The Bachelor(ette) Official SG

Dean’s Meet and Greet (part one)

Dean wasn’t too nervous as he stood on the wide pathway that lead up to the famed Bachelor House, which was nestled in the Hollywood Hills. He was still in the same outfit as when he had been filmed for the introductions, the only difference was the makeup artists had kept him looking tidy, despite his protests. He had been standing there now for a little over three minutes and knew it wouldn’t be too much longer. In fact, he must have known something without being told, because at that precise moment, a limo arrived.

It parked in the middle of the road, the crew had cleared the street for private-use for the next hour, and the door was opened from the outside by a man in a suit. Out of it came one… long leg, slowly extending out of the door. The rest of Lexi Belle followed. Her smile was confident and she strutted right up the path to Dean. She pointed a relaxed finger at his face and said, “You have a little something right here." Lexi paused long enough to let out a small laugh. “I’m sorry, that’s just your handsome face, my mistake.” Dean raised his eyebrows, as if surprised by what she had told him. Lexi covered her face with her hand. “Sorry, that was a little cheesy. I’m Lexi and I promise 56% of the time, I’m not that bad”.
“I’ve not heard anyone call my face handsome before, Lexi. Rugged, sure, that’s one I get often,” Dean commented. “You, on the other hand, are very beautiful.”
Lexi laughed again. “That, Mister Dean, I have been told before. Although I do doubt you’ve never been told you’re good-looking. It’s just a pity, really, that beauty doesn’t stop cheesiness.
“Dean, please, no need for titles,” Dean requested politely. “If cheesy is who you are then I’m 100% for you being yourself.”
“Good to know. I like you, Dean, I like you a lot.” She ran her finger along his jacket’s shoulder-sem as she walked past and into the house.

Next to be let out of the limo was a younger girl who was a few inches taller than Lexi. Her name, Maya, and she glided over in her black stilettos. “Are you the bachelor that I have signed up to meet?”, Maya asked with a bit of a flirty tone on top of her southern accent without the normal southern twang.
Dean smiled. “Hope I live up to the expectations you’ve set.”
“Honey, you have done more than that. You are a box of chocolates that I cannot wait to open.” Maya hesitated. “I did not mean for that to sound so crass.”
“It’s fine.” He quietly chuckled at the comment. “Do I detect a strong southern accent there?”
“Born and raised in Southlake, Texas. Have you heard of it?”
“I haven’t, no. First time out of Tennessee for me,” he told her. “You’ll have to tell me more about Southlake later on.” Leaning toward her, Dean gave her a light peck on the cheek. She smiled back and walked to the front door.

Again the limo door opened and out stepped Nova in her long pastel-yellow dress. Just one step; the second took her to her knees. “…Hi, I’m N-,” she started before falling to the ground.
Dean jogged over to her, offering a hand up. She timidly put both hands in his and he gently pulled her up. When she was on two feet again, he asked, “You alright? That was some entrance.”
As she realised his hands were still holding onto hers, her cheeks reddened. “I’m… I’m Nova.” She made no attempt to escape his hold but could feel herself getting warmer.
“Nova, that’s a unique name,” Dean stated, letting go of one of her hands and guiding her back up the path towards the house. “I’m Dean. I hope you didn’t hurt yourself.”
“…No, no, I’m just clumsy. … Dean, I like that name, it reminds me of James Dean.”
“Thanks, I don’t have many similarities with him but he was a good actor. I’ll talk more about that later, what do you say?” Nova gave a shy nod before opening the door and Dean walked back to the spot where he had been told to stand.

The door to the limo had already been opened when Dean returned to his spot. A tanned left leg escaped from the door, the skirt and the woman who wore it followed within seconds. Dean’s eye was drawn to her smile though, and he followed that smile until it had walked right up to him. “I would have told you to stop looking at the assets,” Noga laughed. “But you don’t seem to be doing that.”
Dean blinked out of his trance upon hearing her words. “My apologies. Your smile, it had me.” He cleared his throat. “You’re a very beautiful woman.”
“Thank you,” Noga uttered as she blinked rapidly and a blush crept onto her cheeks.
“You’re very welcome. I’m Dean, by the way, and what name do you go by?”
“Nice to meet you, Noga.” He bent his head down as he reached for her hand in his, then kissed the back of it.
Her blush turned a darker shade as turned to head inside. “Nice to meet you too.”

The first thing that Dean noticed as the next bachelorette got out of the limo and strutted towards him was not the empty limo driving away, but the number of tattoos Lorelei had. “Nice tatts. How many do you have?”
“Too many to count,” answered Lorelei with a thick central European English accent. “How many do you have?”
Dean smiled. “19. Got this one just last month.” He patted his right thigh.
“19, really? Impressive that you have kept count.”
“They all mean something. I’ve gotten a new one every year. Best present I’ve ever received was my first one.”
“Best present, huh? Can’t wait to find out more about them then,” she told him coyly. Then added just before heading inside, “Later, if you tell me about yours, I’ll tell you about mine.”
Dean was left speechless and impressed by this, unable to stop himself from watching her walk inside.

These are just the first half of the females’ conversations, the rest are still to come!

Whose conversation with Dean was your favourite?
  • Lexi
  • Maya
  • Nova
  • Noga
  • Lorelei
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