St. Andrew’s Academy Miscellaneous

“Wait you play soccer?!! I used to play. Do you have a favorite team?” Killian was kind of excited but it sounded like most of Leo’s interests Killian really couldnt do with him very easily. “I like to hang out too but I dont drink or anything really I have a hard time doing things if I get too far gone.” Killian shrugged he didnt know how Leo would take that. “I love drawing painting is my favorite but I am here on an art scholarship so if you need art help ever just ask Im more than willing.” Killian was watching out the window on the bus. It wasnt because he didnt find Leo interesting it was because he wanted to see everything. It was his first time in the states. “Well Im not sure exactly what to share but like I said I really like art. I used to play soccer but dont now. Im Belfast and I have an older and younger brother.” Killian wracked his brain on anything else to share about himself. “My dad left us after I was in the accident guess he felt guilty or something.” Killian shrugged. “Was just my mum Kashel and me for a few years but she married a guy not to long ago and had my younger brother Declan.”

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Leo smiled at Killian. They both looked out the window at everything. Leo was happy to have someone to explore the town with. “Yeah, i play and my favorite team is Untied Manchester. I like to draw too. not sure how good I am though.” Leo said as he thought about how he drew the tattoos he had actually. Leo smiles at Killian. “Well that’s cool. My mom got remarried too. However her husband doesn’t like me. So yeah. Maybe when we go back for break we can find a way to meet each other’s families.” Leo said with a huge smile as the bus got into town.

@bpalmer Killian

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Jasper reacted by returning the hug, a mixture of surprise and warmth evident on his face. He said, “Hey, no worries. I get it; losing something like that would be a nightmare. Consider it a public service. Losing a notebook filled with musical brilliance is a crime against humanity.” he chuckled, yet the tension hadn’t fully left him, especially as he looked Brex in the eyes.

You know, especially one who makes the music room feel even brighter was what Jasper had been holding back from saying earlier. There was a lot going on as Brex told him he could tell him everything. He wanted to tell it all, about this full on gay panic he was experiencing with Brex. The excitement he had felt about getting to know Brex, spending time with him, even the hug just now, internally he was wrestling with what this was, what was he feeling and his very quickly growing fondness for Brex.

Jasper, feeling a bit tense and not ready to delve into these deeper emotions, especially not at a party, responded to Brex’s concern with a lighthearted deflection. “Ah, you caught me! I’m just grappling with the existential crisis of whether pineapple belongs on pizza or not. It’s tearing me apart, mate.” His inner drama player came out as he spoke. Yet, despite the light tone, a hint of vulnerability lingered in Jasper’s eyes. “But don’t worry, I’ll survive this cheesy dilemma.” Knowing Brex might not fully buy into his deflective humor he added, “On a more serious note, I’m good, really.” More than good even since I met you he thought to himself, which scared him. He fell back onto his deflective humor. “Just pondering life’s profound questions and enjoying the party vibes. Now, tell me, where do you stand on the pineapple pizza debate?”

Jasper’s eyes lit up with genuine excitement as Brex told him about the song. "Absolutely, mate! I’d love to hear what you’ve got so far. And if you think I’d be a good fit to sing it, then count me in. Collaborating on a song sounds like a blast. He was quite excited about this, yet a touch nervous and intimidated to, “What’s the song about?” He said asking the question that came to mind.

When Brex asked him to spend more time together outside of music, Jasper noticed the blush coloring Brex’s cheeks, and something in that vulnerable moment tugged at Jasper’s own hesitations and conflict. A subtle, unspoken understanding passed between them, inspiring a sense of shared vulnerability. It was as if Brex’s sincerity had opened a door, allowing Jasper to consider the possibility of unveiling a bit more of his own feelings. He decided to embrace the moment, allowing himself to open up a bit more. “You know, it’s not just the music that feels right when we’re together,” he said with a sly grin, letting a hint of his feelings peek through the playful words. “I’m in, mate, anytime you’re up for it!”

@bpalmer - Brex

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Killian was glad that they had already seemed to be fast friends. It was nice to get to know Leo and to get to see the town with him. “Thats cool Ive seen one of their games before. My dad took Kashel and I at one point. It was such a good game Derry city is my favorite team though.” Hearing him mention he liked to draw Killian’s eyes lit up. “I love drawing. I prefer painting but i draw a lot too,” Killian was super excited about this being his roommate. “Thats how my mum’s new husband with my older brother. I dont get why really but they just dont get along at all they fight all the time. But yeah that would be cool to get to meet your family over break and you meet mine.”

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Location: Leo’s party

Roux was taken aback slightly. “You really don’t think it’s weird? Or are you just being nice? Be honest dude, I can take it!” And on the topic of her new school, Rodney mentioned… Dorm parents? She burst out laughing. “What are those now? Do they take care of the dorms, feed them, raise them?”

When he spotted Liv, Roux turned her head eagerly to see the girl. It was a bit difficult to find her, considering the crowd, but she could make out her appearance vaguely. “She’s pretty, that’s great. You should give me her number, if you have it!” Though normally she would’ve approached her, she didn’t want to interrupt their conversation. “Most? Who can tell? I don’t think you can really predict a person’s sexuality from their appearance. Then again, people always ask me if I’m a lesbian because of how I dress…”

@ChayChay05 :star: Rodney Jones


Without the nails and hairtie

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Chloe could tell that Adrian was trying to apologize to her and just having a hard time in general with himself and confidence. She really felt bad for how this conversation is going between both of them as they are both getting a little snippy with each other, plus she doesn’t want to be on bad or awkward terms with anyone but especially with Lorenzo’s best friend and roommate since maybe they will hangout sometimes and doesn’t want any drama. “It’s ok Adrian, I guess that word just gets me to my breaking point as that is what my parents said to me as well. Listen how about this we start over, no hard feelings.”

As he kept talking he was talking about how he never had that with his parents and kind of looed at her with a worried look maybe or sad eyes since her parents did what they did. “Well that is good that your parents weren’t like that, it stunk but I survived and it made me a little stronger I guess. But how your parents treat you is not good and that is also unacceptable you know.”

As he kept talking his fist clenched up and was gritting his teeth which he was mad now. She was not sure if she should be scared or bad or what. Adrian then said he would tell me. Chloe listens to him talk more and it started to break Chloe’s heart. There situations are different but there was some stuff in common about it, with the comparing sisters, and being a disappointment and being disowned. “Hey hey hey you are not ungrateful Adrian, not even close, it is a good thing that you want to make your parents proud of you, there is nothing wrong with that. It isn’t right that they compare you to Hope or other people, as you are your own person. I’m not asking or saying this as a charity case but please let me try to help you with school, maybe with my help you can reach there expectations and things can start changing. You deserve to be a your family and show them that you can be successful.” Chloe the wipes his face a little with her thumb since he started to have tears.

@idiot.exe - Adrian

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Rodney gently took Ken’s hand in his own. And Ken’s heart picked up. “I mean have you seen your face? You’re just so cute.” Ken was more or less floating, and his free hand was covering as much of his face as it allowed. He could picture how pink his face was, so he looked away. “Thanks,” he whispered. “You’re really hot too… just give me a moment.” Ken said, fanning his face. Cheeks hurtling from smiling so much.

“Ken. Honestly… I haven’t ever had a boyfriend before. Like I’ve been on dates. I’ve kissed guys. Just never had an actual boyfriend. So I don’t want to move too fast either. It’s just…. With you… I don’t know… it just feels so right and easy… effortless. I feel I’m using bad words to describe it. It’s just like this incredible bond I feel with you.”

“Me too,” Ken said, really looking at Rodney now. “I… I’ve had a lot of people in my life. Some good and some bad. So many people I consider my brothers and sisters. But I’ve never… dated anyone. I’ve tried doing ‘dates,’ but everyone I meet… It always feels like we’re only going to be friends. And some still are,” He chuckled. “That’s why I was ready to meet you so quickly this morning. It’s… weird. Good weird! But right weird. I’m… always just the friend. And the fact they you find me attractive as well? And you are super hot? What are the odds of me winning like that? I want to keep getting to know you too Rodney.”


“Well Vince… I’m like an onion. You have to peel back my layers one at a time. That’s why it took you three years to finally get me to kiss you.” “And I’d do it again. Plus, I love onions.” His kissed her on the tip of her nose. He put her back on her feet.

“Vince… What are we gonna do after I graduate and it’s summer? You always go back to Italy after the school year. Then next year I’ll be in college somewhere while you are still here.” Vincenzo felt a pang of guilt as he looked into Jayda’s eyes. He knew that their relationship had been built on time, trust, and a rivalry that was really only ever a cover to him, but the looming uncertainty of their futures weighed heavy on his heart. He had actively tried not to think of this. But he knew it was an important question.

“You mean so much to me, and I want to be there for you, no matter what.” He paused, searching for the right words to express his innermost thoughts. “I have an idea,” he continued, his voice filled with hope. “What if… what if you come back with me to Rome for the summer? We can spend all our time together there and figure things out, without the pressure of time zones and long-distance.” Vincenzo held his breath, anxiously awaiting Jayda’s response. He knew it was a bold proposition, considering the miles that separated them and the uncertainties that lay ahead. But he couldn’t bear the thought of being apart from her for too long, not when their bond had finally grown into something, with a strong foundation from each passing year.

@ChayChay05 • Jayda :heartpulse:

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Rodney listened to Ken. Ken said “You’re really hot too… just give me a moment.” Ken had looked away and had to fan himself. This made Rodney smile so big. He stood there just waiting. Then Ken said “me too” then Ken looked back at Rodney. Then Ken said “I… I’ve had a lot of people in my life. Some good and some bad. So many people I consider my brothers and sisters. But I’ve never… dated anyone. I’ve tried doing ‘dates,’ but everyone I meet… It always feels like we’re only going to be friends. And some still are, That’s why I was ready to meet you so quickly this morning. It’s… weird. Good weird! But right weird. I’m… always just the friend. And the fact they you find me attractive as well? And you are super hot? What are the odds of me winning like that? I want to keep getting to know you too Rodney.” Rodney looks back in Ken’s eyes.

“Well consider yourself as hitting the lottery. You have me. Well… I mean… Like you have my attention. I don’t want to get to know anyone else the way I want to get to know you Kenneth. I am willing to take it as slow as you need. I’m not saying hey let’s be boyfriends today. I just want you to know that I want that in the future. Yes I find you you attractive. I can’t help that I find you that way and I’m not sorry.” He said with a smile. He didn’t let go of Ken’s hand as they stared at each other.

@eunoia Ken

Jade looked at Vince concerning when he said he loved onions. “Wait… You love onions? and you would wait three more years for me?” Jade said a little confused in the moment. Jade was all smiles and so happy. Vincenzo placed her on her feet. Then Vincenzo looked into Jayda’s eyes. He said “You mean so much to me, and I want to be there for you, no matter what. I have an idea, What if… what if you come back with me to Rome for the summer? We can spend all our time together there and figure things out, without the pressure of time zones and long-distance.” Jayda’s eyes went wide. She was so shocked by what he had said. She thought for a moment. Then she realized her parents wouldn’t care. “Are you sure?” She asked then continued “I mean… I don’t think my parents will care since they are never around anyways. So why not. I would love to go with you to Rome. I will just need to get a passport first baby. Only if you are sure though.” Jayda wasn’t sure if he was really positive about that since Rome is so a loving and beautiful city with a bunch of beautiful women.

@eunoia Enzo

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Location: Leo’s party

Adrian sighed. “You want to start over?” He let out a bitter laugh, hearing her say something so idealistic. “You’re being serious? Even after everything that happened tonight, you’re willing to still give me a chance? Don’t kid yourself, it’s best if we both went our separate ways.” He looked down at his clothes, still covered in the drink and sticking to his body. He took a few deep breaths, letting the music fill the silence between them again. He needed to calm down. No more escalating things. It was almost over, he could leave and forget everything. “Let’s forget about this. Not a word of this to anyone. Stay quiet about me and I’ll do the same.”

And it wasn’t the only unbelievable thing that came out of her mouth. When she said his parents’ behavior was unacceptable, he furrowed his brows in confusion. To him, his carelessness and inabily to succeed were ungrateful and they had every right to be furious with him. “My parents, unlike me, weren’t born in wealth and success. They had to work hard for all I have right now and I can’t even achieve a quarter of that on my own.” That’s what they always told him. They had to be right. He looked up at her as she continued to comfort him, even offering to help him. As he noticed her expression of concern, his voice instantly became deeper and more monotonous. “If they can do it, so can I. I don’t need your pity or your h-help.” But he couldn’t fully hide it, his voice cracking at the end.

As she reached to wipe his tears, he grabbed her wrist and slowly pushed her hand away. His arm was shaking mid-air. Just the thought of being seen crying made his face turn a deep shade of red. His head hung low, unable to even face her. It was awful. Just awful. The feeling of his clothes sticking to his body, his hair a mess, the loud music, and Chloe’s eyes on him — it was far too much.

He sighed and let go of her hand. “Listen, I… I need to go and change.” He said as he slowly began backing away. “And for the record, I wasn’t crying so I don’t know why you needed to do that! It was this stupid drink you spilled o-over me! So, goodbye, see you n-never!”

@Kate ⁠{✧} Chloe Yang


Yes, with the sunglasses

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No one had ever spoken to him like this before, with such genuine interest and openness. Ken couldn’t help but reciprocate Rodney’s smile as their eyes remained locked. “You have no idea how much that means to me,” Ken replied softly, his voice filled with sincerity. “I’ve spent so much time feeling like I was destined to be the eternal friend, always supportive and caring but never anything more. To hear that you want to get to know me on a deeper level, to potentially be more than friends… it’s an incredible feeling.” They continued to hold hands. Ken couldn’t help but feel a sense of admiration for Rodney, not just because of his physical appearance but also for the way he made him feel.

“I’ve never been in a hurry to jump into relationships,” Ken confessed, his tone gentle but honest. “But with you, Rodney, I feel different. And I want to do just that, take things at a pace that feels right… for both of us. So if I end up going too slow, let me know.” Ken winked, a slight burst of confidence.

“Wait… You love onions? and you would wait three more years for me?” Vince couldn’t help but smile lovingly. “Amore, when I said I love onions, I meant it metaphorically. Just like an onion, you have layers that I got to know and appreciate over time. It wasn’t about the vegetable itself, but about the process of peeling back those layers and discovering the beautiful soul that resides within you… but I do also like onions.” He chuckled.

He paused, searching her eyes for understanding. “I want you to come with me because I want to show you how much you mean to me. I want the world to see the incredible woman I have by my side.” Vincenzo chuckled softly, his eyes never leaving Jayda’s. “Amore, I am absolutely sure. Nothing could make me happier than having you by my side, experiencing the beauty of Rome together. We’ll navigate any obstacles that come our way and make the most of every moment. I believe in us.”


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Chloe was listening to him talk and he just got more upset which was not her intention, but she somehow made it worse. Sometimes she hated herself or people in general, because either she messes up or they are mean and try to start stuff with her. Something told Chloe that Adrian and her were probably not going to be friends, but she just hopes that if the 3 or 4 of them hangout it will not be awkward between her and Adrian.

“Okay fine just was trying to be ice and help but I won’t offer it again and I will stay out of your way I guess.” Adrian also said that he needed to go change and that he was not crying and that he will see me ever which Chloe did not believe and just rolled her eyes. “We will see about that Adrian but I guess you have a nice life and I would never tell anyone by the way.” Adrian then walked away so he could go change and Chloe went back to the table and got another drink.

@idiot.exe - Adrian

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Rodney chuckled at Roux and how she reacted. “I don’t find it weird at all.” He said with a smile and a chuckle. Roux was so funny how she didn’t understand things. “Well they watch us kids. They make sure we aren’t breaking rules and all that.” Rodney smiled as she said she wanted Liv’s number. He nodded. “Yeah I can give you her number.” Then Roux went on about his sexuality. “Well some people are easier to tell than others. However I get what you mean. Sorry I had zoned out for a few minutes.” He smiled

@idiot.exe Roux

Leo smiled as they started walking around the town. “Oh that’s awesome about the soccer. That’s cool that you prefer painting to drawing. Maybe you can teach me how to paint.” HE said with a smile. Leo nodded about that’s how his mom’s husband was with his brother. “That sucks. sorry to hear that.”

@bpalmer Killian

Rodney smiled and listened to Ken. HE was happy that Ken seemed okay with what he said. He took in everything that Ken said. “I understand that completely. You let me know if you feel I want things to go to fast… okay? I want us both to be comfortable as well. I don’t know what it is about you. There is this yearning to learn everything about you.” He said with a shy smile as they kept holding hands.

@eunoia Ken

Jade listened to Vince’s every word. Taking in everything he was saying about her. She couldn’t help but to smile at him. This had meant so much to her. The fact that they were in this moment alone was amazing. “Then I will come with you Vince. I know my parents won’t care. They let me do anything.” She giggled and leaned in and kissed his cheek. Vince said “Amore, I am absolutely sure. Nothing could make me happier than having you by my side, experiencing the beauty of Rome together. We’ll navigate any obstacles that come our way and make the most of every moment. I believe in us.” She took this all in. “I believe in us too” She said with a huge smile. She was so happy.

@eunoia Enzo



Robin chuckled when he heard the name “Sex on the beach? You’ve got to be kidding me.”. This drink always seemed surreal to him, based of the name he believed people would only order it because of the name, but he didn’t assume it would actually taste this good. He thought it was a joke drink, like there were joke names, so he assumed it wouldn’t really be tasty. “I thought that drink was only on TV until I saw somebody order it … But then I assumed it was made because of the popularity on TV, like you’d have butterbeer becuase it was on Harry Potter, so I assumed it wouldn’t be so good. Although my favorite drink shall remain white wine, this is pretty close to it.”


Madi giggled when Leo mentioned her dress. It was the day they first met 2 years ago when they were both at the lake and he wasn’t paying attention and they both went into the water and they talked for a bit then went to Leo’s room and hung out and had sex then went to the mall where she bought him the shirt and he bought her the dress that she was wearing. She kind of forgot that he bought her the dress until she saw his shirt. “Well thanks I appreciate it. The person that bought it has good taste huh?”

Madi then saw that Leo kissed Killians cheek and she smiled at it. They were very cute together she can’t deny that and she really does hope that if they date it ends up being forever and hopefully Leo learned to control his jealousy issues a little more since that may be a big issue in his and Killian’s relationship. “So Killian what did you do this summer? Anything fun?” She was generally curious and she was gong to ask Leo as well but she figured it might be easier to ask one at a time.

@bpalmer - Killian
@ChayChay05 - Leo

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In response to Adrian’s playful teasing and his exaggerated comment about her being a “great master,” Izzy maintained a light-hearted demeanor, showing that she’s engaging in the playful banter. With a playful twinkle in her eyes, Izzy chuckled at Adrian’s exaggerated compliment. “Oh, you know, Adrian, it’s all about embracing the imperfections,” she said with a grin, gesturing to the paint stains on her outfit. “I’ve mastered the art of making ‘careless’ look chic!” Her tone carried a light-heartedness, showing that she’s not taking herself too seriously.

As Adrian shared his sentiments about missing the summer and returning to school, Izzy listened attentively. Izzy’s intuition led her to sense the discrepancy between Adrian’s words and his true feelings. Despite his attempt to downplay the seriousness of his emotions, Izzy noticed his emotions seemed affected by other things beyond merely returning to the academy. She acknowledged his words with a gentle nod and a warm smile, while also subtly indicating her openness to deeper conversation if he chooses to engage further, “I appreciate you sharing that with me. I completely understand where you’re coming from,” Izzy responded, her voice warm and comforting. “It’s tough to transition from the freedom of summer to the demands of academic life. Just know that I’m here to listen whenever you’re ready to talk more, whether it’s about missing summer adventures or anything else on your mind. No pressure, just know that I care.”

“Thank you, Adrian,” Izzy said to him saying she must be creative to blend the two elements together, her voice filled with warmth and appreciation. “I’m really glad you’re interested in seeing my painting. It means a lot to me.” She then showed him her painting.

As Adrian shared his admiration for her artwork and offered his thoughts on the captivating elements, Izzy’s cheeks flushed slightly with surprise and pleasure. His genuine interest and compliments touched her deeply, reinforcing her confidence in her artistic abilities. Izzy voice was tinged with warmth and gratitude. “I’m so glad you like it. Your enthusiasm means a lot to me.” She offered him a genuine smile, her eyes reflecting her appreciation for his kind words.

With a humble smile, Izzy listened attentively as Adrian offered his insights and suggestions for improvement. His observation about adding definition and enhancing the sky resonated with her own artistic instincts, and she nodded thoughtfully in agreement.

“That’s a great point, the sky really could use some work still,” she responded, her eyes sparkling with enthusiasm. “I really appreciated your feedback. It was so valuable to hear a different perspective, especially from someone with your eye for detail.” She then went on to look directly at him instead of the painting, [color=#fedf64]“Thank you for sharing your thoughts, Adrian,” she said sincerely, her tone conveying genuine gratitude. “I’ll definitely take your suggestions into consideration as I continue to work on this piece. Your insight gave me a lot to think about.”

@idiot.exe - Adrian

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“Of course,” Victoria responded, her voice soft and welcoming, accompanied by a gentle smile. “How does a session on Tuesday sound? We can delve into the different positions, and I’ll guide you through a training session to help you become more familiar with the sport. I’m confident you’ll pick it up quickly.”

As she spoke, Victoria subtly observed Shiloh’s height and build, considering her potential role on the court. She took into account Shiloh’s height, recognizing that certain net positions might not be the best fit. “I believe you might excel as a libero,” she mused thoughtfully, offering her insight. “You seem well-suited to handle the physical demands of that position. Alternatively, perhaps a backup setter could be a good fit.”

She then realised Shiloh probably did not even know what these positions were, and she was just boring her with this information at this point. “We can delve deeper into these possibilities on Tuesday. Looking forward to it!” Her tone conveyed a sense of encouragement and anticipation, assuring Shiloh that their upcoming session would be both informative and enjoyable.

As they had moved on and gone in the room, and Shiloh talked about being embarrassed to annoy her roommate, Victoria responded with a warm smile and a reassuring nod, her eyes reflecting understanding and empathy. “No need to feel embarrassed, Shiloh,” she said gently, her tone carrying reassurance. “Moving in and getting settled can be a bit chaotic, and I’m sure your roommate understands. Everyone goes through it, and I’m certain she won’t find you annoying. Besides, it seems you’re considerate enough to be mindful of her peace, which speaks volumes about your character.” She gave Shiloh a small smile as she spoke those last words.

“Ah, a change of plans, then,” Victoria remarked with a light chuckle, her tone carrying a hint of amusement. “Perhaps we should opt for tea instead? It’s a bit late for coffee, especially if you’re sensitive to caffeine.” She smiled warmly, considering the late hour and Shiloh’s need for rest. “Tea could be a soothing alternative, don’t you think?” Victoria suggested, subtly adapting to Shiloh’s preferences while still offering a delightful beverage option. With a graceful gesture, Victoria adjusted her bag, ensuring her essentials were secure. “Shall we proceed then? I believe a cozy chat over a hot drink sounds splendid.”

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If you prefer to stick with me, that’s fine, just bear in mind I don’t have much time and you won’t be able to meet me every day for this.” Sadie nodded, keeping that in mind.

“To answer question number one, you’re big talk on the street.” She paused to catch his reaction, but also recognized her wording was a bit outlandish so decided to continue on. “Well, here at school at least. Your name had also come up several times in conversation when briefly mentioning wanting to learn self defense. In all honesty, I’ve noticed some of our staff can be as gossip hungry as some of our students, and being a teacher who hasn’t been here the longest doesn’t help keep my spot and name reputable. That’s why I wanted it to be a little hush-hush. I can’t say I’ve met all 74 staff members.” Sadie shrugged, walking in a circle to inspect the punching dummy. As she circled back, she continued on her. “Plus, sorting out finances with person who had been splitting for the last four years took up some time and energy,” She looked over at him, no longer moving, “I think it would suffice with the basic training for strength.” She replied, crossing her arms. “I can definitely switch over to a professional trainer later, but for now, as long as your offer stands of course, I’ll continue with you until the school year gets the flow again and everyone is relaxed. The first few weeks can be hectic, I’d assume for you as well being coach of… well, pretty much everything right?” She looked over to him.

@LunaticLeviTheSecond • Lav • ahhh sorry for the wait and post, feel like I didn’t add to mush to it heh

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At the party

Brex was still kind of worried Jasper seemed on edge like something was wrong and Brex was just hoping it wasnt anything he had said or done to make him feel uncomfortable or anything like that. “Yeah its got more than just my music in there too so it has some incredibly important things.” Brex furrowed his brow and tried to not press Jasper on what was wrong after he had already asked once.

Brex just was starting to feel like maybe he was the cause of the tension. Maybe he had made it clear that he might maybe like Jasper as more than a friend. He wasnt really sure what he did that gave that thought but maybe Jasper was uncomfortable with that and that was why he was seemingly tiptoeing around replies. Brex looked down he was all in his won head now thinking that he had ruined the best friendship he had made here and maybe would ever make.

Brex could still tell something was going on when Jasper gave him a strange answer to his question. The answer didnt really match the emotions that Brex was picking up as they crossed Jasper’s face. Brex wasnt sure what all the emotions were but they were bigger than pineapple on pizza warranted. Brex looked at Jasper confused and honestly knew it was something more but wasnt going to push Jasper if he was already redirecting to humor. Brex wished that Jasper would just tell him what was really going on. He knew they might not know each other the best but Brex had thought he made it clear he could be trusted. “Glad you are ok then I guess and I would have to say please dont put weird stuff on my pizza, I mean I know it is fairly popular but it is a hard no for me.”

Brex smiled as Jasper focused on what Brex had said earlier about this song he had in mind. “Its a little softer than what i usually write but i have two the other is what you would expect. But both are kind of personal. Thing is I dont really sing. I can do it but its not something I feel super comfortable doing. You are pretty much the only one I would ever trust with them besides my dad but I really dont think they would fit him. I can give you a little more info if you want but both are really personal so I would rather not do that here if that is ok.” Brex didnt want to get Jasper’s hopes up but honestly he could probably record Jasper and get a soft demo together he did know that side of music a bit. He had dabbled in producing before but he never would release anything because he hated his singing voice but most of what he wrote he wouldnt trust anyone he knew before Jasper with so he had demoed some of his own just to get it off the pages.

Brex smiled hearing Jasper agree to spend time outside of the music room with him. “Perfect I think it will be a great time.”

Brex was really happy to see Jasper smile. His soft smile made all the tension from earlier disappear. “Yeah absolutely you had me bloody worried for a bit there that I was reading everything absolutely wrong.” Brex chuckled softly as he smiled. He found himself smiling even more and laughing softly when Jasper told him his response was the right level of excitement. “Im honestly very excited though Jasper.” Brex tried to stop himself from blushing by looking down at his feet. “You give me stupid stomach butterflies sometimes. I hope you know that and I dont know what to do about them.” Brex gently grumbled still trying to hide his blush.

“Ive not always been a good guy Ive been a right ass many a time before and ive had lots of problems Jasper.” Brex wasnt trying to disagree with Jasper he just wanted Jasper to know where he was coming from. “Im really trying here and I mean ive made lots of pretty big mistakes but I want that to be the old me.” Brex was honestly a little scared that something would happen and he would be the one that messed things up beyond repair but knowing Jasper was willing to talk issues out calmed him a lot.

“Im glad to know you wont mind it. I just know I get a little bit physically clingy sometimes and thats not something everyone enjoys.” Brex shrugged. He knew that he could be a bit much sometimes. He got a bit possessive sometimes and he knew that it would probably be different this time. Jasper would be his first sober relationship and he honestly liked the thought of that. Brex had not been this genuinely happy in a relationship ever and he hoped it stayed this way.

Brex could feel the shift in mood as Jasper talked about his year last year and what had happened. Brex wanted to wrap his arm around Jasper and hold him close so bad just to let him know he was ok but Bex didnt want to cross some kind of line since he was still figuring out a lot about Jasper. “I get that it was a rollercoaster for me to. I mean I hardly did enough to be in the classes i am.” Brex listened to Jasper and gave his hand a soft squeeze before cupping his cheek. “I get that but Im here now. If anything like that happens this year I will help you through it you are not alone.” Brex softly smiled at him. “I promise ok.” Brex wanted to know more about what exactly he had meant but didnt want to push Jasper to spill anymore than he felt comfortable.

Brex didnt know exactly what Jasper meant by feeling the best physically but he didnt want to make Jasper stop telling him things. He knew he looked confused but didnt ask a single question just listened tentatively “You are ok health wise now right? I mean if not you know that ill be your support system if you want me.” Brex was honestly a little worried about Jasper now.

Brex smiled at him it felt nice to know that he had made at least a little difference for Jasper in how his year was going. “I honestly get that I was pretty upset to be sent here especially given my situation and I thought I would hate it here. You proved me wrong. You gave me a chance to be me not what someone expected me to be because of who my dad is or who someone expected me to be because of my problems and honestly its a great feeling. Ill be right by your side to make every minute this year count.”

Brex smiled he was glad that sharing all of that seemed to calm Jasper a lot. “It really does I mean I would love to share my baggage with you but there is a lot to unpack.” Brex sighed and fidgeted with a strand of his hair. “Im not sure I would even know where to start.”

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Killain wasnt sure how Leo would take the fact that he had told Kashel that he liked him more than a while ago. “In my defense my brother is bi so its nice to be able to talk to him about that kind of thing. He gave me actual advice about it. Who was I supposed to tell? My mom? She would have just told me to go for you right then and there.” Killian sighed and blushed when Leo kissed his cheek.
@ChayChay05 (I dont know if you want to continue camila or Braxton on the mics if so just let me know)

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“I can’t embrace my imperfections. How do I embrace something that’s non-existent?” he laughed, winking. “But you seem good at it, I can see why,” he added, unable to hold himself back from slipping in a subtle insult.

Hearing Izzy respond to his concerns with understanding and empathy made him feel something strange. An unexplainable bad feeling rising up in him, but he couldn’t exactly pinpoint it. Could it possibly have been guilt about how he’d acted? Absolutely not. He smiled half-heartedly, nodding. “Don’t worry about it, I’m fine! It’s just another year, no big deal,” he shrugged. “You’re acting like this affects me or something, but I’ll adjust super fast. Trust me,” he gave her a smile before looking down, avoiding her eyes. Though he’d tried to downplay his own struggles and change the topic, she seemed persistent in helping him. “Thanks or whatever, though,” he added, laughing.

At the sight of the painting, Adrian found himself getting carried away with his feedback. He buried his interest for art a long time ago, hiding it away and forgetting it was ever present. It didn’t have any use, it was only a waste of time. A distraction from what was really important. But when Izzy showed him her painting, he found himself immersed in the colors of the canvas, the shapes which formed a new reality. He couldn’t help but notice all the details that stood out and really brought the painting to life. It was as if his words spilled out outside of his control, just saying what he thought without holding back. It had really been so long, but it seemed he could never forget the feeling that art brought out in him.

And to see her respond to his compliments with a warm tone and a smile, it only enhanced the bittersweet feeling. She accepted his feedback and even showed appreciation for it, going as far as to thinking of incorporating it. Adrian was at a loss on how to respond. His cheeks went red in embarrassment, being put on the spot again from her overly kind words. He only smiled back, his default reaction when he felt frozen. “You’re uh… Welcome,” he gave her a thumbs up, looking away. “Just something I thought of, I’m not an artist or anything.”

Adrian glanced up at the sky, seeking a distraction. The stars were already twinkling bright. He looked down at the watch on his wrist, checking the time. “It’s getting pretty late,” he said, looking up at her again. A perfect excuse to escape socializing for the day. “I should get going to my dorm, but it was nice talking to you.” He sat up, waving at Izzy. As he started walking away, he added in a shout, “I’ll see you tomorrow in class!”

As soon as he turned his back on her, his footsteps became hurried. All he wanted was to get back to his dorm and sleep. An interaction wasn’t in plan, especially not after what happened last night. But strangely enough, their conversation went well. Adrian felt like he was back to his old self, even if for a minute. Izzy was as friendly and cheerful as usual. Her passion for art reminded him of the joy that painting used to give him. And he began to wonder, maybe he could run into her again. Maybe he could find where she paints. Just out of curiosity, nothing more.

@Jass ⁠{✧} Isabella Rodriguez


Once again, sunglasses at night