father, son weekend with Zach to enjoy a “boys weekend,” whatever that was.

A soft sigh left her lips at the thought as she reached a Yacht for the 10-year reunion… a day she would see… a lot of her old friends honestly. The ones that mattered, she kept in touch with. She and Val talked daily, for one, and she and Maverick had also stayed close. Not to mention Theo’s daughter and her son were fast friends from a young age. Though others, she hadn’t seen in eons. Walking aboard the ship, the girl went over towards the bar to ask for a drink. After all; it had been one of the first times she was away from her son in a long time and she needed it. Though as she approached, she caught the eye of a girl she hadn’t seen in person in… a long time. A soft scoff left her lips when her eyes reached the girl, though instead of saying anything to her, Candice ignored her presence going towards the bartender and asking for a mimosa. As the drink was handed to her, Candice gave a mere glance at Delilah before walking away towards the deck of the ship where the others were gathered, taking a long drink of what was in her hand.


@novella - Delilah
@Littlefeets - Kai and Maverick
@CerealKiller - Val and Theo


Inhale, exhale. Ruby drove to the marina, parking her motorcycle and dismounting. God, here she was. She was going to see everyone again, even after all she’d done. So much had happened to her too. She’d had a son while incarcerated…they allowed conjugal visits in the prison, so that happened. She got out after eight years and her son finally got to meet her. It was scary how much he looked like her and Henry. Good lord. Ruby walked on the ship, keeping her head down. She had a feeling she wasn’t wanted, but Henry had convinced her to come. He’d come separately after dropping Ben off at his parents house. She leaned against the wall, blue eyes scanning her peers, looking at how they’d turned out.


Ten years, ten damn years have gone by since the end of high school and so much has happened.
Graduation, college was good while it lasted normally but, well, a child came along so college was eventually a bit of a complicated story. A beautiful perfect child, Veronica Charlotte, an angel who joined the ride and sent Valerie off to embark on a whole new adventure, the journey of being a mother, better than the one she herself had. And god knows becoming a mother was surprisingly the best thing that has ever happened to her. That, and, well… the father of said child. One Daniel Parker, her beautiful and amazing husband who she loved more than anyone in her life. Ten years have been quite a lot, but all along this crazy adventure, the one thing she was one hundred thousand percent sure about, was him. It was a rocky road to get where they have, but they made it, and she loved him, deeply, with every fibre of her being.

As high school was over, Valerie headed off to the city of New York along with Candice, Yara and some other faces she may have recognised, clueless rich kids with a wild imagination, trying to find direction in the big city. Living in NY as Daniel was in England wasn’t always ideal, both for the distance and the busy schedules, but it didn’t stop the two from doing their best to make it work. And if he stuck around long enough, she wanted them eventually to even start their own family. Though… She didn’t really expect this eventually to come as soon as it did, and the day she found out she was pregnant, well, first of all, she was shocked but other than that, It was a turning point. A major turning point.

But there were some more turning points in her life, after all, Valerie was never one to have a boring life now was she? Anyway, 5 years prior, a turning point came in Valerie’s career as well, the day she won first place in the miss universe competition, against all odds. Or more like against what she expected, because generally speaking, odds were quite in her favour.

Honestly, Valerie never thought her life would end up this good, but they did. They weren’t always easy, but overall, they were a lot better than anything she could ever dream of.
And now, ten whole years after graduating, time has come for their past class to come together and, well, reunite. There were quite a lot of people in her class she was still in contact with, so there wasn’t too much reuniting there, but still, it has been far too long since the whole class has been together in one place, and to be honest she may have even missed it.

Valerie stood at the entrance of the yacht, brushing her outfit that was puffed out by her baby bump. A yacht was… an interesting idea. That meant people had nowhere to run so chaos was bound to go down, but it hasn’t happened in too long with that class of theirs, so she wasn’t necessarily complaining.
A drink would have been great, but that’s a no go thanks to little baby over here, so no drinks.

”You’re gonna have to have that drink instead of me because I really bloody want it” she said, turning to look at the mans as looking around the yacht, spotting all these nostalgic people and some she didn’t even recognise. But hey, it has been ten years give her a break

Hello take a post I wanted to scrap but was too lazy :v:t4:
@benitz786 Danny / cc mentioned


The life of a rockstar never seem to take a break, they have their foot on the gas pedal going full speed ahead. That, until you have a child you need to pause and take care of. A few months after graduation, Ziah gave birth to a beautiful baby girl, who the two named Kaya, and raised her together in their loving little rock n roll family, or at least they did until there was no they left to do so.

Andy’s life has changed a lot over the past ten years, both for the better and for the worse. He had his issues, he had tons of them, but on the bright side his career grew far past anything he’d expect, having his musical career still banging and the unexpected turn he took when starting to persue career as a producer, eventually taking over the company.

But it wasn’t the same without Ziah. It has been like five years since she passed, and to be honest he tried, but nothing was ever enough. So instead he just focused himself on his daughter, and really, his daughter was his rock, his love and the thing that kept him going and doing whatever he possibly could to make sure she’s happy. She may only be 9 at this time, but Kaya was his best friend, as simple as that.

Frankly, a reunion of his high school class wasn’t exactly the top thing on his priority list, he didn’t want to face the reality of the class gathering all in one place and Ziah not being a part of it. She was a part of it, and going there all on his own in a way brought back all his anxiety and loneliness feeling straight back from high school, and let me tell you, it wasn’t fun. He knew he wasn’t alone, he had Jess, Val, Dori… but the feeing was just there and he couldn’t bloody shake it.

But he was already there, and he had to face it whether he liked it or not. You’re a grown man Andy, get your shii together. And maybe a drink, there is a bar after all.

@littlefeets Ziah mentioned :broken_heart:
@astxrism Dori mentioned
@benitz786 Jess mentioned


[color="lightsteelblue”]Dorian DeLoughrey[/color]
I also made this playlist just to make myself cry more, click if you wanna, but I highly suggest listening to songs and watching videos I’ll be giving you before every paragraph because it sets the mood, thanks x

What was new in Dorian’s life? A lot but also not much. Besides being rich and famous there was really nothing making his life exciting. Two failed marriages could be considered exciting but that wasn’t something he was proud of. He also wasn’t proud of proposing to a girl and then getting married to someone else during his bachelor party. Not proud of keeping a ring for almost ten years in the back of his closet in hopes of finally using it one day. That ring for one specific person. A real reason why everything else wasn’t working out for him but in all honesty… he wasn’t complaining. Now, what ring and what person? Let’s just go back to the very beginning - end of high school.

{ The 1975 - Me & You Together Song }
Was he happy it was all over? Yes and no. He would miss the place, miss playing with his teammates that didn’t really like him, miss his friends he’d see almost every day but he was going to College Name, how could one be sad about that? What surprised him the most was how he made it on the list. Every sh!tty thing he’d done was almost worth it… he wasn’t proud of it but it got him to where he was. Truth be told, he lost hope at the very beginning but it somehow worked out. Both him and his sister were on it and it made him proud. But unlike him, she was on it because people liked her. His hard work really did pay off and that’s all he ever wanted, all he would keep fighting for. He was really proud of himself and sometimes that wasn’t so easy. Especially when you don’t have a lot of people supporting you, not believing in you, sometimes not even your own family. Luckily there was one person who was still there for him. To support him, to be his friend, and something more than that. He has been with Jessica for about a year and that was the happiest he has ever been. That relationship might’ve come as a surprise to many people that knew Dorian, knew them, knew how he was acting towards her when she came back. But there’s always a side of everything that you don’t really get to see, especially in Dorian’s case since he has a funny way of dealing with feelings. That’s why no one really knew how much Jessica Pierce always meant to him. How much she was actually making him happy, and how much he wanted her to feel the same way he did. Dorian was never really a patient person, never the one to plan things, especially not dates but he didn’t mind that when it came to her. Whenever they were together it felt like they were kids again, like old times, enjoying each other’s company and that was a good thing. It was a good feeling. He also didn’t mind waiting for her to recover so they could… have a bit more fun. It was hard, yes, but eventually the “contract” they made a long time ago came to life. Having sex so often was great but it wasn’t all that mattered, he wanted her to be happy. You’d think no one would really care about the two of them, no one would feel happier than him but there was someone - Davina. She didn’t expect it but she did support it, she’d support anything Jessica would do, and dating her son happened to be one of those things. Even after she walked in on the two of them but that’s another story. All was going well, for the first in a long time. It wasn’t long until he really made a name for himself, started making money at such a young age, and being signed to one of the best clubs, being called to join the first team. After his breakup with Jessica was when he really got successful - next year was his big breakthrough season. But… the breakup. That was hard on him, it came out of nowhere. The fact that he bought a ring just days before and wanted to propose to someone he loved more than anyone else, more than he could ever love anyone else shows how unexpected it was. And he really loved Jessica… he really loves Jessica, it was something he probably always knew but those feelings were just pushed to the side. After so many years she was still someone he would never completely get over. It was one beautiful year, one beautiful summer. They would spend almost every day together, taking advantage of the time before they had to go their separate ways before she had to go back to London and he to College Name. But even after he tried his best to make it work, he wanted it to work, no matter how far away they were from each other. It was hard but for him, it was worth it. Truth be told, at times he was worried about how things would end because we all know Jessica - phone dead most of the time, and with that distance that wasn’t the best thing. But would that really make him give up on her? No, it never would. Just look at what he was planning to do. Before it ended for real.

[color="lightsteelblue”] { MGK and iann dior - Sick and tired } [/color]
What made her break up with him? What made her say “I still love you but I think we’re better as friends”? Well, Dorian didn’t know. All he knew was that maybe he even made it worse… A few days later he was already in bed with another girl, trying to go back to his old ways because what was he supposed to do? Dorian never really had to fight for anyone, and maybe he didn’t even know how to do that. Usually he had girls running back to him, begging him to stop ignoring them; just remember Emily. It was always easy for him because he never really had to do anything, but most of the time he didn’t even care so it didn’t matter that much but now… this… it hurt. It really hurt and taking girls to his bed was his way of coping with this. Which turned out to be a big mistake. Really big mistake. He really thought it was over until he walked out of his bedroom, leaving the girl that was in there alone, and found a spare key on the counter. A key that wasn’t there and Jessica could deny it as much as she wanted but he knew she was there that day. And probably saw everything. He was mad at himself for a very long time, blamed himself for everything, tried to push her away because of that. Because he knew he messed up. Because he did the stupidest thing just because he was hurt. Because he still loved her. Call it luck but she wouldn’t let him do that; they stayed friends just like they always were. Things didn’t change much, just like his feelings didn’t, he just had to push them away and he was doing that by focusing on his career like he was supposed to do, for a while putting his love life to the side. Putting his feelings and ring to the side until he had his life completely sorted out… And who would’ve thought Dorian DeLoughrey would be hung up on a girl? He never really loved anyone else before, he might’ve been with someone, been with Kara but it never felt like this. It was a feeling he never experienced before making this his very first heartbreak. And heartbreaks suck. Of course, he thought it was all over but at the beginning he didn’t actually realize what was happening, how heartbroken it would make him feel when he does realize. How much he fckd up. How his heart was breaking into one too many pieces and he didn’t know how to deal with that. But it wasn’t just that. Every other bottled up feeling, memories of every time he felt worthless were slowly coming out. When that moment came he found himself doing something he never thought he would - he went back home, to his mom. Dorian was never close to his parents, it’s not a secret he never felt like he belonged in that house, was treated like he didn’t and he never showed vulnerability around them, he never wanted to talk to his mother whenever she would see something was wrong with him. Hell, she probably never even saw him cry but not many people did. That hurt side of him wasn’t something he wanted to show to people… until he found himself driving for hours to get back to his old house, get in with a key he kept and stand in the kitchen, staring at his mother as she cleaned the dishes, letting a tear roll down his cheek, waiting for her to notice him. “Dorian! Are you ins-“ Words she screamed the moment she turned around, placing her hand over her chest while holding onto the counter. Words she didn’t even finish seeing him… like that. There was an expression on her face he’d never seen before; confusion, concern almost fear but Dorian didn’t know how to react to that… he didn’t know what to do, what to say. He didn’t really have a plan, he was just there because… it hurt. “What happened? What did you do?” What did you do? Words that almost made him regret being there. Why does it always have to be something he has done? Why can’t he just get a hug, as Elodie would? “Nothing, uhm…” forcing a smile that only made it hurt more, he quickly wiped away the tears, avoiding looking at his mother. “I was in town and,” with his voice cracking after every word he tried to continue with whatever stupid thing came to his mind first. “I thought it would be nice to stop by and… say hi-” but that didn’t last for long, he couldn’t pretend everything was alright when it wasn’t, he was getting tired of doing that all his life so crossing his arms, Dorian let more and more tears fall down, tilting his head down. That was the first time in a very long time Davina wrapped her arms around her son but he couldn’t hear what she was saying, couldn’t answer her, he just sobbed, tightly hugging his mother. Thinking about the only girl he ever loved with all of his heart and lost her.

{ Conan Gray - The cut that always bleeds + Thomas Shelby - Already broken ( Paralyzed - NF ) }
What came next for him? New house, a new club, one of the highest-paid players. Press, interviews, tv, millions of followers, paparazzi on every corner, fans, girls in his dms… A real dream, right? Two beautiful nieces he loved more than anything, Dylan with a nice girl he really liked… everyone around him seemed very happy but he was still far from that, and at times it felt like he never would be completely happy. At the dinner table with his family around him, all he could talk about was his career, the goals he scored, ranking lists, his friends, team, anything but his love life. It was a topic he avoided, letting his gaze wander around while forcing a smile when his siblings would talk about it. He was happy for them, he always will be but it hurt listening about something he doubted he would ever have. At 24 he became a Goodwill Ambassador with a special focus on UNICEF’s Sports for Development program. He was trying to help as much as he could with all the money he had but of course… he had a few places around the country he’d go to whenever he needed a break. Right before he turned 24 he was dating Ariana Grande for a bit. Yes, you heard right. His biggest celebrity crush… he was finally with her, after all those years. And you’d think that would make him happy? Well, it did but not as much as he was hoping. It never really felt like a real relationship, more of a public stunt for him to get more recognition and her to be seen with someone who was almost on the top. It didn’t last long but it didn’t matter, soon he thought he found a girl for himself. A girl that almost reminded him of Emily and he always… appreciated her, before a certain thing happened. It was the last day of summer, a party one of his teammates threw that he just couldn’t miss. He couldn’t remember her name for a week but she was studying to become a nurse, had a kind smile but there was something about her that really drew him to her. An obsession, if you can call it that. “Kendall, I’m-“ he’d start. “Kennedy. And I know who you are, everyone here does. You’re kind of the best,” sweet smile, hair twirl, good choice of words, enough for him to pay attention to her. Constant texts even if he wouldn’t reply, compliments, and attempts to make him like her; it wasn’t long until he did start liking her. Or liking the attention, it was hard to tell which one it was but they started dating. It felt like the right thing to do even if he’d spend his nights wide awake in bed, holding her in his arms while thinking how he’d love if that was… someone else. It was his insecurities and fear of messing it up again that pushed him to propose to her. Fear of being left again, fear of not doing it on time, and risking not having a chance - the same thing that already happened to him. But did Dorian love her? He did… or he thought he did, he wanted to. His family didn’t think that was a good idea but he did it anyway when he was just 25. The whole wedding was planned rather quickly while he left Jessica in charge of his Vegas bachelor party… smart idea? What other option did he have? He knew he could trust her with that, knew she would give her best to make it the best party ever so he did it without hesitation. Just like he kissed her at that party without hesitation. One too many drinks and old feelings resurfacing was not the best mix. It was not the right thing to do, he was supposed to get married to another girl just days after but it felt like… he felt like he was his old, happy self. It felt like it was right because being with Jessica was the only good thing he ever had. Holding her in his arms again, her skin against his, lips on lips - everything he missed. “I love you, Jessica Pierce,” the whole night was a blur, a drunken mistake if you’d ask someone else but not to him. It wasn’t a mistake saying that, wasn’t a mistake sleeping with her that night and getting married… to her. He didn’t even need the ring he kept for so long to ask her to marry him, it simply happened but when the next morning came they needed to fix that mistake, only proving that his temporary happiness was… temporary. He never knew any different kind of happiness; she was his happiness and he didn’t have her. They got it expunged a couple of days later as if it never happened but his wedding? He called it off without a real explanation, just a few apologies and “we both know it wouldn’t work, it was too soon”. So that was a story of his sad failed engagement. An engagement that never really should’ve happened because the only thing it would’ve brought was sadness. And he had a bit to spare.

{ Peaky Blinders - Lovely (So Close) }
There is a saying “if you love someone, let them go”, if only it was that easy. A stupid saying in Dorian’s opinion, why would he let go of someone he loved? That could only cause more pain, the pain he didn’t need but that would hurt less than having hope for so many years and knowing it was a waste of time. Knowing that he was hopelessly in love with someone that only wanted to be his friend. Someone that had a hold on his heart that he couldn’t break even if he wanted to, but he had to. There will never be a day when he wouldn’t love Jessica, deep down. There will never be a day when he wouldn’t wonder how things could’ve ended if she never left, if he never let her walk away. How different his mornings would’ve been. Would he wake up to lazy kisses and cuddles, warmth on a cold day? Would he drive to different places every day to get her favorite food even if he was running late for important things? Would he let her get away with all the teasing without getting annoyed because he loved her like that? That was just wishful thinking. A false reality he had to get out of his head if he wanted to move on. But the first step was to get rid of the ring he held onto for so long… if only he’d done that before Clio found it. Clio was an Italian girl he met at a bar, not far away from his house. A bar he often visited alone as a way of escaping everything happening around him, a little break from work and personal life. She was working almost every time he was there and if she wasn’t the one to approach they would never become friends. “Glass of scotch with way too much ice,” a soft voice making him look up at a girl he’d seen there but never really paid much attention to. “I didn’t order,” his first words to her, other than his usual order with a hint of confusion in his voice. “But this is what you would’ve ordered,” a good point she had there. “How… do you know?”
“I think I’ve read about it somewhere,” through a chuckle she joked, putting some glasses to the side while staying close enough to him to continue the conversation. “Oh,” subtly rolling his eyes, he took the drink she left in front of him, looking away from her. At that moment he wasn’t thinking, he was too distracted with his own thought to understand what she was trying to say, how she was just messing with him when in his head it really did sound like she was just trying to come onto him for who he was, a famous guy… “No,” seeing his reaction, she turned to face him leaning back against the counters with a soft smile. “You’re here every Monday and Friday, you sit on the same chair and order the same thing. Every time,” Clio laughed, trying to explain but it probably only made her sound like a stalker, so with a serious expression she quietly continued, “Not many people come here. It’s hard not to notice.”
“I do that, yeah…” A soft smile appearing on Dorian’s lips, feeling stupid about his initial reaction. That was the first time he properly looked at the girl, without saying anything else. An attractive girl, had a strange accent, seemed very calm, funny maybe… observant. “Do you know how to play?” He didn’t know how long he was just looking at her before she spoke up again, with a playful smile, probably noticing him staring. His eyes darted towards where she was pointing at, a little area in a corner with dartboards. “Of course I do.”
“I get off in an hour if you want to join me?” He agreed, in a friendly way, letting a boring night turn into a not-so-boring night. Making a new friend with who he started hanging out more often, learning a bit about her every time he’d see her. Clio didn’t have much. She moved to America with her sister five years ago, running away from a toxic family, relationship… didn’t have much and the little she had wasn’t good. But she seemed happy for a person that wasn’t happy. That was one of the only times when he was hanging out with someone just because he liked their company, not because he wanted to gain something from it so he did start liking her. It was time to start liking someone else even if deep down it didn’t feel right. Even if deep down he knew that wasn’t it but he was 26 and he wanted to have someone. But love? It was hard to tell that after what happened but he once proved he didn’t chase after people, not even the ones he loved.
The ring that was in the back of his closet for so many years was now in Clio’s hands as she was sitting on the edge of the bed waiting for Dorian. She found it not long after their first anniversary and thought it was for her so she placed it back, pretending like it never happened because she didn’t want to ruin Dorian’s surprise. But he never had a surprise for her, nor was he planning anything. Maybe if that never happened he’d go down the same path he’d gone not so long ago - proposing to a girl and hoping for a good life, but this time a girl he actually liked. A few months have passed and she was just waiting… for something to happen. Usually, when you have a ring you propose to the person quickly so she was becoming more and more nervous. She was imagining all the ways he could propose to her, what he would say, practicing her reaction… but she couldn’t wait any longer. “How long were you planning to let this sit around?” Hearing the bedroom door opening and seeing Dorian walk in, she lifted the box with a playful frown. She was expecting him to get awkward, maybe embarrassed, a funny moment she could tease him about in the future but that’s not what she got. “Give it back. You don’t have the right to go through my things,” it was the first time she was seeing him react in that way, the first time he was harsh towards her and visibly angry. He didn’t hesitate to take that little box from her before opening his closet just to see if that was what he thought it was. But he knew pretty well it was - he could describe that box and ring in details if you asked him. “It’s a ring-“ she tried to say, confused by his reaction… confused was what she felt at first before he cut her off. “A ring that’s not meant for you,” with those words he turned to face her, gripping the box in his hand, not even trying to lower his voice. His gaze landed on a girl that was now up, just looking at him without saying a word, an expression he couldn’t really understand or describe. Hurt, mad, sad or disappointed? Fighting back the tears? No, she wasn’t doing that, nor was she disappointed. She’d dealt with many things, worse things so this didn’t hurt her, at least she didn’t show that. What she did show is how part of her was angry at someone she thought she could see a future with. If she didn’t they wouldn’t be having this fight. Picking up her jacket from his bed, she rushed out of the room, not giving him a chance to say anything else or even listen to him if he tried to explain what he meant by all of it. But Dorian, he just stood where he was, staring at his empty bed, not knowing how to feel and fully realizing what was happening. When he did it was too late; Clio was already gone and not picking up her phone. So if you want to know how to let people just walk away, how to let people down - Dorian is your guy. It has been a long time since he felt that hurt, since he was actually starting to like someone and then have them walk away from him but it was his fault, like it was years ago. It was only his fault and he knew that. All because of a ring…
If he really wanted to get over how he was feeling he should get rid of it, right? It’s what’s holding him back because it represents a little hope he still has… A chance he didn’t want to miss if he ever gets it and drop everything he’d have at that moment, as he did with Clio. It wouldn’t be a problem for him. But he tried to sell it and it didn’t go as planned. It was just days after Clio broke up with him; he was sitting in his car staring at the box for God knows how long, in front of the shop. It was easy - get out of the car, return it or sell it, just whatever, and go back home. Just get out of the car and do it… he kind of did do it. Well, get out of the car at least. When he got home… and returned the box to where it always was for so many years. Not feeling bad about his decision even if it was completely ruining him. He didn’t want to sell it. He didn’t want to return it. He didn’t know what exactly he wanted to do with it but it was still there and it hurt more than it ever did.

[color="lightsteelblue”]{ blackbear - cheers }[/color]
That happened around 5 months before the reunion, 5 months before he found himself standing in front of a yacht he’d be spending 2 days on, alone. Not bad, no, but how excited was he about it? Not as much. Most people he’d be seeing there he forgot about, others he kept in touch with or just knew something about because of Elodie or Andy. Like Sadie and Jordan, Valerie and Daniel, Jessica… He was still close with Elias and Theo, Riker of course. Brandon was on his good list as well, surprisingly. The rest? Yara was a nice girl, he didn’t have a problem with her, but he didn’t want to have a problem with anyone now. They were all too old for that, it was getting ridiculous. Delilah he’d seen on tv but before that she basically disappeared. The girl that set the castle on fire 10 years ago, Ruby, she was in prison, right? It was bad, yes, but interesting to think about, it made him wonder where she was now and what happened to her. All his thoughts as he was standing in front of the yacht preparing to step in, and the more he thought about it all the more the idea of this reunion starter growing on him.
Once he did that, he glanced around with a soft smile, spotting all the familiar faces and faces he hasn’t seen in a while, didn’t recognize and just walked around with his hands in his pockets before finding himself in front of a bar. He never was a drinker, except that time before he met Clio but he stopped. It wasn’t a big problem, he just felt better this way but this day… yeah, he would probably need it. That’s when he noticed a former student on the other side of the bar, Delilah, and with a glass in his hand, he walked to her. “Do… I know you from somewhere?” Smiling, he tried to joke with a girl he last talked to ten years ago, resting his back against the counter.

@novella - Delilah


Zion Pestana

“It’s great to see you too!” They responded, smiling. Zion chuckled with Marie after she said she lost her wife. Marie left and then reappeared with a woman in a wheelchair, who introduced herself as Hannah. “I’m Zion Pestana.” They introduced themself, shaking her hand. “And this is my wife, Emily.” They added, gesturing to the woman standing next to them. Emily gave the two women a small wave as she was introduced. They knew that she would recognize Marie from the tour through their yearbook they had given her prior to the reunion. “How have you been?” They asked Marie, wondering what she’d been up to in the ten years since they last saw her.

@Ouijaloveletters - Marie


If anyone asked high school Yara where does she think her life would be in ten years, this wouldn’t be her answer, not by a long shot, but I must say, it wasn’t all good but it sure was never boring.
A 28 years old divorced single mother of two, standing at the rail of a fancy yacht, a drink in hand as looking out to the endless sea at her high school reunion, ten years after graduation.

Let me tell you, ten years may not like a lot in comparison to a whole lifespan of a human being, but the past ten years in Yara’s life were a bloody roller coaster going up down and in any possible direction.
Graduating from high school, Yara headed back to NYC where she remained for many years, starting her way out in college, even though she already had the career she was perusing. After some time apart, Nick and her found their way back to each other and a few years later even got married. When Yara was 23 she gave gave birth to a beautiful little girl called Calliope, who had turned 5 not too long ago. A child and a time and energy consuming career aren’t exactly a winning recipe, not to mention a cheating scandal on top of that wasn’t making it any better, especially not when the whole media is talking about it. Dark sides of the spotlight innit?

Divorce, custody, loneliness, overall shame, none of it was good on her, especially not after all these years together. Yara was always an independent girl, but at this point she forgot what life was life was like without him, what it was like to be single. But none of those things stopped her from at least trying to move on with her life, if not for herself then got for her daughter. That, or for her somewhat newly adopted son. About a year ago, a new born baby boy was abandoned by his parents in a hospital Yara has been volunteering in, and her heart called out to the little boy, falling in love with him from the moment she saw him. Paperwork blah blah, Yara did the deed and adopted the little boy into her small family, naming him Felix after her dead brother.

High school reunion though? Who even remembered that was a thing. But apparently it was, and their whole class was about to reunite. Some of the people in her class were still in Yara’s life nonetheless, Obviously Jordan, being her cousin, so Sadie and Riker as well. Some other people as well. While in college in New York, she had even bonded with Valerie who in high school they had a bit of a rocky relationship, but now all these years later the two have become great friends.

So let’s just say, a whole lot has happened. Her whole past was coming back to her, and it wasn’t just the reunion. A few months ago, the girl had left New York and moved back to her hometown together with the kids. Moving wasn’t easy, especially not in the middle of the school year, luckily the kindergarten Yara put her daughter in turned out to be the same kindergarten where Elodie and Riker put there son, Xander, and with Riker being Jordan’s best friend, the two kids already knew each other and the friendship that grew and blossomed from there helped the girl adjust to the move and helped lift a weight off Yara’s chest.

But now the issue was the reunion, being back at Ber was one thing, but being on a yacht with her class for two days was a whole different story, and knowing her school and class, Yara knew these two days are going to be at least crazy, if not more. They may have grown up, but the major things stick, and that’s not necessarily a good thing.

@benitz786 Jordan and Riker mentioned
@astxrism Elodie and Xander mentioned :sneezing_face:
@novella Sadie mentioned


It could never be detected from the exterior, but overwhelming didn’t begin to describe her feelings towards seeing Dorian DeLoughrey. As she would probably be feeling about anyone she was close to from Cerulean High, which was a small number of people. But perhaps these individual awkward reunions with the people Delilah left were seemingly inevitable - with or without the setting of a high school reunion. Because while New York was Delilah’s escape, after a series of events, it soon became something she needed to escape from - despite it being something she was too stubborn to admit. Though talking to her sister was probably something long overdue, a conversation with Dorian right now was something she wouldn’t be opposed to doing.

The same smile from a decade ago replaced the lack of emotion she was portraying before in response to Dorian’s opening line. He looked older. As one obviously would look after ten years. But it was the kind of ageing that came from going through sh*t, easily detected by Delilah… because it takes one to know one. Though somehow at the same time, he hadn’t changed at all. “Probably on a billboard,” She replied softly with her eyebrows raised, before her eyes went back to him, flickering up and down. “What do you want, an autograph?” Delilah asked him through a half-hidden smile.

@astxrism Dorian DeLoughrey