The Bachelor(ette) Official SG

Male Contestants Eliminate

Back on the floor directly below the females, Johnny walked downstairs after Eden exited the voting room, to explain what the males had to do as well. When he asked who was first, Sloan was striding towards the room even before he finished speaking. Then the other males followed one by one.

Probably not having heard what Johnny had said about an introduction, Sloan tapped on two of the ladies while saying, “Don’t really know them enough to make judgments so I feel bad either way.“

Connor was next. “Bonjour, so the process is simple. I select two names that I perceive to have very little significance to them. In certain cases, the person creates the value of their name but I have no prior information on these ladies. I’m not one to doubt myself but I think my selection was correct.”

No one was listening to Johnny about introducing themselves, including Yong-Rae. “Eden, well Eden is too, how do I say this, tomboyish? Okay, yes, that isn’t really a problem, the problem is her lack of fashion sense. Even though she’s a tomboy, I expected a better dress. Yes, Lexi? She’s too blonde.”

“Hey! I’m Sebastian Ricci; 25 and somewhat of a dork sometimes, which something the high school students I teach can attest to. That being said, hey class, I’m here for you all. Right…” He sighed. “-I guess I have to vote two people off and I honestly will say I hate doing this and I just randomly picked because that seems the most fair way to do this. So, yeah, I voted for Mia and [BLEEPed for audience suspense].”

“Eeny, meeny, miny, moe…”, Walker chanted indecisively before tapping on two ladies.

“My name is Beckham Lister and I chose to eliminate [BLEEP] and Maya Tushi just because other girls stood out to me more and I’d like to see more of them.”

“Noga?”, Erick muttered quietly with a spasm-like shrug. “And Addie?”

“Hey, I’m Ezra. Honestly, I don’t know who to pick, I’m sure they’re all amazing girls that deserve a chance to be here, but I suppose I’ll go with [BLEEP] and [BLEEP], because having Mia and Maya and Nova and Noga could be a bit confusing. Sorry!”

“Hey, I’m Jace Parker, and I’m choosing [BLEEP] and [BLEEP] to eliminate, not for any reason in particular since I don’t really know them. I just picked a pair of names that were near the middle of the list.”

“Yeah, Dan Lexson, but I’m fine with being called something else if that makes you feel comfortable. I’m just going to put my feelings out there and say I hate choosing very much. I hope that my random picks do not mentally hurt any of them. “

‘Ello, I’m Sacha. This eez a little bit weird.” He chuckled to himself. “Oh, I want to shout out to my sisters back 'ome who are the reason I am 'ere. Love you two.” Sacha tapped the screen twice. “I ‘ave chosen Lexi and Noga. I’m sorry, I’m sure you both are lovely, it was random.”


@astxrism, @benitz786, @CerealKiller, @Littlefeets, @Madilfill, @Kristi, @Skyler2, @Tellyg47, @eunoia, and @unsungcheerio
And @ethereal & @Nil, who are reading/voting! (wink)

Based on this post, which three do you think could be up for elimination?
  • Adelaide
  • Bexley
  • Eden
  • Lexi
  • Lilith
  • Lorelei
  • Maria
  • Maya
  • Mia
  • Noga
  • Nova
0 voters