St. Andrew's Academy Singups & Chat

But @bpalmer, I hope you don’t mind me skipping over it for tonight? I’ll get something out tomorrow probably, but like, as it is quite heavy it just takes a bit more from me to write well…

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yeah thats ok just might be late before i get to it tomorrow since I do have class tomorrow

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What, she is! :sweat_smile:

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That’s absolutely finee! But I think we should maybe wrap up the misc in like 2/3 posts, idk, as they actually start playing, idk, I am not sure how to really write that :thinking:

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yeah i agree maybe like the next few posts they start to play

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@ChayChay05, can I have a bit more context of what Lila means with?

Cause to me, it sounds like maybe in a way she feels she deserved what happened to her in a sense based on the further context on the post, just wanted to check if I am reading too much into this and she just means that like she hopes those men get karma for what they did? Or both in a sense? :thinking:

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Sounds good to me!

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She is hoping the men get karma


but yeah i would say this specific interaction should be done soon unfortunately but we can have them meet again

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Okay, okay. Glad to have that confirmed

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No problem. Sorry it took me so long to respond

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Yeah! Same, it’s sort of sad to have it ending, but also nice, as we can build even further based on this first interaction!

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Headmistress’ daughter played by Kate


She is really pretty




that is true

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Ethan who didn’t do anything

Despicable Me Reaction GIF


Most of my men’s karma is having the best lives because they “are more sinned against than sinned”


Also, can I just say I am lowkey pretty proud this far of portraying the different accents of my characters?