Christianity Discussion

So… I was having some interesting discussions on this thread:

I wanted to continue the discussion here if anyone else wants to do so because I felt like I was invading their territory a bit since I’m not a Christian lol and I shouldn’t be arguing about Christianity on that thread (I wasn’t, but still, don’t want to overrun their thread lol).

So um yeah.

This thread can be used to argue for or against Christianity (ex: explaining what you might believe and then explaining why you don’t agree with this other belief… etc), or just discuss it in general.
I do have a rule tho to be respectful to everyone on this thread and of any beliefs mentioned. Keep in mind that everyone has different beliefs that should be respected.

Keep in mind that this isn’t a thread to bash Christians cuz most of you are amazing. Just to discuss the belief- again, criticize ideas, not people. I’d like this to still be a safe space to those in the religion, but I would also like to continue the interesting conversations we were having on that other thread :slight_smile:


If I where to say something rude about Christians then I would be insulting my wife. I’m going to say this to some Christians. The ones who try to force their religion upon ppl. Plz stop. No one likes it. No one likes you when you do it. S t o p.


Yeah I can agree, some of them (not all of them lol) kinda shove it in people’s faces.

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I mean, I’m an atheist, but I’m not going to bash your religion. You do you, ok? I support you.


Yep and that’s not what this thread is about!

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I knew a guy who tried to shove it in my face. I was not happy.

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Oh no you’re fine, I don’t think I was very clear in my wording. Changed the description, hopefully it makes more sense now!

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I’m just afraid I’ll offend the people who do believe if I share why I don’t.

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Yeah it can be a sensitive topic, but I think it’s fine to discuss your beliefs, as long as you’re like: And that belief is valid, but personally I don’t believe in it or something.

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Exactly. People can believe whatever they want.

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I’ll put something out onto the table:
I don’t really believe that a god created all the animals and plants in this world individually. Like I don’t believe a god ever came down to earth and created everything.
I believe that a god may have been involved in the big bang and that had some involvement in creation, but things happened through evolution. Maybe a god created that evolution, but yeah.

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Exactly. I don’t believe in any god, but there’s no way evolution didn’t happen. Also, the world is like 4.5 billion years old. I understand that the 7 days could just be billions of years, but I’m trying to be scientific and put that into equal chunks. Now, if the wold was created in four and a half days, that would make more sense to me. A billion years for each of the four days, then that half day.

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I just hurt my brain.

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I try to use science (even tho I’m bad at it and am terrible at researching things) in my beliefs. Because if something is proven to be scientifically correct, I’m not going to deny that that happened for my own beliefs. Instead, I realize that part of the way I was thinking about my own beliefs was wrong and then I work to change my mindset a bit.
There was a short period before I came spiritual and I was an atheist and I thought that when you died you straight up went to darkness. Like you didn’t go anywhere and everything was just black. That scared me so much and the idea of losing myself that I went on the spiritual path of believing in an afterlife but then I had to think about what that afterlife contained and why it was there and how the system worked.
Yeah, I’m definitely not a scientist and not caught up on recent findings even, but I still believe in the theory of evolution, the big bang… etc.


Yes, exactly. That’s why I believe in ghosts.


I have a very tainted view on Christianity, due to some religious trauma stuffs. I tend to avoid devoted Christians and the like - most of you guys are amazing don’t get me wrong - but most things related to devotion and Christianity end up being quite triggering for me lol

Personally, I believe in the Christian God, but I also believe in the Islamic god and the hindu gods and the irish gods and pretty much all the deities that anyone would believe in. I worship none of them, and i never will, unless somehow I sort through all that trauma from my childhood hehe. My personal way of describing it is ‘believe in all and worship none’


Jack of all trades, master of none.

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yis :relieved:

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Meanwhile, I’m just: NO.

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