The Bachelor(ette) Official SG


When Johnny called Nova, Noga, and Eden’s names out for the bottom five, Adelaide’s face showed no surprise nor remorse. Her statistics seemed to be playing out exactly how she had presumed. Unlike Noga, who’s face felt sympathy for those five while sharing her happiness for being saved. One of the only ones who looked sad for them was Bexley, as she had been speaking to both Mia and Maya.
Johnny started to speak again, only leaving a minute-long pause after the announcement. “I’m not going to leave you in suspense for very long, so I’ll tell Eden and Lexi that you’re safe.” Lexi had been pretty relaxed about it but when he called her name, she was ecstatic and almost skipped backwards. While Eden was almost the opposite as she stepped back, her arms remained crossed and her disappointment showed for being voted on to leave. Lilith smiled at them both when they stepped back, happy that not only she was safe but they were too, they seemed nice…
“The next person safe is Nova,” Johnny announced. Nova gave an extremely nervous smile as she walked shakily back to the safe group, relieved to be back with her new friends. Lorelei watched the pair standing before them, looking very pleased she wasn’t in their shoes. Mia stood with her leg cocked, surprised that she was still standing there. While Maya looked distraught, as if she knew she was going home. “And the first female leaving us, who had the most male votes was… Mia. I’m so sorry. … That does mean that, Maya, you are safe.”
Maya’s knees couldn’t hold her after hearing the news and she sank to the floor. Lilith came forward to help her back up. Mia’s mouth also dropped to the floor. “Excuse me? Moi? Time for a recount because you haven’t seen the last of me.” She turned around to the group. “I’ll be back, b^tches!”
It was now time for those ten safe women to go downstairs to the awaiting limos.

Are you surprised by who went home?
  • Yes
  • No
  • Yeah, I thought it’d be Eden
  • Yeah, I thought it’d be Lexi
  • Yeah, I thought it’d be Maya
  • Yeah, I thought it’d be Nova

0 voters

Relief flickered over Beckham’s face when he didn’t hear his name. He would have felt more sympathy but he didn’t know them well enough. Two other relieved faces were Connor and Jace, both pleased to hopefully have the opportunity to meet their bachelorette.
No more than a minute after calling those three names, Johnny started to speak again, “Not wanting to leave you guys in suspense for too long, I’m just going to tell one of you you’re safe. So that guy would be Danny.” Danny had definitely been nervous, standing there trying to slowly keep his breathing calm. He rejoined the group and Ezra clapped his back, smiling about he, Danny, and Sacha all being safe. Danny looked over at Sacha who gave him a reassuring nod of approval, glad he wasn’t going home. Sebastian, however, was looking rather annoyed. Not only did he believe this was unfair that one guy didn’t get to meet the bachelorette but there was now a 50/50 chance his new friend, Yong-rae, was leaving. While Sloan stood there quite unaffected, in fact, one could say he even looked a little bored, and Walker was happy but not surprised that Erick was up there.
The pair, Erick and Yong-rae, were standing before Johnny, waiting for the verdict. Both seemed to not particularly care though. Johnny made another announcement, sensing it was time, “And the first male leaving us, who had the most female votes… I’m so sorry, it was… Erick, which means that, Yong-rae, you’re safe.”
It was now time for those ten safe men to go downstairs to the awaiting limo.

Which of the three do you think is going home?
  • Yes
  • No
  • Yeah, I thought it’d be Danny
  • Yeah, I thought it’d be Yong-rae

0 voters

@astxrism, @benitz786, @CerealKiller, @Littlefeets, @Madilfill, @Kristi, @Skyler2, @Tellyg47, @eunoia, and @unsungcheerio