Do you use face masks?

What is your opinion on them?
Do you think they are helpful in protecting people from the virus?
Are they uncomfortable?
Which are the most effective?

Right now, they are mandatory in public spaces in my country. As many stores are reopening, no one can enter without a face mask.
Yes, they are a bit uncomfortable, but I’d take wearing a face mask in public spaces with sanitary restrictions than not being able to go anywhere at all.
It has been said that if everyone wears them, both infected and non-infected people, it helps contain the spread of the virus. However, I’ve heard that cloth masks aren’t as effective as the surgical masks that are disposable.


I don’t and I’ve heard lots of different things about those masks.


i can’t even breathe while wearing one :clown_face:

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I wear them. I don’t know how effective they are, but a barrier is nice.


For some reason, I thought this thread was gonna be about those cosmetic face masks :joy::rofl:

But funny story-
I usually go on a run everyday and I don’t wear a face mask when I do it (because I need to b r e a t h e). I was on this track and there were a couple girls in front of me just walking around with their masks on. There’s this hill right next to the track and this old man who was standing on it, starts pointing at me and screaming at the girls in front of me. I’m guessing it was because I didn’t have my mask on, but I always make sure to stay 6 feet apart when I pass people :woman_shrugging:

I usually wear a mask when I go to the store/anywhere public. Just not when I’m running

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I kind have to, or else I won’t be allowed to go to a lot of places :joy:

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I always wear them whenever I go outside since it’s still better to have a layer of protection for you nose and mouth than to have nothing at all. Plus, I’m also not allowed to go inside the establishments here if I’m not wearing one.

The only thing that I hate about wearing them is that it makes my eyeglasses go foggy whenever I exhale :joy:

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Of course I do, im not a moron


I have two masks that I alternate wearing, one was made by a family friend out of an old flannel shirt and one that I bought at a store that’s navy blue with white cats on it. I tend to wear the cat one more often.


Oui And I make sure to wear it correctly and not like those idiots who don’t even cover the nose… It surprises me how humans have survived so long with how stupid some people are behaving now :no_mouth::green_heart:
And it’s not hard to breathe with one at all, I got used to it after a day and the only time I have problems with breathing is after running a long distance or going up the stairs to the 4th floor at school :eyes::sparkles:


they are 100% helpful and people should take them seriously


When it’s on for a long time but it’s for the right purpose :wink:

Same, :joy: I thought it was


Tbh I don’t think I do
Not sure about it tho but I still use them

So bloody uncomfortable

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I don’t mind since I wear a face mask when going to piano lessons.
But unfortunately it going to be the new normal for a while.

I hate them, but they’re necessary in this time so we have to wear them

If used correctly and cleaned/changed regularly, then yes, that helps in protecting people





Do you believe that masks work?



Yeah, they reduce transmission to other people, its just selfish to not wear one


