Castaways (Reboot) - Official RP


The vacation of a lifetime, a three week transpacific cruise from Seattle, Washington in the United States to Sydney, Australia. Some saved up to pay for a luxurious vacation, others won free tickets, and then there were those who worked on the cruise. Nobody expected anything to go wrong. Who could have expected a sudden storm to push the ship off course, let alone for the ship to sink. With many passengers lost to the sea, some survived, stranded with no way to get home. With no way to call for help, or even knowing where they are, the castaways have to find a way to survive together for as long as it takes for them to be found. However in an unknown environment anything, or anyone, could be hidden in the shadows.

In this RP the characters will all have been on the ship and are now stranded on an unknown island. They will have to work together to survive whatever dangers there may be. Whether they get along or not, they are all anyone has.

I will watch through the RP, noting everything the characters do, even things like when/how they eat and drink water. I want to keep things realistic. Their primary focus is to survive and they will want to be rescued, but that doesn’t mean they can’t explore and see what mysteries the island holds. With this, there will be times that random chance comes into play with the roll of dice.

How the dice rolls work

There will be times that I may ask you to roll a single, or series of, dice. Especially when having a character explore the island.

Depending on the result of the roll, there may be a positive, negative, or neutral outcome. These may include, but are not limited to: finding a valuable resource, finding food, discovering a new area, receiving an injury, discovering a potential threat, etc. There may be times where a higher role helps, while a lower roll causes harm. However, the opposite may be true in some cases. Or there may be certain values that if rolled have a certain outcome, while other values have a neutral result.

In most situations, the dice rolls will be low stakes, but the risks can increase dependent on the circumstances. The odds of an extreme outcome are less, but will remain possible.

  • Characters will be injured, and may be killed, please understand that when you sign up. If something happens, respect my decision and my RP. You can pm me and we can discuss the issue like civilized individuals.
  • Drama in the RP is perfectly fine, just no drama or fights with your fellow RPers outside of the RP.
  • No cloning characters
  • Keep things realistic! Want your character to be an expert in something, explain it in their bio! I’ll let you do a lot, as long as you can give a realistic explanation or logical reasoning.
  • Stay true to your character. Think about how they would actually act in their situation.
  • If you make multiple characters, please try to keep even gender ratios.
  • Characters can be any age, however being extremely young or old can make things harder for the character.

If you want any help making characters, feel free to ask me, and feel free to plan characters with others!

Faceclaims: Link
Chat Thread: Link
Signup Thread: Link


It was late afternoon, and the storm clouds had finally dissipated. Wreckage was visible from all along the beach. For some, the previous events were in perfect clarity, while for others, everything was in a haze. A few could even see the remains of their ship in the distance. None of them expected the sudden storm, there was no way to know. Everyone who had made it to dry land was exhausted and hurt, but they were the lucky ones. Many either didn’t make it off of the ship, or drowned without reaching land. Even among the lucky ones, a few were less fortunate than the rest. It was up to everyone to try and survive, and the only way they had a chance was to work together.

Injury List

Everyone has some scratches and bruises, but a few have additional injuries. Even if I haven’t specified you can feel free to add more significant injuries to your character, just let me know.

  • Kailani - Dislocated left shoulder
  • Delphina (@idiot.exe) - Moderate-Severe Concussion
  • Cassandra (@Jass) - Gash on right calf

@Castaways - You are free to post when ready!




My lungs burned. It must have been a wild night with Logan, just judging by how sore I was and how my eyelids were cemented together. I knew I had told Logan I wouldn’t get hammered, but I had spent the whole night with him. He knew, and drank with me. I would call it even. I turned over to wrap my arm around him. Cast iron burns lined my arm in gritty grains. I sat bolt up. β€œLogan…?” More peppery kernels exploded into my eye as I hastily clawed at my eyes. Now, I struggled through the discomfort to maintain an unwavering gaze toward the sun. What was happening? What’s was going on? β€œLogan?” Now standing, I hurriedly glanced about. β€œLogan! Where are you, Logan?” My screams echoed across this desolate hΒ»ll.



@idiot.exe - Delphina
Super excited!!
Sorry about the wait
while I was writing I thought, I could change him to accidentally putting his arm around Delphina instead of sand for a comedic start at least for me or he could find her conscious/ unconscious while he’s in his panic :person_shrugging:


Delphina woke up, lying down surrounded by sand. The sun was unusually bright. For a few seconds, she could barely comprehend what was happening. Her head hurt, her memories were foggy and there was loud ringing in her ears. She sat up, shielding her eyes, trying to remember what had happened. Nothing came to her mind.

Barely managing to stand, Delphina looked around. Now that things started becoming clearer, she could make out the source of the loud noise. Near her, there was a loud man yelling out something, but she wasn’t exactly sure what he was saying.

β€œHey,” she approached him, without giving it much thought. β€œShut up.”

@/Tina.G // Bradley Nicolas Neal




”Hey …. Shut up.” I wheeled around to face the voice. Was she serious? Obviously she was still out of it. Her black hair twisted with dry crusted sand and her face seemed smeared. Or maybe that was the salt burning in my eyes. Either way. β€œLook around, lady!” Frustration seeped through every vain. My arms opened wide in an arc to try and show her the reality we were in. β€œWe’re not on a comfy cruise anymore! Logan!” It came out as a screech, drowning out everything around me. Finally, I turned from the sea.



@idiot.exe - Delphina
Don’t worry he’ll stop screaming Logan soon :sob::sweat_smile:


β€œI can’t see anything…” she sighed. β€œSo a beach? What’s the big… Wait you said cruise?” Her mind was still foggy, but she starting getting the gist of the situation. The two of them were surrounded by scattered pieces of wood and metal, along with people lying on the ground injured. She could immediately assume some kind of accident happened, likely a shipwreck. Normally, anyone could’ve figured that out, but for some reason her brain wasn’t working as usual.

β€œWell, I’m afraid my brain gave up on me this morning, your highness. I have no idea what’s happening.”

@/Tina.G // Bradley Nicolas Neal


Until he realizes he’s (probably) not gonna see him :sob:




β€œWhat’s the big… Wait you said cruise?” Brad blew out a long and harsh breath. Muttering words worse than a sailor, stomping off towards the tree line. Bradly now noticed he had one tied shoe onβ€”oh yeah. They had been getting ready for some fancy dinner date. Or maybe they had gone to it already? Everything was just a little too fuzzy. Just barely out of reach. β€œWell, I’m afraid my brain gave up on me this morning, your highness. I have no idea what’s happening.” Brad groaned, although it sounded more like a low growl. He took a deep breath, turning back to the girl. β€œWell…” Brad seemed to notice just how many people and shards of wood and glass were around the beach. β€œAre you okay? I really need to find my husband, but he’d probably kick my @ss if I left everyone laying here to die.” Wait, It really hit him now. Everyone hereβ€”the ship wrecked in the middle of nowhere. He didn’t continue that thought before trudging up to the woman.



@idiot.exe - Delphina
Sorry I have not been on top of replies!!


Somewhere on the beach
@idiot.exe ~ Laeila whenever you’re ready!

Cas woke up on laying on the beach, last thing they remembered was being on the ship in a heavy storm. Where were they? Where where their friends? Cas had sat up by now, but started to panic, and in that panic they tried to stand up, as they wanted to go search for their friends. However, with the first movement of their right leg, they nearly screamed it out in pain. They looked at their legs, and noticed a lot of blood on the sand underneath it. They figured out there was a massive gash on their calf, and that it was severely bleeding. This bleeding had to stop, and luckily Cas knew how to do so. They tore off a string off fabric from their T-shirt, and improvised a tourniquet from it by tying it really tightly right below the knee. They could have applied pressure with the fabric, but as it was dirty and soaked in sea water, chances of infection were high. Plus the salt would make it extremely painful. In the first aid course they had followed, they had also taught her with bleeding in legs or arms, it was better to raise the limb above the heart until it stopped bleeding. So sitting down they moved a few meters to where there were some rocks, and they could raise their leg on one. While they were laying their, hoping the bleeding would be sufficiently stopped soon, they decided to scream out: β€œHello, anybody there?” They might as well try and see if they could communicate with anyone, either one of their friend, or maybe someone who could help them, or who they could help.


Delphina straightened her back and pulled her shoulders back. β€œYeahh, I’m fine, see?” she replied, while clearly not being fine. Her headache wasn’t getting any better, but it’s not like it was the worst headache of her life considering she’s a math student. She only shrugged it off.

She shielded her eyes from the sun, following the man. β€œSo if it weren’t for him, you’d have left me to die? I think I need to personally thank him.” she laughed. β€œJoking. I’ll help you find him, let’s go.”

Delphina wasn’t sure what to do. Confused, she just agreed to help. Being stranded on a deserted island was terrifying, but she would never admit that. She had to stick with someone. There was a lot of injured people on the sand, some even dead. At that moment, she couldn’t help but wonder if there was anyone she was missing, but none of her memories of the trip were coming back to her.

@eunoia // Bradley Nicolas Neal


Laelia was sitting on the ground underneath a tree, completely frozen. She wasn’t injured too badly, only minor scratches, but that was the least of her concerns. She never would’ve imagined a shipwreck would occur, not to mention her family was nowhere in sight. She didn’t know what to do. Without any plan beforehand, nor any survival knowledge, she would be dead in a few days. So, Laelia sat down in the shade, giving herself some time to process what had happened.

Her first thought was to go looking for her siblings. She was determined to start looking for them as fast as she could. Though, she couldn’t bring herself to move, because of the chance that she’d see them among the dead or injured people lying on the ground. She knew that the longer she waited, the worse it could get, but her body wouldn’t move. Hiding away was the easiest option.

Until, she heard a voice call out. She turned her head, noticing a person laying down with their leg raised. They had most likely injured it. Laelia sighed and stood up, unable to ignore someone in need. She had to move sooner or later, and this was what drove her to act. She looked through the grass where the trees grew, attempting to find some plantains, after remembering their leaves could easily be used as natural bandaging for wounds. To her luck, she spotted some immediately.

Laelia took some of the leaves, approaching the injured person. β€œYou can use these to wrap your wound.” she said, showing them the leaves. β€œI heard you call out and noticed you were injured. It’s just that I’m not very skilled at first aid…”

@Jass ~ Cas Morrisson


Somewhere on the beach
@idiot.exe ~ Laeila

Cas was surprised to actually hear someone approach them. They had been sort of desperately making an attempt, but they weren’t hopeful anyone would actually hear them. They saw a girl approach almost immediately after calling out, and clearly remembered having seen her on the cruise before. When she talked about the banana leaves, they said: β€œThat’s genius. I considered wrapping it with fabric, but that would be a risk for infection. This sounds like a much better solution.” They attempted to get up again, to walk over to the leaves, but as their leg felt numb now due to the improvised tourniquet, they struggled doing so. β€œMind giving me a hand?” they asked the girl. β€œAlso, don’t worry about the first aid part. I’ve followed an first course pretty recently, so I like to think I know what I’m doing” they looked at the girl, who didn’t seem seriously injurious, but decided to double check: β€œDo you have any injuries?”


The burning sensation of the hot sand against her skin, scratches all over her body, her clothes torn and wet, nails broken and makeup ruined, Malia could barely focus on anything else. As a woman who grew up in comfort and luxury, she just couldn’t stand it. The last thing she remembered was relaxing on the cruise with Prince, chatting about things she couldn’t remember. There was no sight of him anywhere. She was lying on the ground alone and confused, shaking from fear.

Although her vision was a bit blurred, she spotted a familiar face close by. She wasn’t too sure, but it was most likely Princeton’s sister, Daisy. She took a few deep breaths, pulling herself up. Malia got up as quickly as she could, dusting sand off her clothes, her hair, her skin. It was everywhere, further agitating her. She couldn’t focus until it was gone, but no matter how much she tried to clean it, it wouldn’t come off. After a while, she scoffed, brushing her hair back. Her vision had cleared up a bit, but she felt weak and a bit dizzy. She could barely stand. But on the bright side, Malia was now sure the person she saw was Daisy. Finally, something familiar in this entire mess.

β€œDaisy!” she shouted, kneeling down next to the woman. β€œAre you okay? Are you hurt anywhere?” she asked. No matter how uncomfortable she felt, helping Daisy was now her priority. Malia couldn’t let her see what state she was in. She didn’t want to make her worry, since she’d already have a lot on her plate after she realizes the situation.

@sunflower.flow ~ Daisy Dawson


Sorry for taking so long!


Aa she got closer, Laelia noticed the cloth tied around their leg, most likely a tourniquet. She made a mental note to keep it in mind in case she came across a similar situation. Along with that, she paused to think of a few plants that would help with that, so she wouldn’t have to tear off her own clothes. But while she was lost in thought, she barely noticed the person was still speaking.

β€œHuh? Sorry?” she looked at them, confused. Laelia noticed they were trying to get up, which helped her understand the situation pretty quickly. β€œNo.” she replied to their request, as she turned to bring the leaves closer to the person. β€œI can help you bandage your leg, so you won’t have to stand up. Unless that’s a requirement?” she asked, clueless. Laelia wanted to help the best she could, but she wasn’t even sure what to do. She only knew that plantain leaves would work as bandages in theory, but had no practical knowledge.

β€œI don’t have any major injuries, just cuts and scratches. I don’t think there’s enough of them to die of blood loss?”

@Jass ~ Cas Morrisson





I’m sorry for replying so late, my motivation for writing went :chart_with_downwards_trend::chart_with_downwards_trend: if you don’t wanna continue no worries!! But I do really enjoy how this interaction is going!!:desert_island: Delphina :desert_island: @idiot.exe


β€œYeahh, I’m fine, see?” She said pulling her shoulders back. Well, if she says she’s fine Brad shrugged, surveying the scene. β€œSo if it weren’t for him, you’d have left me to die? I think I need to personally thank him.” She laughed, but Brad just threw her a side long glance. β€œJoking. I’ll help you find him, let’s go.” He nodded, thankful for the help but a little…. Choked up. Clearing his throat, β€œuhh, yeah. Thanks.” He was truly thankful. But his thoughts really only gave him the worst scenarios. He cleared his throat again, β€œHis name is Logan. He has like, sandy blonde hair, two inches shorter, uhh, pretty solid build. Muscular.” Brads heart already started to ache, though at least just talking about his husband seemed to lessen the tensionβ€”well, at least turn it into a good tension and not a stab to the gut. Something closer to… a tingle. Brad stepped over a large piece of wood, reaching his foot yonder as his eyes caught on a hand that sent him jerking back with on awkward hop on one foot. He glanced back at the the girl to see if she was still following, then hesitantly peaked over the log. Following the arm, past the elbow, over the shoulder, Brad glanced at the body before quickly looking up at the sky to see anything but what was before him. Definitely a water logged person, with long soggy hair wrapped around their face. He was glad he couldn’t see the face. It would be too real. Brad turned back, not sure if the girl had seen the body yet. β€œMaybe we should head this way first.” Brad stated, rather than suggested. He was already sulking past herβ€”less bodies from what he could tell. β€œAre you sure you wanna… See all this” Brad asked, rolling his wrist in a circle to reference… well, everything.
