RPers General Chat

They were. The rights were bought.

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They each have their own names, ideas, etc.

ā€œBeverly Collegeā€ is a sequel

not itā€™s own unique creationā€¦



Okay this is really rude when iā€™ve been asking if yā€™all want a time skip every once in a while and I do try my best to answer questions whenn Iā€™m not busy. itā€™s not my fault I have a busy life and I always try to read the messages on the chat thread to keep up and answer if I see that Iā€™m needed and I never see that Iā€™m needed + its hard to read 400+ messages a day


One thing about me is that if I am dmed iā€™ll answer straight away. And I would have no problem if someone was to dm me asking if they can take over for a while as it seems i and the other co owner are busy and cant RP our RP as much as we wish we could due to being in new eras of our school times and having to prioritize our education.

I would much rather make 50+ posts a day than have to study and take all the exams Iā€™m taking, but I really donā€™t have a choice if I want a good future! Same with the other owner! Iā€™ve tried my hardest to answer to every dm and If i ignored your dm once, I will answer the second time.


This exactly!! I know Iā€™m really busy and Its unfortunate how I cannot participate more in my own RP but I would have appreciated a pm at least. Iā€™m not a b!tch, I know my limits and rn I have too much at hands and I would have offered to let someone take over for a while until I could get into the right headspace + I did try my best to keep up but whenever I came it seems like I was needed so I let them do the RP how they wanted to do it. All Iā€™m saying is that it would have been nice for me and ixy to be credited at least for the universe :heart: Iā€™m not even here to pick fights, I think the university idea would be so cool but I would have really preferred to have been asked about it before


im sorry about this. I try to reply to every tag but the most effective way to reach me is dm since I get tagged a lot and cant really scroll through 500000 tags a day. iā€™ll always gladly check my dms


Once again I was just stating my perspective. I did check the last time you responded was exactly a month ago. I do understand that people get busy in life and tend to be away. Iā€™m sorry if I made you feel bad but AGAIN I am starting my opinion.

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how long exactly Is a month ago?

we literally just started February and like I said Iā€™ve been asking almost everytme I pop in if yā€™all wanted a time skip it was always ā€˜more timeā€™ no matter what even though I wanted to follow the plan of my RP but I allowed yā€™all to gain more time because you guys are the most actives ones and I will ofc respect your opinions :sob: was I supposed to be rude and tell you ā€˜no f off lets do the time skip now because this is when I have time and Ill be more able to involve my charactersā€™ or let you guys enjoy the RP I made to be easy breezy


Okay, so I donā€™t mean to get in between, as I donā€™t know if Sorta is talking about you posting a poll or answering tags about this new idea in the chat. Iā€™m just adding what I can seeā€¦

  • I looked at your recent activity, Kristi, which is something every user can see unless itā€™s private. (if it is, Iā€™m sorry, I sadly donā€™t know) ā€¦ But anyway, I can see that youā€™ve been active there a lot in the last month. You posted in the chat and the RP a week ago, and seem to have posted in both at least once a week throughout January.

So now Iā€™m guessing hereā€¦ but if a PM was sent any time throughout January, I feel you would have been able to read and answer that too.


I get that! I know my activity has been iffy when posting, so Iā€™m not mad about Sora pointing that one out. But I would have responded to a pm no matter what if it was sent through January or even now :face_with_head_bandage:

But thank you :heart:


So idk what you guys are talking about (i dont feel like reading) but Beverly College doesnā€™t have to be connected to Beverly Shores. I can literally call it something else, its just going to be a college setting and weā€™re going to put our characters kids in there whether you guys agree or not. It was just an idea to be connected to Beverly shores but once again it doesnā€™t have to be in your name. Its my idea. Its a completely different rp thats just based on beverly shores or inspired by because our characters are from the beverly neighborhood. Okay?

Now the owners werenā€™t following the storylines nor have they posted in there for months. So we have the right to do whatever we want with our characters.

At the end of the day, the storylines matter more than anything and if youā€™re neglecting them, then the members have the right to do what they want.

Either way the idea is going through even if I have to call it something else.

Everything about this is so rude. Honestly I get that maybe they werenā€™t as active in the RP as others but most of us are adults and we have lives outside of here. Not everyone can be here 24/7.


I did not want to get involved with this (but here I am). I think the issue is not with you using the name alone, itā€™s you creating a spin off idea of an existing RP without asking the Creatorā€™s approval or attempting to. Now, whether itā€™s a completely different RP or not is not the question. Iā€™m not sure how this idea qualifies as being a completely different RP because itā€™s not, itā€™s still related via the characters. I see where both of you are coming from I really do, but completely missing the point of this conversation is not the way to go.


Okay now this is disrespectful ASF because what, whatā€™s the meaning for all that attitude with whether you like it or not when I havenā€™t even been attacking you tf? :sob: All Iā€™ve asked is that you send me a dm that youā€™re going to do this based on MY universe (MY universe that I came up with, with your characters that exist within my universe) I donā€™t know if you understand this but those characters still exist within my universe and youā€™re probably going to mention theyā€™re celebs from Beverly shores or whatever or make a neighborhood similar to the one in MY universe. Again emphasizing mine because I didnā€™t come off as aggy with you or aggressive and was just like ā€˜lol I would have appreciated it if I got a pm because I would gladly say go ahead :heart:ā€™ and welcome the idea with open arms, same with someone wanting to take over the actual Beverly shores RP for a while.

But the point is that you didnā€™t

  1. Talk to me or ixy beforehand about making an RP inspired by our universe which is disrespectful AF.
  2. Being passive-not even passive, fully aggressive to me because I called you out on your weird behavior

Okay and please in there make sure to mention how many times I came to the RP asking if yā€™all wanted a time skip and yā€™all told me more time and how I cant wait to follow the path of what I have planned. Also yā€™all didnt think of dming me asking to take over my RP for a while and Iā€™ll send you all the deets and info of the characters so yall can go ahead and follow the course of the RP or dm me asking for a time skip?

Neglecting them and its me being busy and everytime I try to engage in MY RP yā€™all are like ā€˜more timeā€™ is so crazy to me


The crazy thing is that iā€™ve said this 10000 billion times, I would not care if yā€™all decide to do a spin off, prequel, 50000 hundred years into the future of Beverly shores if I at least got a dm about it. Itā€™s not like Iā€™m dead, I never left the forums (if I did then yā€™all can go ahead and do whatever because me leaving the forums officially without telling no one would have been shxtty) and Iā€™ve expressed how busy my life is. Iā€™m no longer a kid with all the free time in the world and we all know I love RPING. Even in my favorite rps/rps I am more engaged in, nowadays unlike before it takes me weeks to answer them. Iā€™m sorry for asking for respect/credit about a universe I created


Exactly this is it :heart: . I donā€™t want beef with anyone, I would have simply appreciated to get a pm or a ā€˜hi girlie Iā€™m going to make a spinoff of Beverly lol :heart: cool with you? if not it wont be Beverly but have a slight twist to itā€™ and I would be like ā€˜do whatever you want :heart:ā€™ iā€™m never one to dunk on someoneā€™s ideas


YeahŁ« just tell you first.


This is not okay, this is plagiarism! Simple as that, @Kbail.

Let it known to all that donā€™t know, that this is a writing forum first and foremost! And on this writing forum, we will not tolerate plagiarism at all.

So if you go through with what you say, using any of the characters or assets from the Beverly Shores RP without getting permission from either @/Kristi or @/raviola first, then any user who is unhappy by this has every right to flag. Those flags will be accepted, because plagiarism is a crime, not just a rule here.

If you find this unfair, you can read up about how plagiarism works and why here:


And youā€™re literally saying ā€˜completely different rpā€™ but then in the same breath

And if its based on or inspired by a rp created by someone else have the decency to run it by the original owners
You have taken someone elseā€™s concept and idea as simple as that
And its so crazy because this could have been such an easy question ā€˜can I do thisā€™ ā€˜yesā€™ but now if I were them I would say no out of principle bc this has been handled horrifically


YeahŁ« if youā€™d askedŁ« Iā€™m sure theyā€™d have said yes. The problem is that you didnā€™t.