Writing Competition January 2020

January 2020 Writing Competition!

Happy new year everyone, this is the first writing competition of 2020 and we will be making some changes to the set up of the writing competition. First of all in the voting, I will provide all of you with a rubric down below about how the judges will be voting from now on. I hope this takes away the concerns of some people. This will also lead to us being able to give useful feedback on the stories.

However, this has some negative impacts as well, it will lead to us having to shorten the period of time in which people can enter stories. You will strictly have until the 25th to enter your stories for this month. After that we will post a poll for community vote and the judges will be voting to decide the winner.

This month’s details

The theme of this week is new beginnings, as decided by @Sophia1233, besides that we expect between 500 and 2000 words, so really a short story.

Prizes are the writer of the month badge, a shout out on our Instagram and the honor of coming up with the next theme and joining our judges for February.

Looking forward to seeing some amazing entries and I hope these changes are appreciated :stuck_out_tongue_closed_eyes::purple_heart:


Are people allowed to work together for a story?


Can I join again although I’ve already won once?


Yes, for sure!

Yes. You can!


Written by me and @Raven_Black


Have you ever wondered what it’s like to wake up one day and learn you have a whole other personality?

Honestly it never occured to me when I started getting some therapy, I would meet the person responsible for my dissociative episodes. It is still a strange concept for me. The other me has been here for years never really let themselves known before this round of treatment. I do have somer periods before my dissociative episodes started of not remembering doing something but it was never for more than a few seconds before and always during an emotionally charged events.

What are you talking about Flare. Of course I have let myself been known to you. You would have notified if you listen or looked closer to the things around you. How hard was it to notice all the toy story stuff when you only like the film not love it like me. I swear if we didn’t share the same body I would slap you.

With that you have met Diana.

My life is pretty normal or at least that’s what I wanted to believe when I only remember my child from the age of 12 onwards.


Normal what are you on about Flare. Between 8 and 12 nothing normal happened there otherwise I wouldn’t be here.


Will you stop that! I want to get this down without your interruptions.


For the moment


Diana is a pain in the rear but I can’t see myself without her intervention in my day to day life. The first time I learned about her was strange I honestly thought before this that my dissociative episodes were just my brain processing my therapy sessions. I was having a lovely day out with my boyfriend at a Marvel live show. The show was for us to celebrate how far I had come in my sessions at that point in time. I am a major superhero fan. We were on our way home from nottingham’s motorpoint arena. My boyfriend and I got stuck in traffic with nowhere to go. I don’t really know what caused her to take over but she actually held a conversation with my boyfriend without him knowing about her. It wasn’t until an hour later after we had managed to leave the city of nottingham that I was given control again. My boyfriend thought I was faking it. I on the other hand was concerned about what would happen if it happened again and the cause of it.

Seriously back then all Flare did was overreact to my interventions. It is not like I am the other personality in her head. That one is a lot harder to understand. They are kind of child like yet have an older person’s way of dealing with things. That one is only 8 years old. If you really wanted to know why I took over here you go. You got scared enough in the crowd leaving the show. Not to mention stuck in the car with an angry partner about being stuck in traffic for 30 minutes at the point I took over. That was months ago. I wasn’t ready for an interaction with a man as myself. Sure you like guys but I don’t. The only man in your life I have no issues with at that point was your granddad. I only gave you back when I thought you would feel a lot better about the situation. At this point I had been showing myself for small amounts of time to give you a break from flashback or police sirens. Your boyfriend is an idiot when I can to that interaction if he paid attention to my mannerisms would have given me away.

It happened again and again for a few weeks I would forget small amounts of time. All i knew back then was this version of me during these episodes was full of anger. Finally when I was at the doctors freaking out she decided to take over for the entire time and finally reveal herself to me and even gave herself the name Diana.

It took a lot for me to come to terms with the change in dynamics between us. Having the “human” experience after 15 years in the background of someone’s mind. Keeping the door of certain memories shut even controlling her anger because it scared her. She also learned my to my annoyance. To be a submissive child to anyone even when she was in the situation of power. Even as a parent the power scares her. Not that she will ever tell her boyfriend neither will I to be honest. It won’t be good for either of us.

I have different likes and dislikes compared to flare. I am attracted to only women whereas she likes men and women. I absolutely adore toy story. I love the colour blue she like purple. Being “human” after being a backseat driver is a look to take yet I have to be the strong one for both Flare and her boyfriend. I don’t think they actually understand what it is like for me. I didn’t even know there was a 3rd person in this body of ours until recently. I found out when Flare did. So here I am acting as the mediator between the boyfriend/ father figure to the 8 year old. I get why Flare is scared of how much control we have over her body when we switch. The other her is in a very dark place. She got through it and moved on from it. That’s to my interventions when she tried to end it with pills.

The other us puts up such a fight when she is in control that I may not be able to stop her doing something stupid. I so far have been able to stop her. Me and the boyfriend have an understanding that if I tell him something about other us he needs to do something fast!

Flare and I are having strange little conversations after the switches. Like anything important I write down notes for her or her for me. Not that she needs to I am always her backseat driver watching over her. Hearing her thoughts. If I don’t want her to see messages I send to her boyfriend I delete them. She knows their id no point trying to do the same to me since I am constantly here. I don’t know why I am suddenly able to come out so much now compared to before. It was only when she was in an emotionally charged situation or when she would do something she would regret that I could do something about it. I know our experience with dissociative identities is unique to us. And I am learning to live the human was slowly. Things used to be similar in the background. I can say watching over Flare as her anger and as her protector is both hard yet satisfying. Even watching her kids grow up is more fun now that I can interact with them. Not that they know it’s me. Maybe one day when they are old enough to understand it. I think i like this new beginning of mine.

She and I have grown a lot together in a short amount of time this is our new beginning. our new normal.

Who know what is in store for us in the future

Posted by @Raven_Black Sorry Soph finished the story without you


I’m in!


can’t wait to see some more entries!

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Warning: Suicide thoughts
Based on true story


My first entry:

Erase and start again

“Did you finally finish writing that story? We need to publish a new book soon or your readers will forget about you!” the manager asked Jeff. His last book was published five hears ago. He knew he had to write something new, but there was a small problem. How should he explain it without sounding crazy? “Well, not really. I’m almost done, though. Don’t worry!” “Those are the exact words you said a year ago!” “I know, but it’s the truth!” His manager shook his head. They were having the same discussion every month. “What takes you so long?” “Well, I’m almost done, but I deleted two chapters yesterday because they didn’t lead me to the right ending.” A short silence made the situation a bit uncomfortable. Jeff looked around before continuing to explain. “However, something weird happened today while I was sleeping. When I woke up, my story had a new chapter that I didn’t write.” “Jeff, I’m sorry if I’m putting you under too much pressure and make you go crazy.” " I’m not crazy, this really happened! I can even show you the chapter, it’s not my writing style!" His manager laughed but then shrugs and nodes. “Show me, it can’t be worse than the last chapter you gave me to read.” So Jeff showed him the chapter on his phone:

Just before dinner was ready, Cara sat down at her desk, grabbing her pen and a sheet of paper. No, she didn’t want to do her homework. She wrote down something much more important:
"Life got so boring here lately. Since Monday, nothing has happened, we’re all just following our daily routine. Before that, we had a lot of drama and fun. Now there are no fights, no arguments, no declarations of love, no happy endings and no twists. I know what you think now: Why don’t we just do something exciting? The answer is easy: We can’t decide what we want to do. In this city, nobody knows what we’ll do next. It’s as if someone was planning our story and we just follow a script that we don’t have.
I can assure you, this life isn’t bad. Honestly, it was quite enjoyable before the “Great Emptiness” started. I often get surprised by my own actions or other people’s changing personalities. In this city, the shy girl can become the queen of school in just one day! Some people just disappear without a warning. Others appear all of a sudden and act as if they’ve been here all the time.
Some nights, when nothing special happens, we only have a few seconds of darkness and then the sun rises again. In contrast, some sunsets take much longer than the rest of the day. If something really exciting happens, like a fight, then we even get to live in slow-motion. This sounds weird to you, doesn’t it? Well, there’s much more going on here!
Everyone here knows how this Great Emptiness will end. It has happened already several times. Whenever nothing happens anymore, we get sent back to the time when everything was still exciting. It’s a bit like time travelling, but we can’t travel to the future and we can never decide how far into the past we travel.
However, this will change today. I won’t let somebody erase my life, even though the last days were boring. I will take action by using my own will! Everyone thinks I’m going crazy because I’m talking about changing the script of our lives. Although they all doubt the existence of someone who writes our script, I will add this little letter to the script and make our author aware of our situation.
This person has to realize that we don’t enjoy starting over and over again, being sent back in time. If you’re out of ideas, then just stop writing and find some new inspirations! Maybe let us do whatever we want from time to time. Who knows, we might end up where you want us to be even when you’re not controlling our actions. You gave us our personality, now let us decide what we do with it! Thanks for your consideration and have a nice day.”
Cara put away the pen and smiled at her letter. Her mother called for her, telling her that the food was ready but Cara decided not to run to the kitchen right away. Instead, she stayed in her room and stared at the letter, waiting for a reply, a sign, anything.

“There, do you see it? That’s not what I would write!” Jeff was as confused as his manager. “I guess you might be right, this doesn’t look like something you’d write. Maybe you got hacked? Or your girlfriend wanted to be funny.” “She wouldn’t do that!” Jeff knew there was no chance at finding the one who wrote that, but it felt like a direct message for him. “What should I do with it?” he asked his manager. “I don’t know, it’s your story. I would just keep writing and finally finish the book. You know what they say: Every ending is a new beginning.” “You might be right, but I don’t want that chapter in my story. Honestly, I don’t even want that whole story. I’ll erase it and start again.” His manager shook his head, knowing that Jeff will probably never finish that book.
A few minutes later, Jeff had a weird feeling when he deleted every chapter of his story. He wanted a new beginning, but it felt like more than just one new beginning. He felt as if he was destroying someone else’s life.

And Cara? Cara was just waiting for her life to get set back to the start. She knew she’ll lose all the relationships she had built up in the previous days. All her efforts, her work, her progress, it was all for nothing. A new beginning for everyone in her world. A new beginning for the author of their script.

My first entry.

Taylor lay on the grass, gazing up at the clear blue sky, their mind going over the events of the last few days again and again. They shuddered and got to their feet. After all, lying around all weekend wouldn’t prevent Monday from rolling around the corner, and as much as she was no where near ready for that, there was nothing Tayor could do about it. They sighed and trudged down the hill, soon being masked in the shadows of the trees. Taylor wandered past fountains and parks, paths on which the squirrels would crouch, waiting for her and then at the very last moment, leap away and up a tree, never. to be seen by Taylor again. Taylor passed children, playing a game on the banks of the river, obviously happy and healthy. She walked further down the path, the further she walked the darker her path. Gone were the fancy gardens and ripe fruit, replaced with a litter-strewn murky river and filthy humans, scavenging desperately through the waste. She was passing through the same surroundings every few minutes, but the landscape was forever changing all around her, yet she didn’t fit in. Taylor walked through the woods one last time, looking longingly at the small trickle of wet mud which had once been a flowing river, full of grace and hope. Taylor walked into a white light, and she realised where it was she had been headed all this time. to the light.

Taylor had began her walk in wonderful surroundings, as had the earth, but she ended it differently. Taylor chose the light, “to new beginnings!” the smiling crowd cheered, clinking their glasses together. Taylor allowed herself a small smile. “To new beginning.”

It’s bad, eye know


My second entry:

Moving day

It’s finally time for me to move out! No, I’m not moving out of my parents’ house. I’m moving out of my place and moving in with my parents. Well, I’ve already been living with them, but that’s a difficult situation. Let me start with telling you what happened the last few months.

One day, I just woke up and my room felt really small. It seemed to get smaller ever since. Did you ever have this weird feeling of the walls coming closer? That’s exactly what I’m experiencing all the time. Moreover, the walls are wet. When I moved in here, it didn’t bother me that the walls were wet, I found it rather comfortable. Now I just want to leave!

A positive feature of my room is that it’s always warm and I always had the perfect amount of food at home. To be honest, I had an easy life here. I didn’t have to care about cooking or cleaning. My mother did all that for me. Sometimes my father even helped her! At least that’s what I’ve heard…

Before I moved in here, my brother lived in this room. Apparently, he doesn’t remember much about that time which is kind of sad. I used to talk a lot with my brother a few months ago, but now he lost interest in me. That’s another reason why I want to finally move in with my parents. He lives there as well, so I’ll get to spend more time with him. I’ve also heard that he has some nice friends now.

My bed got really uncomfortable lately. At night, I’m turning around a lot. When I touch my knee while sleeping, it feels really weird and I wake up. Maybe I’m just ticklish. I often sleep at daytime, but then my parents want to talk to me and wake me up. My father loves knocking at my door, while my mother’s not looking.

There’s one thing that kept me from moving out until now. My parents made a doctor’s appointment for me to talk about my gender. That’s really a difficult topic because I’m not so sure myself and the doctor just said that he doesn’t want to tell my parents something that he isn’t 100% sure of. Thanks for the help, doctor. Not!

On the whole, my parents are really looking forward to me moving in with them. They even bought a new bed for me. My brother is scared that I’ll take his stuff away or even destroy it. I tried to promise him that I’ll try not to do that, but he didn’t listen to me. He said he’d rather have a dog than having me move in with him. Well, my parents got him a dog, but I’m still moving in with them. I’m a bit scared of the dog because I don’t know how big he his. He sounds really big because he’s barking really loudly. However, my brother adores him, so I won’t complain.

Today’s the day! Well, I’ve already said that yesterday, but then I just stayed in my room and didn’t move. That’s why my parents drove me to the hospital. They were scared that I’m having some kind of disease because it’s totally unlike me to be quiet and inactive. But the doctor said that everything’s fine and that I’m just scared of moving.

Today I feel much better! I’m moving out today! Moving to a new place is a possibility for a new beginning, isn’t it? And it will also be a new beginning for my parents and my brother! I’ll move in with my parents, finally see everything that’s going on and breathe freely. That’s it, that’s the moment. After 9 months in this room, I’m finally moving out and my parents can’t wait to see me. I just hope my father won’t faint because he’s so excited…

Happy Birthday to me!

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"Twenty's New Beginning"

What’s a new beginning? A new life? A new year? A new day? A new friendship? A new chapter? A new season? A new beginning may mean different things, but it can also mean anything depending on how one sees it.

On a beautiful night, the moon lit neither brightly nor dimly while the stars danced and kept the moon company. A light yet cool breeze came brushing across once in a while, leaves rustled and the grass swayed. Many people have gathered together on a spacious, grassy field, and in the middle of the field was a lake. As the clock struck midnight, Twenty put on her jacket and ran out of her house in a hurry, eager to see the fireworks set off into the sky. Twenty lived not far from the field so she could see the fireworks just outside her house.

The fireworks shot up to the sky and exploded one by one. The fireworks each had a pattern on it. The sight was spectacular and was better than any other year’s firework display. Twenty’s jaw hung in awe. This is definitely going to be the best year ever in my life!!!

The firework display lasted for several minutes and everyone wished for it to continue forever. However, time waits for no men and therefore time isn’t slowing down nor stopping either.

Soon, the sky returned to it’s usual dark yet clear self. The night continued, but the excitement of the new year still hung in the air. Slowly, loud voices gradually turned to soft murmurs until everything went silent at last as the crowds thinned.

Twenty yawned. Happy New Year! She wished herself then went back to her house, preparing to rest for the new day ahead.

And this, is the new beginning of a year for Twenty.


Going to be submitting to this! I’m writing le thing. I’m just saying this now so I don’t lose this thread like I did before lmao.


You have until 2020-01-25T11:00:00Z to enter! Then the judges will be deciding and there will be a community vote as well on the stories :purple_heart:


Sorry, but I’m so busy this week, so I’m dropping

It’s almost completed give me like a minute lol. (Ok that was more like 30 lmao).
I’m editing it currently but it is “finished”.


I watch the shadows in my room while the cat clock ticks. Tick. The walls shake as my parents scream at each other. Tick. Their worlds are full of hatred. Tick. They twist and strangle each other’s words. Tick. They can’t hear anything except each other’s screams, not even the tornado siren. Tick. I cover my own ears and I block off all the noise, the world slowly fading to darkness. The walls shake again, but not from my parents. Even they, too, must realize what is going on. But it is too late. I can’t open my eyes anymore. I can’t breathe anymore. I can’t be anymore.
I can open my eyes now. I’m in an all-white room, and there are only two things in front of me. Two buttons. They are big buttons, even bigger than the size of my hand. I curiously look at them. There is a bright big red one with “RESET” in white letters. The other one, a blue one, has the same white lettering on it that says, “GIVE UP”. I stare down at the buttons. I don’t want to go through that storm again. But I don’t want to press “GIVE UP” just yet. So, I decide. “RESET”. My eyes fill up with light, my body on fire. For a split second.
My screams turn into cries as I am born. It’s a war. I don’t know what war. But the bombs dance like fireworks in the sky. They are distant but brooding. You can smell the fear on us, it is rich and filled with darkness. Other people dance, laugh and celebrate as our world is being destroyed. The world swings as my mother carries me down into a cellar. But it is too late. The lights go out. I am dropped. And for the first time, I see the stars. They are melting. Or maybe it is me. The last thing I hear is the laughing.
I’m in the room again. This time, I am standing in front of a mirror. There are dark things in here. They laughed at us, at the bombing. I look away from them in disgust. I stare into the mirror. I am a female. My eyes are wide and blue, and my hair a short brown. The color of chocolate brownies. They laugh at that of course, they laugh at everything. I shake my head, and cover my ears, trying to rid myself of their laughs. STOP! I scream in my head. “RESET”. I fall, this time, backward. And I keep falling, falling, falling and falling into darkness. While fireworks light up my world.
Selene. My name is Selene. A girl tells me this at school. She tells me my name is Selene.
“Not Selena! SELENE! That’s MY NAME! Selena. We cannot have the same name!” She growled.
People stare at us. I accept my fate. And slowly, the last “a” in my name melts away. It is gone, forever, because of her. I do a lot of things because of her. Cut my hair. Because she does not want mine being the same length. She rips my favorite blue skirt and tells me to get the trousers from the lost and found. She says that she will not be matching with me. When the body is found her lawyers say it was me. They tell the judge that I was copying her dark and twisted stories. I could even see her face, itching to correct them. But she said nothing. And I got convicted. In that stale prison life went faster than expected. I got stared at, shouted at and food thrown at me. It all ended in a fast fight right before designated bedtime. Click. Lights out.
I wake up, on the floor of the room again. The monsters surrounding me.
“I didn’t do it!” I shout.
I quickly get up, pushing them off of me. Before they were just shadows, now, they have vicious teeth and wide red eyes. They hiss at me. I’m ready to press the reset button. But when I look into the mirror I see a door behind me. It’s always been there. I turn around, the monsters hiss at me again, their tongues just inches from my face. But suddenly I’m not afraid anymore. I open the door. I smile back at the monsters as they try to chase me, but they can’t get past it. They cannot get past me this time.
I begin to close it when I see a girl appear. The monsters are suddenly gone. But I know they are there. They are surrounding her. They are in her short blond hair. They are in her terrified brown eyes, and they are in her elegant wedding dress, reeking with blood. This door is obvious, but she doesn’t see it. I try to scream out to her, but she just looks around in front of her, helplessly, before pressing the reset button. Why? Why didn’t she see the door? Then it smacks me in the face, so hard I stumble back and the door slams shut.
A new beginning seems so much easier than pressing “Give up”. Just pressing “Reset”. But hoping for my monsters and my problems to not follow me there was hopeless. That girl probably hasn’t even considered getting rid of them, only escaping them, like she was escaping that wedding. But maybe soon, she’ll look at herself in the mirror and see that door waiting for her. Even now, in the valleys of fairies and light, I occasionally find darkness, but there is always a solution, always a door. Even if I don’t see it. It’s just hidden in plain sight.


@Jass when will find out who wins the competition?

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On the 31st. And I will be making the poll for community vote now!

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Community vote

0 voters