Genoster's | 1x1 RP||

Oh absolutely its so amazingly cool!

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It’s on my bucket list to see a show from cirque du soleil

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oh yeah an ice show is specifically on my list

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I have mad respect for everyone who can stand on the ice and can get more than 1 mm above the ground with both skates at the same time AND ITS INTENTIONAL.

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I miss that feeling so much honestly its the biggest rush ever

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I can imagine I have always been jealous of dancers, gymnasts and figure skaters. I used to be friends with a brother and sister who did it and they went to practice about 4 times a week. But when the water would freeze they would always do a tiny show.

They always looked so free.

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Do you still skate from time to time tho?

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I used to skate pretty competitively and was at a rink for at least some time every day until I hit high school and then some stuff happened and I quit do to it. I do it here and there recreationally now but with where I live now and how far away the closest rink is I dont get to very often at all. Once or twice every few months is at best honestly its a 3 hour drive to a rink from my place. My dad taught me though on the frozen pond at my grandparents in the winter that’s what got me started really.

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Wow that sounds so cool. Too bad it’s so far away. We used to be proud of the ice in front of my house. It didn’t have cracks in it and the whole neighborhood worked together to remove all snow then it would fall, so it was like glass.

The only thing I hate about skating is that because my feet fall out a little when walking, they can’t do that in skates so I get massive cramps.

During the whole routine I felt free. I noticed that being a bird actually helped with my air control and it felt more natural than ever to jump.

I closed my eyes and my body moved on its own. Moving like a machine, remembering every move by muscle. Memories of my mom came and went, and a bittersweet feeling of both loss and happiness was all that was left as I made my way back to Arch.

I could see a similar look in his eyes. I took his hand and the other I carefully placed on his freezing cheek. “What’s wrong?” I asked but knowing what I’m feeling I quickly add. “Or is this another something for tonight?”, suggesting with a tender smile that he didn’t have to tell me now if he wanted to just enjoy the moment.


Me too. I’m lame, so I can’t use my legs very well.

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We’ll I’m fairly good at skating I have a good balance and all, but the cramps are just terrible.

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My legs just suck.

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I warmed up a little with nothing very advance or showy. I just wanted to get a feel for being on the ice with someone again. It was different but with Gen I knew it wouldnt take long to get used to.

I was trying to shake myself out of my thoughts. I didnt want to ruin the mood and honestly still this was something I loved nearly as much as computers. This just had more baggage attached than computers did. I took a deep breath steadying myself I would be fine I just needed to relax and enjoy myself not think of her. Could i do that even?

I leaned into Gen’s touch even though it was cold and nearly every part of me was screaming to pull my face from his cold grasp. It was loving and warm in that way though so I leaned in. “My story for tonight since we will share the emotional stuff then.” I say as I wrap my arms around his waist. “I want to enjoy this with you as much as I possibly can.” I said as I smiled at him. I was willing to tell him. I knew it would come with and emotionally break down but he had no reason for me not to tell him. It would probably be good for me to since I hadnt talked with anyone about it really since it happened.


I just gave a short nod at his request to save it for tonight. “Then right now, let’s just focus on each other” I said as I pulled him close and made us twist at medium speed while kissing him.

He was very accepting towards my past so I wanted to do the same, so I accepted that he would tell me when he was ready. For jow we both wanted to focus on the moment, and right now, it was an amazing moment in my eyes and I could feel his cold lips warm up.

After a bit I started to feel lightheaded but I couldn’t tell if it was from the kiss or spinning for so long. Whatever it was, it made me end both by smiling as I looked deeply into his eyes.


I smiled and nodded when he said we should focus on each other and right now. That felt right and I leaned in to him as I smiled as we spun and kissed. I wrapped my arms around his waist tight to keep him close while we kissed.

I loved when he kissed me it was pure bliss. This is the kind of moment that I wanted to live in for as long as I possibly could. I leaned in to deepen the kiss and I was content him with me on the ice was a great moment that I would never forget.

I smiled and broke the kiss for air I was really short of breath. "I never book eye contact though. He had the most beautiful eyes I had ever seen. “I love you Gen.” I whispered.


We both pulled away as we let out a gasp for air. I could see the slight pink tint in his face and the burning sensation of my own skin, telling me I probably looked the same if not worse.

I smiled at him as we kept the eye contact while our breath made a smoke signal. Suddenly I heard Arch whisper that he loved me and my heart skipped a beat. It was true that even when you knew someone loved you, hearing them say it made it one of the most beautiful sound I had ever heard.

I could only smile at him as I was lost at words to return to him, as suddenly no words existed in my head. “I love you too” Were the only ones that managed to make it out of my mouth, each word slow and on its own. “You don’t know how grateful I am that I have you by my side” I told him softly as I embarrassedly looked away, feeling my cheeks burn more.


@bpalmer, sorry if annoying or if you’re busy, just wanted to give a reminder.

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I knew I was blushing hard but I had no care in the world as I looked at Gen. Honestly he wasn’t much better off but that was ok. No ones opinion of us mattered one single bit in that very moment that I wished could have lasted for ever.

I cuddled into him as I saw our breath tangling together to make little clouds. I wasnt sure how Gen would react to me telling him that I loved him but I couldn’t keep it from coming out of my mouth in this moment. I held him close and took every single little bit of him in I just couldn’t let him go I just wanted this moment to last for as long as it possibly could.

His smile made me love him so much more. All the little subtle things about him made me fall harder and harder for him. That was something that I honestly hadn’t ever expected to find from another person. When I heard him say he loved me too I smiled it was really amazing to hear those words fall off his lips. I saw how embarrassed he seemed and kissed him softly but quickly one more time. “Im just as grateful to have you Gen. You know that right?” I asked as I pushed his hair out of his eyes softly.
@Meekepeek (I had this written 3 times and just kept forgetting to hit the reply button