New Blood | General Chat


Feel free to take the opportunity to ask Amanda and Clara more questions guys


Madeline and chase broke up :sob:

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Not me recognizing mason fc without his face

Wait itā€™s Wednesday
Is skip today

I believe so

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You a liar kid

Ricky respects the hustle tho


He is



Watch her become a witch on a tv show

He is helping

By not getting her drunk

Idk why that made me laugh as much as it did


Sheā€™s like ā€œIā€™m the only one who matters, pay attention to meā€

Oh, kid :pleading_face::joy:

Heā€™s the one who told her to get you some


I love how itā€™s wabbit but itā€™s not cousin wonnie

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Ronnie spent months reaching her how to say it Wright

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Iā€™m legit so bored I canā€™t even

Do social media for the timeskip


Already halfway through it Iā€™m gathering pics

of course

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hey got anybody approachable or not somebody you didnā€™t post for yet?

Weā€™re skipping today so it might be best to wait until then to ask for approachable characters

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Oh I knew the skip was gonna happen either today or tomorrow, I just asked for later, you know so when I write my characters post and say theyā€™re approachable I have somebody who could join them ā€¦ Iā€™m usually paranoid nobody will approach my characters if I just make a post so I have to ask to ensure it

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This is basically my character Jackie, who will only believe his mother thinks low of him, but nobody else

I donā€™t have time and wonā€™t be posting for some time