D&D Adventure Begins - Deathsleep


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Oof strategy failed


Oooooh yay I’m a successful blob then :man_dancing:t5:

Calicali question, are we in the next area yet and so like can we use those once an area thingies?


Yes, you are. Did I not remove the crossouts from them?

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Yeah yeah I was just wanting to confirm!

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Sorry I have been busy with leaving for vacation, I’ll respond as soon as we’re passed security and all


No worries at all. Completely forgot. My bad. Take your time.



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They all looked into the alcove but three thought nothing of it and continued along the path. Two however, Korinn and Thia, went over to the makeshift table to investigate, weapon raised. The closer they got, the more the alcove’s shadow dissolved, and soon they saw saw the owner of the table’s contents. A Grimlock. Thia and Korinn both knew that Grimlocks were once humans who had meddled too long with dark forces, and now they hunt their former kind for their bones. It was lucky that Kiya and Salazar hadn’t come over.
The Grimlock Stood a little taller than Korinn but not quite as tall as Thia, with his bone-crossed clubbed flail raised to them. He waited in anticipation for his opposition to make the first move.

Okay, so you attack one at a time, whoever wants to go first or whoever is online. The creature attacks after each attack. How do you attack? Look at your character sheet and choose one of your three weapons or your skill. I will roll a d20 to see if you’re effective and you know what you need to roll by the roll number next to it.

Kiya Astorio, the Sage

Race: Human
Class: Sorcerer
Stamina: 5
Gold coins: 5


Frying pan
Book of languages
Climbing harness


Lyre Lyre Pants on Fire
A magical instrument that sets your enemies ablaze! (+2 damage)

Items can only be used once per area.

The Sage:
Rational, Tentative, Kind

Skill: Spellsmith
Friendship is one of the strongest bonds humans can form. Once per dungeon (1 of the 4 areas of Neverwinter), you may choose to roll with a friend, choose the highest roll for this attack.

Roll 1-10 = Nothing happens
Roll 11-17 = Attacks the monster with damage of 2
Roll 18+ = Attacks the monster with damage of 3 & you get one gold

Burning Hands (Attack Spell) (roll 5+) = Attacks the monster with damage of 1
Magic Missiles (Attack Spell) (roll 12+) = Attacks the monster with damage of 2

Describe how you use magic to confuse the monster.

Roll 1-10 = Nothing happens
Roll 11-16 = Attacks the monster with damage of 2
Roll 17+ = Attacks the monster with damage of 1 & you stun the monster, so he won’t retaliate

Korinn Narturim, the Bandit

Race: Red Dragonborn
Class: Rogue
Stamina: 6
Gold coins: 5


Large ball of yarn
Grappling Hook
Lock and Chains


Bottomless Pit of Swagger
One swig and not only do you feel unstoppable but you pretty much are. (+1 damage & +1 stamina)

Baby Owlbear
Fuzzy and fierce. It calls you mama. (+1 damage & +1 stamina)

Items can only be used once per area.

The Bandit
Cunning, Quick, Quiet

Skill: Thief’s Gift
You see the signs, and find a secret thief’s cache full of supplies. Once per dungeon (1 of the 4 areas of Neverwinter), you may roll to see how much health you can distribute. Meaning you can up your stamina.

Roll 1-10 = +1 stamina to any two players
Roll 11+ = +2 stamina to any two players

When this ability is used, the monster doesn’t attack you.

Sneak Attack (attack move) (roll 5+) = Attacks the monster with damage of 1
Small Short Sword (roll 12+) = Attacks the monster with damage of 2

Describe how you turn your surroundings into a weapon.

Roll 1-10 = Nothing happens
Roll 11-16 = Attacks the monster with damage of 2
Roll 17+ = Attacks the monster with damage of 1 & you stun the monster, so he won’t retaliate

[details=“Patrin “Patrick” Nemmonis, the Champion”]
Race: Red Dragonborn
Class: Rogue
Stamina: 4
Gold coins: 3


Dungeon maps
Large pile of rope
Vials of acid
Torch and flint


What do you mean it’s not a real dragon? Of course, it is! (+1 damage & +1 stamina)

Pet Mimic
It mimics your foe’s appearance, which is very distracting and buys you time. (+1 damage & +1 stamina)

Items can only be used once per area.

The Champion:
Noble, Bossy, Independent

Skill: Tag Team
Even self-sufficient Dragonborn know when it’s time to call in reinforcements. Once per dungeon (1 of the 4 areas of Neverwinter), you may choose to roll with a friend, choose the highest roll for this attack.

Roll 1-10 = Nothing happens
Roll 11-17 = Attacks the monster with damage of 2
Roll 18+ = Attacks the monster with damage of 3 & you get one gold

Small Blow Darts (roll 5+) = Attacks the monster with damage of 1
Small Throwing Daggers (roll 12+) = Attacks the monster with damage of 2

Sleight of Hand
Describe how you use trickery and the items in your backpack to attack the monster.

Roll 1-10 = Nothing happens
Roll 11-16 = Attacks the monster with damage of 2
Roll 17+ = Attacks the monster with damage of 1 & you stun the monster, so he won’t retaliate


Salazar Tarmikos, the Tornado

Race: Human
Class: Sorcerer
Stamina: 6
Gold coins: 4


Fishing pole
Large metal hunting trap
Very warm blanket
Bag of dragon teeth


The One Ring
It only does one thing, don’t get too excited! (Play to shield from any attack)

Items can only be used once per area.

The Tornado
Unpredictable, Harsh, Decisive

Skill: Wind Wielder
A sorcerer’s magic can be wild and unexpected. Once per dungeon (1 of the 4 areas of Neverwinter), you may use a gust of magic to reroll a low throw.

Earth Tremor (Attack Spell) (roll 5+) = Attacks the monster with damage of 1
Whirlwind (Attack Spell) (roll 12+) = Attacks the monster with damage of 2

Describe how you bring an object in your backpack to life to attack the monster.

Roll 1-10 = Nothing happens
Roll 11-16 = Attacks the monster with damage of 2
Roll 17+ = Attacks the monster with damage of 1 & you stun the monster, so he won’t retaliate

Thia Silverfrond, the Peacekeeper

Race: Elf
Class: Bard
Stamina: 6
Gold coins: 3


Set of fancy clothes
Oil lamp
Poison kit
Hunting falcon

The Peacekeeper:
Calm, Easy-going, Insightful

Skill: Song of Rest
Even in the heat of battle, you can bring healing to your friends. Once per dungeon (1 of the 4 areas of Neverwinter), you may roll to see how much health you can distribute. Meaning you can up your stamina.

Roll 1-10 = +1 stamina to any two players
Roll 11+ = +2 stamina to any two players

When this ability is used, the monster doesn’t attack you.

Small Shortbow (roll 5+) = Attacks the monster with damage of 1
Hideous Laughter (Attack Spell) (roll 12+) = Attacks the monster with damage of 2

Theatrical Distraction
Describe how you get the monster’s attention using musical instruments or items in your backpack.

Roll 1-10 = Nothing happens
Roll 11-16 = Attacks the monster with damage of 2
Roll 17+ = Attacks the monster with damage of 1 & you stun the monster, so he won’t retaliate

Meeke and Buttercup, what do you do?


Showrt sword I guess

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So, quick question, as Lixie and I were discussing it…

Is this more of an Story-Game or a Forum Game?
  • SG
  • Forum Game
0 voters

@ethereal, @unsungcheerio, @Meekepeek, @OhSumana, @Secretz


Or rpg, it’s a lot like dnd

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I wouldn’t put it in the RP area since I do the writing for it. It’s either a game or a SG story thread and SG sign-up/chat thread in one.

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Then just do SG because it is story based.
Forum games are more the count to 100… Name. Game, etc.

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Fair point, fair point. It would also build up our SG section. (smiling_imp)

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Everyone voted on SG
I told you

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Skyler didn’t on the other one but I moved them both anyway 'cause of majority.

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