The Bachelor(ette) Official SG

Jessica’s Meet and Greet (part one)

After Dean left in the limo she had arrived in, Jessica was directed to the spot where he had been standing. She was quietly confident, only a slight bit of nervousness upon meeting so many potential partners. Her reddish-brown hair brushed her shoulders but wasn’t a strand out of place. Makeup artists tried to come closer to her to make sure she looked perfect but she shooed them before they could. Jessica had fixed herself up in the limo, she was already looking her best self, she knew that. She looked toward the road, put a hand on her hip and cocking a leg, already growing impatient. It had only been a couple of minutes. Though she didn’t have to wait too much longer, as the first limo was arriving.

It parked on the road right in front of the house, and the driver quickly got out to open the back door for the bachelors. The first to exit the vehicle was a tall specimen in a navy designer suit and Jessica devoured him with her eyes as he approached. “Mmm, Mmm, Mmmmm,” she hummed melodically through closed lips. “Boy has style. I like it. I know a Versace when I see it.”
“Great that you noticed. It’s not all suit either, there’s an exceptional man behind it too,” Sebastian joked.
Jessica gave him a snide laugh. “Says you. You’re a little biased, don’t you think?”
“Possibly,” he agreed shruggingly. “After all, it is you who will be the deciding factor on whether this is fact or factoid.”
“Yes, I will be.” She seemed rather pleased.
“You know, you remind me of a phrase in italian that my nonna taught me. It’s Le cose belle arrivano quando non le cerchi, which roughly translates to beautiful things come when you’re not looking. I don’t really know what I was expecting coming into this competition… but… I’m looking forward to getting to know you a little bit better.” Then with a smile, he left her with those words, and was directed to the path leading around the back of the house.
Watching him leave with surprised glee, Jessica turned back, fanning her face with her hand. “Yes, yes, he’ll do. I’m done. I pick him.”

Just as she was saying that, the door opened again and out stepped Beckham. As he walked up the drive, he pushed up his rolled shirt sleeves to try to hide his nervousness. “It’s a good thing you already seem to be warm,” he stated, in observation of her fanning herself. “I was going to offer you my jacket but I seem to have forgotten it.” He then chuckled to himself.
“Bit of advice, a jacket would not have saved that outfit,” Jessica said with condescension. Beckham went quiet, looking down at his shirt, a little hurt by what she had said. But Jessica wasted no time. “What, cat got your tongue? You realised I was right about the shirt?”
He looked up again, ignoring her comments and tried to start again. “Hello, I’m Beckham.”
“Jessica.” Then after a moment’s delay she excitedly asked with sarcasm, “Hold Up! You’re married to a Spice Girl?”
“I’m not,” was all he responded before moving on, not wanting those comparisons again. “I like your name, Jessica. It’s nice to meet you. Maybe we can talk more about fashion in there?” He pointed to the house.
“Maybe,” she said before he walked away.

Jessica noted that the next to step out was a man who knew how to wear a designer suit, who she’d soon learn was named Yong-Rae. When he locked eyes with her, his mouth curved upward revealing a cheeky glint in his eyes. He had a sort of swagger about him. “You look pleased,” she told him as he drew closer.
“Yes,” Yong-Rae replied. “Do you know what type of food we are going to eat on our first date?”
“No, not yet. Any ideas?”
His smile evolved into his signature smirk. “Seoul food.”
She blinked. “I don’t-”
“I’m talking about Seoul Food, get it?”
“Wha-” Jessica rolled her eyes. “I’m guessing you mean the capital of Korea, adding an E in Seoul. I guess you’re Korean then?”
“I am. My name’s Yong-Rae.”
“Okay, Yong-Rae, I hope that your personality is more like fashion sense and not your ‘jokes’,” she said sharply, using air-quotes when she said jokes. “Maybe we’ll talk later.” With that, Yong-Rae’s smile dropped and he left dejectedly.

When Walker stepped out of the limo, Jessica wasn’t really paying him any attention. She was kind of annoyed at the turn out so far and she looked as if she was almost regretting entering the show all together, until… Walker strode up, a rose in each hand and he passed one of them to her. “So I rose to the occasion, as my love stems deep, and I hope we have a blooming good time.” He squeezed his eyes shut and shook his head as he handed Jessica one of the roses. “I’m Walker and sorry about that. My friend suggested I say that and just thought we should have the first roses of the season. Now I realise how cheesy that sounded.”
To even Jessica’s surprise, she laughed as she took the rose he offered. “Yeah, you’re right. It was cheesy. But thanks, it was really sweet. Or should I be thanking your friend?”
Slowly bouncing his head up and down with a smile, Walker responded casually, “It’s okay, I think he’d want you to thank me.”
“That works.” Then she took hold of his tie in her free hand and gently pulled his neck down a few inches, only to give him a peck on the cheek. She let go and stepped back. “Gratitude enough?”
“It is in my books. Thank you. Talk to you… inside?”
“Of course.” And off he went with lipstick on his cheek and a crew member came to take the rose from her.

Next person Jessica saw leaving the limo was a slightly scruffy… time traveller? He strutted over to her carrying a small, black, velvet bag. “Hi, I’m Connor, and you are?”
“Jessica. What decade have you come in from, Connor?”
“This one. Why’s that?”
She looked him up and down, slightly repulsed. “Because my Yéyé called, he wants his flat cap back.”
“Well, I can tell your Yéyé has style.” He made sure to pronounce the word carefully, hoping it was a good thing.
“He does.” She smiled at the compliment of her grandfather. “What’s that you’re holding?”
He looked down at the small bag and opened slightly, for Jessica to put her hand in. “Love is like a bag of chocolates, you never know what you gonna get. You just have to dive in and be surprised.”
“Chocolate, you say…” She reached in without looking and pulled out a Belgian chocolate shaped like a seahorse. “Guylian chocolate? Yum.”
“Yes. That’s dark chocolate too. I guess you’ll fall in love with a dark horse.” He closed the bag and walked around the house smugly.

These are just the first half of the males’ conversations, the rest are still to come!

Whose conversation with Jessica was your favourite?
  • Sebastian
  • Beckham
  • Yong-Rae
  • Walker
  • Connor
0 voters