Oh well
Korinn immediately unsheathed the short short she kept clipped to her belt and swung it skilfully through the air a couple of times. Showing off, as she did, that speed and agility was on her side. Being too quick for the Grimlock at first, she slashed and sliced him (-3 damage to the creature), but he could see more in the darkened alcove and splayed his fingers toward Korinn. Focused black haze headed from his hand to Korinn’s eyes. She was made blind.
Rolls… Korinn: 20 & Grimlock: 5
Korinn Narturim, the Bandit
Race: Red Dragonborn
Class: Rogue
Stamina: 6
Gold coins: 5
Large ball of yarn
Grappling Hook
Lock and Chains
Bottomless Pit of Swagger
One swig and not only do you feel unstoppable but you pretty much are. (+1 damage & +1 stamina)
Baby Owlbear
Fuzzy and fierce. It calls you mama. (+1 damage & +1 stamina)
Items can only be used once per area.
The Bandit
Cunning, Quick, Quiet
Skill: Thief’s Gift
You see the signs, and find a secret thief’s cache full of supplies. Once per dungeon (1 of the 4 areas of Neverwinter), you may roll to see how much health you can distribute. Meaning you can up your stamina.
Roll 1-10 = +1 stamina to any two players
Roll 11+ = +2 stamina to any two players
When this ability is used, the monster doesn’t attack you.
Sneak Attack (attack move) (roll 5+) = Attacks the monster with damage of 1
Small Short Sword (roll 12+) = Attacks the monster with damage of 2
Describe how you turn your surroundings into a weapon.
Roll 1-10 = Nothing happens
Roll 11-16 = Attacks the monster with damage of 2
Roll 17+ = Attacks the monster with damage of 1 & you stun the monster, so he won’t retaliate
@ethereal, what’s your move?
OH NO!!! KORINN! I hope that is not permanent!
I will use the hideous laughter in attempts to kill the monster faster!!
For Thia, however, Korinn was too quick and she would have been able to pull out a physical weapon in time. So the only thing she could think to do was taunt him. Thia shouted “hey” to get his attention, then when she had it she laughed. She laughed so loudly and hideously that the Grimlock shut his eyes tightly, as if he had a headache. He probably did. The Grimlock balled his fists and started toward Thia when… his head exploded. Brain matter everywhere. (-2 damage to the creature)
Thia cleaned herself off and looked around, toward the table, and saw two coins. She collected them and walked over to Korinn, who was blinking her eyes. She could see again. killing the Grimlock had returned her eyesight.
Thia passed her a coin and the pair escaped the alcove and ran to catch up to the group.
Rolls… Thia: 14
Thia Silverfrond, the Peacekeeper
Race: Elf
Class: Bard
Stamina: 6
Gold coins: 3
Set of fancy clothes
Oil lamp
Poison kit
Hunting falcon
The Peacekeeper:
Calm, Easy-going, Insightful
Skill: Song of Rest
Even in the heat of battle, you can bring healing to your friends. Once per dungeon (1 of the 4 areas of Neverwinter), you may roll to see how much health you can distribute. Meaning you can up your stamina.
Roll 1-10 = +1 stamina to any two players
Roll 11+ = +2 stamina to any two players
When this ability is used, the monster doesn’t attack you.
Small Shortbow (roll 5+) = Attacks the monster with damage of 1
Hideous Laughter (Attack Spell) (roll 12+) = Attacks the monster with damage of 2
Theatrical Distraction
Describe how you get the monster’s attention using musical instruments or items in your backpack.
Roll 1-10 = Nothing happens
Roll 11-16 = Attacks the monster with damage of 2
Roll 17+ = Attacks the monster with damage of 1 & you stun the monster, so he won’t retaliate
Okay, so I’m pausing in the story for a quick second to remind you about your coins since many of you have a few now. It’s completely up to you when or if you wanna spend them but I thought I’d ask. So…
- Spend 3 gold on an item
- Spend 5 gold on levelling up
- Save the gold for now
Kiya Astorio, the Sage
Race: Human
Class: Sorcerer
Stamina: 5
Gold coins: 5
Frying pan
Book of languages
Climbing harness
Lyre Lyre Pants on Fire
A magical instrument that sets your enemies ablaze! (+2 damage)
Items can only be used once per area.
The Sage:
Rational, Tentative, Kind
Skill: Spellsmith
Friendship is one of the strongest bonds humans can form. Once per dungeon (1 of the 4 areas of Neverwinter), you may choose to roll with a friend, choose the highest roll for this attack.
Roll 1-10 = Nothing happens
Roll 11-17 = Attacks the monster with damage of 2
Roll 18+ = Attacks the monster with damage of 3 & you get one gold
Burning Hands (Attack Spell) (roll 5+) = Attacks the monster with damage of 1
Magic Missiles (Attack Spell) (roll 12+) = Attacks the monster with damage of 2
Describe how you use magic to confuse the monster.
Roll 1-10 = Nothing happens
Roll 11-16 = Attacks the monster with damage of 2
Roll 17+ = Attacks the monster with damage of 1 & you stun the monster, so he won’t retaliate
Korinn Narturim, the Bandit
Race: Red Dragonborn
Class: Rogue
Stamina: 6
Gold coins: 6
Large ball of yarn
Grappling Hook
Lock and Chains
Bottomless Pit of Swagger
One swig and not only do you feel unstoppable but you pretty much are. (+1 damage & +1 stamina)
Baby Owlbear
Fuzzy and fierce. It calls you mama. (+1 damage & +1 stamina)
Items can only be used once per area.
The Bandit
Cunning, Quick, Quiet
Skill: Thief’s Gift
You see the signs, and find a secret thief’s cache full of supplies. Once per dungeon (1 of the 4 areas of Neverwinter), you may roll to see how much health you can distribute. Meaning you can up your stamina.
Roll 1-10 = +1 stamina to any two players
Roll 11+ = +2 stamina to any two players
When this ability is used, the monster doesn’t attack you.
Sneak Attack (attack move) (roll 5+) = Attacks the monster with damage of 1
Small Short Sword (roll 12+) = Attacks the monster with damage of 2
Describe how you turn your surroundings into a weapon.
Roll 1-10 = Nothing happens
Roll 11-16 = Attacks the monster with damage of 2
Roll 17+ = Attacks the monster with damage of 1 & you stun the monster, so he won’t retaliate
[details=“Patrin “Patrick” Nemmonis, the Champion”]
Race: Red Dragonborn
Class: Rogue
Stamina: 4
Gold coins: 3
Dungeon maps
Large pile of rope
Vials of acid
Torch and flint
What do you mean it’s not a real dragon? Of course, it is! (+1 damage & +1 stamina)
Pet Mimic
It mimics your foe’s appearance, which is very distracting and buys you time. (+1 damage & +1 stamina)
Items can only be used once per area.
The Champion:
Noble, Bossy, Independent
Skill: Tag Team
Even self-sufficient Dragonborn know when it’s time to call in reinforcements. Once per dungeon (1 of the 4 areas of Neverwinter), you may choose to roll with a friend, choose the highest roll for this attack.
Roll 1-10 = Nothing happens
Roll 11-17 = Attacks the monster with damage of 2
Roll 18+ = Attacks the monster with damage of 3 & you get one gold
Small Blow Darts (roll 5+) = Attacks the monster with damage of 1
Small Throwing Daggers (roll 12+) = Attacks the monster with damage of 2
Sleight of Hand
Describe how you use trickery and the items in your backpack to attack the monster.
Roll 1-10 = Nothing happens
Roll 11-16 = Attacks the monster with damage of 2
Roll 17+ = Attacks the monster with damage of 1 & you stun the monster, so he won’t retaliate
Salazar Tarmikos, the Tornado
Race: Human
Class: Sorcerer
Stamina: 6
Gold coins: 4
Fishing pole
Large metal hunting trap
Very warm blanket
Bag of dragon teeth
The One Ring
It only does one thing, don’t get too excited! (Play to shield from any attack)
Items can only be used once per area.
The Tornado
Unpredictable, Harsh, Decisive
Skill: Wind Wielder
A sorcerer’s magic can be wild and unexpected. Once per dungeon (1 of the 4 areas of Neverwinter), you may use a gust of magic to reroll a low throw.
Earth Tremor (Attack Spell) (roll 5+) = Attacks the monster with damage of 1
Whirlwind (Attack Spell) (roll 12+) = Attacks the monster with damage of 2
Describe how you bring an object in your backpack to life to attack the monster.
Roll 1-10 = Nothing happens
Roll 11-16 = Attacks the monster with damage of 2
Roll 17+ = Attacks the monster with damage of 1 & you stun the monster, so he won’t retaliate
Thia Silverfrond, the Peacekeeper
Race: Elf
Class: Bard
Stamina: 6
Gold coins: 4
Set of fancy clothes
Oil lamp
Poison kit
Hunting falcon
The Peacekeeper:
Calm, Easy-going, Insightful
Skill: Song of Rest
Even in the heat of battle, you can bring healing to your friends. Once per dungeon (1 of the 4 areas of Neverwinter), you may roll to see how much health you can distribute. Meaning you can up your stamina.
Roll 1-10 = +1 stamina to any two players
Roll 11+ = +2 stamina to any two players
When this ability is used, the monster doesn’t attack you.
Small Shortbow (roll 5+) = Attacks the monster with damage of 1
Hideous Laughter (Attack Spell) (roll 12+) = Attacks the monster with damage of 2
Theatrical Distraction
Describe how you get the monster’s attention using musical instruments or items in your backpack.
Roll 1-10 = Nothing happens
Roll 11-16 = Attacks the monster with damage of 2
Roll 17+ = Attacks the monster with damage of 1 & you stun the monster, so he won’t retaliate
Alright, for the ones spending three gold…
@ethereal, you’re first in the poll, so would you like to buy the Ponderous Tome or Giant Toad?
For our other spender, @OhSumana, would you like to buy the Ponderous Tome or Knot a Joke?
HEHE. So both you’re characters have it. NICE. Love it.
EXACTLY both my characters will have toad obsessions and there’s nothing anyone can do to change my mind
Ponderous Tome
Thia and Korinn caught up to the group, who had stopped in the tunnel-like path to wait. This part of Gauntlgrym seemed to be relatively well intact. The slab walls built high, making it a still structurally sound corridor; at least it felt safe enough to lean and wait. When the pair reached them, it was Patrick who asked what they’d found and who reminded Thia about the gold. Gold was a commodity throughout these parts. Those who even saw it, let alone had it, were either amoungst the 1% or the thieves who stole it from them (mostly creatures).
Thia had heard about Poppy, the fairy who grants things for gold, such as items, skills, and even life. But she had never had gold to call her… until now. She squeezed her eyes shut and let Poppy swarm her mind.
A second later, a tiny creature the size of a human finger emerged from the ground. As if it was made of the rock beneath them. Slowly the rocks crumbled away and fairy flew up into the middle at eye-level, the ground once again looking as if nothing had just burst through it. The fairy, Poppy, wore a red “Away with the fairies” tee and navy skinnies with red Monarch butterfly wings and long loosely-curled strawberry blonde hair tied back in a ponytail. “You called?”, she giggled.
Thia showed her the gold she had collected and Poppy talked about what she could offer. Thia asked for an item, which Poppy offered a choice, and Thia picked the Giant Toad. Patrick, too, wanted an item and picked the Ponderous Tome.
As for Kiya and Korinn, they both asked Poppy for a new skills. What was 5 gold if they could become more skillful in battle. And by pulling gently on her left ear, a faint glow of glistening magic flowed from the tiny fairy and into Kiya and Korinn. They only thing they felt was light-headedness but would soon discover the benefits to what they spent.
As for Salazar, he didn’t want anything for now. Poppy nodded and giggled again. I should tell you something then, Salazar. When I go, my magic restraining the giant boulder up there with disappear and you will have have two minutes to concoct a plan to escape it." She was beaming as if this wasn’t a problem. “Okay, if you need me, think Poppy.” And with a third giggle, she flew straight into the wall; gone. Disappeared.
Poppy had been right, a second later the ground beneath their feet began rumbling.
Come up with a plan together.
Kiya Astorio, the Sage
Race: Human
Class: Sorcerer
Stamina: 5
Gold coins: 0
Frying pan
Book of languages
Climbing harness
Lyre Lyre Pants on Fire
A magical instrument that sets your enemies ablaze! (+2 damage)
Items can only be used once per area.
The Sage:
Rational, Tentative, Kind
Skill: Spellsmith
Friendship is one of the strongest bonds humans can form. Once per dungeon (1 of the 4 areas of Neverwinter), you may choose to roll with a friend, choose the highest roll for this attack.
Roll 1-10 = Nothing happens
Roll 11-17 = Attacks the monster with damage of 2
Roll 18+ = Attacks the monster with damage of 3 & you get one gold
Meteror Storm (Attack Spell) (roll 5+) = Attacks the monster with damage of 2
Flame Tongue (Enchanted Weapon) (roll 12+) = Attacks the monster with damage of 3
Describe how you use magic to confuse and disorient the monster.
Roll 1-10 = Nothing happens
Roll 11-16 = Attacks the monster with damage of 2
Roll 17+ = Attacks the monster with damage of 3 & 1 Gold
Korinn Narturim, the Bandit
Race: Red Dragonborn
Class: Rogue
Stamina: 6
Gold coins: 1
Large ball of yarn
Grappling Hook
Lock and Chains
Bottomless Pit of Swagger
One swig and not only do you feel unstoppable but you pretty much are. (+1 damage & +1 stamina)
Baby Owlbear
Fuzzy and fierce. It calls you mama. (+1 damage & +1 stamina)
Items can only be used once per area.
The Bandit
Cunning, Quick, Quiet
Skill: Thief’s Gift
You see the signs, and find a secret thief’s cache full of supplies. Once per dungeon (1 of the 4 areas of Neverwinter), you may roll to see how much health you can distribute. Meaning you can up your stamina.
Roll 1-10 = +1 stamina to any two players
Roll 11+ = +2 stamina to any two players
When this ability is used, the monster doesn’t attack you.
Double Sickles (small weapons) (roll 5+) = Attacks the monster with damage of 2
Lightning Breath (roll 12+) = Attacks the monster with damage of 3
Describe how you turn your surroundings into a weapon.
Roll 1-10 = Nothing happens
Roll 11-16 = Attacks the monster with damage of 2
Roll 17+ = Attacks the monster with damage of 3 & 1 gold
[details=“Patrin “Patrick” Nemmonis, the Champion”]
Race: Red Dragonborn
Class: Rogue
Stamina: 4
Gold coins: 0
Dungeon maps
Large pile of rope
Vials of acid
Torch and flint
What do you mean it’s not a real dragon? Of course, it is! (+1 damage & +1 stamina)
Pet Mimic
It mimics your foe’s appearance, which is very distracting and buys you time. (+1 damage & +1 stamina)
Ponderous Tome:
When used, this hefty book will provoke deep, remorseful thought in your enemy while you dodge out of the way. (Play to shield from any attack)
Items can only be used once per area.
The Champion:
Noble, Bossy, Independent
Skill: Tag Team
Even self-sufficient Dragonborn know when it’s time to call in reinforcements. Once per dungeon (1 of the 4 areas of Neverwinter), you may choose to roll with a friend, choose the highest roll for this attack.
Roll 1-10 = Nothing happens
Roll 11-17 = Attacks the monster with damage of 2
Roll 18+ = Attacks the monster with damage of 3 & you get one gold
Small Blow Darts (roll 5+) = Attacks the monster with damage of 1
Small Throwing Daggers (roll 12+) = Attacks the monster with damage of 2
Sleight of Hand
Describe how you use trickery and the items in your backpack to attack the monster.
Roll 1-10 = Nothing happens
Roll 11-16 = Attacks the monster with damage of 2
Roll 17+ = Attacks the monster with damage of 1 & you stun the monster, so he won’t retaliate
Salazar Tarmikos, the Tornado
Race: Human
Class: Sorcerer
Stamina: 6
Gold coins: 4
Fishing pole
Large metal hunting trap
Very warm blanket
Bag of dragon teeth
The One Ring
It only does one thing, don’t get too excited! (Play to shield from any attack)
Items can only be used once per area.
The Tornado
Unpredictable, Harsh, Decisive
Skill: Wind Wielder
A sorcerer’s magic can be wild and unexpected. Once per dungeon (1 of the 4 areas of Neverwinter), you may use a gust of magic to reroll a low throw.
Earth Tremor (Attack Spell) (roll 5+) = Attacks the monster with damage of 1
Whirlwind (Attack Spell) (roll 12+) = Attacks the monster with damage of 2
Describe how you bring an object in your backpack to life to attack the monster.
Roll 1-10 = Nothing happens
Roll 11-16 = Attacks the monster with damage of 2
Roll 17+ = Attacks the monster with damage of 1 & you stun the monster, so he won’t retaliate
Thia Silverfrond, the Peacekeeper
Race: Elf
Class: Bard
Stamina: 6
Gold coins: 1
Set of fancy clothes
Oil lamp
Poison kit
Hunting falcon
Giant Toad
Hope into battle and sic its slimy tongue upon thine foes. (+2 damage)
Items can only be used once per area.
The Peacekeeper:
Calm, Easy-going, Insightful
Skill: Song of Rest
Even in the heat of battle, you can bring healing to your friends. Once per dungeon (1 of the 4 areas of Neverwinter), you may roll to see how much health you can distribute. Meaning you can up your stamina.
Roll 1-10 = +1 stamina to any two players
Roll 11+ = +2 stamina to any two players
When this ability is used, the monster doesn’t attack you.
Small Shortbow (roll 5+) = Attacks the monster with damage of 1
Hideous Laughter (Attack Spell) (roll 12+) = Attacks the monster with damage of 2
Theatrical Distraction
Describe how you get the monster’s attention using musical instruments or items in your backpack.
Roll 1-10 = Nothing happens
Roll 11-16 = Attacks the monster with damage of 2
Roll 17+ = Attacks the monster with damage of 1 & you stun the monster, so he won’t retaliate
does the boulder have same the circumference and diameter of the tunnel?
Almost, yes.
would attacking it until it breaks be dangerous guys?
could be, if the attacks don’t deter it and its momentum increases instead of slows
If everyone has a shield—which not totally sure but I think at least most ppl have some sort of defense thing—what if instead of being on the offense, we did the defense? Like everyone uses their shield to protect themselves/the group against the boulder thing
But isn’t it a bit heavy so it would just squish everyone?
What if we stop its momentum? Its exactly the size of the cave, so if we find break the wall and get a big enough piece of rock, it would be forced to stop.
Besides, if we attack, the momentum will also slow down as we give energy against the movement.
The only one who has a shield is Salazar so either we risk it by all hiding behind them, or we try breaking it.