Not sure if this is a controversial topic but I feel that I would like to hear from you. What are your thoughts?
Would I ever forgive a bully? I doubt it because I tend to remember the horrible things they have done to me in the past and they don’t deserve to come back into my life. Like, I wouldn’t want to forgive a paedophile or a r*pist.
I am not a very forgiving person. You make me mad once and I’ll remember it all the time. But maybe if they really really seem to have changed, and if I can see that its a positive change and they stick to it for a while, I might.
Yeah. I mean it’s really hard to forgive people. There’s this quote I like: I am kind enough to forgive you, but not stupid enough to trust you again.
Like if a person even changed, there’s always a part of me who will remain suspicious due to past experiences but if someone’s genuinely changed, I’ll forgive them.
That’s actually a really good question. I personally haven’t ever forgiven a bully because I haven’t met most of the bullies from my school days in years. Those I have met are… Well they’re a lot worse these days. Abusive, criminal, etc.
But I do know that my current uncle in-law (He married my aunt and he’s one of my favourite people in the world) used to bully my dad in school. But, he and my dad now get along really well. I remember when they first mentioned it I was like ‘what??’ I didn’t get it either. But he’s a much nicer, more temperate person nowadays. He also lost the majority of his teeth from being a bit of a prick in his youth and it kinda changed his outlook.
So it’s definitely possible, just not common. And I’m not sure if I’d be able to do it, my dad might just be a really good person
I’ll tell you this way (regardless of a person being a bully or not):
Frankly, it depends on what did that person do and how severe it is. I usually try my best to be forgiving, and if I forgive someone for how he talked or behaved, then I am doing this for myself, since I don’t want my heart to be full of resentment. As human beings, we should know how to forgive, because sometimes, not forgiving means to punish yourself for something that you can’t change and that happened because of someone else. Not forgiving is like punishing ourselves for others’ disabilies.
However, as you know, anything has limits, and I believe that my forgiveness has ones. If somebody does or says something that can be left as a scar in my heart, it’d be really hard to forgive him, and I am worried that I even will not be able to forgive. Whether the person is a bully or not. But, I don’t really want to be a person who holds something against someone, so I am still working on it by trying to stretch the limits.
I don’t like to hold grudges, although I wouldn’t forgive some bullies. My childhood bullies made my life hell, but I learnt what one of them was going through, and saw it all in a different light.
I’d still never forgive people who continuously insult race, religion, sexuality, etc. even when they know it’s not the right thing to do.
For some bullies, it’s forgive, don’t forget.
For others it’s move on and let them go.
But remember, your life is your story. You’re choices control the plot.
I don’t forgive people easily, because people usually don’t change in a day or two, and if they start acting different to earn your trust back, they’ll just go back to their natural ways of being rude to you over time.
Plus, why should I forgive them? What have they done to earn that forgiveness from me back?
Some people can be so deceiving when they want forgiveness from you. When someone hurt me big time I’m like, “You don’t deserve my forgiveness so f**k off!”
Like I said on the forums, I would forgive not for them but for my own peace of mind.
I’ve never really been bullied but I have had people do me wrong and not forgiving them is absolutely exhausting. You’re sitting there ruining your own mood continuously thinking about what they’ve done whilst they’re out there living their best life not giving you a second thought. It’s very difficult to forget the wrong that someone has done to you but knowing that you’re no longer going to allow what they did to continue to ruin your day and spoil your mood can be so refreshing.
Gets triggered
Ha, there was a period in my life where my home was so so broken, and nobody ever knew about it. I always tried to be a nice person cause I know what it’s like to live in hell and having to act normal and like nothings wrong. My life was the definition of “You don’t know what they go through” cause my home was broken for years and it took me years after all of the stuff happened for me to tell my friend what had been happening and when I did she said “Omg, I had some moments when I thought you were depressed but I didn’t know it was that bad.”
Oof rant over
Edit: I forgot this thread was about bullying and if you would ever forgive them, I can be a petty bitch so I wouldn’t forgive any of my old bullies.