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I’m also trying to finish adding characters to the faceclaims :sweat_smile:

oh yeahhhhh do that!!! I wanna read ur girl!!


I just need to find images for Cati’s girl still. plus finishing writing Maisie enough to add her into the fcs

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whats albina’s relationship with corin, hate like love, besties

mmmm I actually don’t know if I can say? rn they aren’t technically acquainted :joy: but let’s say friendly

Thx anyway


Thank you

Thank you so much for this

Pls do not spend money on this

I’d appreciate it.

If not wondering if for the nane if i can put the the name of the the photographer and Set 5/Johanna?

Girl 2 looks eerily similiar

I might use girl one tho possibly

Not particularly attached i just picked it cos i liked the dress. I feel weird using celebrities. But has anyone got any ideas

I like the sleepy hollow one tho

If it wasnt on the first main post i likely missed it. I skim through the msgs normally. Theres a lot :slight_smile:

I just picked it cos i liked the dress

Also you guys may need to tag me if you reply to my msg other wise i cant see it. I just get a notification that there are 400 msgs to thus thread.

Theres a prince?

Sorry if ive missed anyone i cant see all of the replies

I believe the girl that was shown in sleepy hollow is Christiana Ricci so i think im gonna use her?.

Currently figuring out the family tree and working out why she is an heiress.

Im gonna assume that if her 3 uncles (Fathers older brother)

All died young under mysterious circumstances that it would be a scandal?

Also can someone be courted before they debut like a broken off engagement?


Yes, I created a prince, Prince Magnus.

Most titles were given to ancestors years and years ago. Some as early as the 1400s, so the title could have been passed onto the 20th generation. The only thing is that most of the time, men were the only ones who inherited the title. That is unless there is only one singular heiress and no heirs… or what is even more seldom, the female is the heir/was given the title.


I know, it’s not like I would ever do that

Why are you telling me this? Did I send you somebody who doesn’t look appropriate?

I know that. Are you telling me, because I love period dramas that I’m not allowed to look only in period dramas to find somebody I like?


Oh :joy::joy:this is great


I kinda am a little frustrated with my friends I am on the holiday with…


That’s never fun


It isn’t no, as I’ll still have to spend the next 1.5 weeks with them. And preferably I would just have a good time, instead of feeling frustrated…


I’m sorry you’re experiencing that :pleading_face:

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Tell me why I should go to a concert on a Thursday night 3 hours away


For the :sparkles: e x p e r i e n c e :sparkles: lol


The Queen’s new FC is so gorgeous


Levi I think Brooke was trying to make a general point for everyone in the RP. It wasn’t necessarily directed at you - it was just informational.


Yes, but everytime I post a few FCs I like or something she always tells me this and I’m annoyed at this. Just let me be with my obsessions over period dramas and historical fashion be, it’s not like it’s hurting anybody, and it’s not like becuase of me people are looking for FCs straight out of period dramas. Plus I also suggest modern looking FCs.
Honestly it sounds like she’s annoyed with the fact I put out a lot of period accurate FCs out there. I just feel that being obsessed with period dramas and historical shows, and that I have a bunch of these FCs saved for years on my Pinterest is something others don’t have so when they’re stumped ofr FCs I find a few form my Pinterest to help them out, because they probably didn’t even know about half of these. Plus, a FC looking period accurate surely helps people with imagining their characters in a historical setting.

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lmao loving the tropes