The Bachelor(ette) Official SG

Dean’s Meet and Greet (part two)

A second limo pulled up; the driver got out and walked around to open the door. First one out was Adelaide. When she had walked up to him, he greeted her, “Hi, I’m Dean. What’s your name?”
“Dean,” Adelaide repeated almost to herself. “Simple name, simple guy.” She was referring to something from earlier.
“I’m sorry?” His face looked perplexed.
Suddenly aware she’d spoken it aloud. “I- No, nothing, I didn’t mean that. Uh, I’m Addie. Nice to meet you, Dean.”
“Good Afternoon, Addie. It’s okay, I get it, I’m a little nervous too.” Dean shrugged with a kind smile to help to relax her.
“It is more nerve-racking now that I’m here. A lot is riding on our first meeting.”
“Not to worry, you’re doing alright. We can talk more later, it’s all good.”
“I hope so,” she replied, before slipping away and entering the house.

Next to exit from the vehicle was Bexley, who bounded up to the Bachelor, her dress’s train trailing behind. She looked him straight in the eye. “Hey, I’m Bexley but you can call me Bex, most do. How are you?”
“Yeah, I’m doing good, Bex, thanks for asking. How are you doing?” He chuckled lightly.
“Me? I am so excited, you seem really nice so far and I think we are going to have a great time getting to know each other."
“Yeah, so do I,” he agreed. “I’m Dean, by the way, just Dean. There aren’t many nicknames for a Dean. Say, do you prefer Bex or Bexley?”
“I don’t know, I’m sure I could think of a good nickname for you,” she giggled, a slight blush growing in her cheeks. “Just Bex, it’s more casual. I use Bexley when I need to be formal.”
“I shall challenge you to do so then,” he encouraged. “But I don’t know about being casual, you’re looking rather formal right now.”
Bex’s cheeks reddened more. “…I accept your challenge. Should we seal the deal with a hug?”
Dean’s smile widened. “Sure.” Opening his arms, he put them around her, bringing her into him. She rested her cheek on his shoulder. It only lasted her a few seconds before they parted ways, agreeing to talk again.

The woman who followed Bex seemed to pique his attention more, not only by her style but the way she confidently strode up to him too. She stuck out her hand and said, "Eden Jett Charles, nice to meet you. Have you ever been skydiving?”
Dean took her hand in his and they shook. “Hello Eden Jett Charles, I’m Dean Lambre’.” Their hands each dropped to their sides. “No, I haven’t, haven’t the time yet. Hope to one day, but what about you?”
“Seriously?! Okay, you should make time. I’ve done a tandem dive over Long Island, but next on the list is doing a solo one.”
“Ah, you’re an adventure junkie from NYC I take it?”
“Born and Raised,” she exclaimed proudly. “You ever been?”
“To New York? I haven’t. I’ve seen the show, Friends. ‘Suppose that doesn’t really count, does it?”
Eden snorted a laugh. “It isn’t the greatest representation of the great city, no.”
“You’ll have to tell me about what I’m missing later then.”
“I’d be happy to.”

After Eden went inside the house, the limo door opened again and another amazing smile came out. It walked right up to him and held out a hand. “Hi, nice to meet you. I’m Lilith.”
Dean took Lilith’s hand in his and they shook for a second or two, before he turned her hand up and bent down to kiss it. Standing back up, he responded, “Very nice to meet you too, Lilith, my name is Dean.”
“Oh my, chivalry isn’t dead,” Lilith announced in awe. “Good to know. Though I do wonder why someone as chivalrous as you is still single.”
Dean tilted his head down slightly, smiling humbly. “I could say the same for your beauty, which I’m sure your personality matches.”
“Thank you.” She giggled. “Is that you blushing, I see? Because I’m thinking I might too if you keep holding onto my hand.”
He quickly let go, looking everywhere but at her. He was embarrassed, yet still smiling. “I’m sorry. Uh, maybe I could make it up to later, when we next talk?”
Giggling still, she answered, “I’d love that.”

Dean was covering his face with his hand after Lilith left, not believing how stupid he’d been. He didn’t see Maria hop out of the limo, nor it driving off down the street. She was right in front of him, his hand still on his face when she pulled out a set of handcuffs from inside the bust of her dress. Placing her right wrist in one cuff and his left wrist in the other, she then stated, “That was easy.”
“Uh…” Dean lowered his left hand from his face. “What are you doing?”
Maria gave him a flirty smirk. “Hold on.” With her free hand, she removed her left dangle earring and used the back of it to pick the cuff lock. Her cuff unlocked first.
“Okay, that’s impressive,” Dean commented.
A few seconds later, his cuff opened and she caught it as it dropped. “Just a trick I know.” She shrugged cockily as she put the cuffs back in her bust and her earring back on.
“I want to learn how to do that. It’s not my first time in handcuffs, so any chance you could teach me?”
“Sure, only if you share the story of the time you were in cuffs?!”
Dean returned her smirk with a kind smile. “I believe that’s a date.”

When Maria had gone inside, a shorter limo pulled up, and Dean made his way down the drive to it. Jessica stepped out, still wearing her strapless, Black Swan-inspired, full-length Dior dress. She exchanged only glances with Dean before he took her place inside the limo and it drove off.

These are the females’ conversations with Dean, the males are still to come!

Whose conversation with Dean was your favourite?
  • Adelaide
  • Bexley
  • Eden
  • Lilith
  • Maria
0 voters