Blue Royalty | Official Thread

Kara font 2

Truth or Drink Round 3

Kara was feeling very entertained right about now. It was everything she had expected from a truth or dare game. After Mareena completed her dare, It was her turn to dare someone and she picked her. Kara rolled her eyes. She wondered what she was going to ask her but she wasn’t too worried. Mareena didn’t really have a mean streak to her but they were…at an odds right now so she didn’t know what to expect from her. Mareena decided to give her a dare that basically required her to straddle Dorian. Kara frowned, knowing that she would rather not do that but It was also not incredibly bad that she wanted to get out of it. “What?- whatever.” Kara walked over to Dorian and stood in front of him. Then she grabbed his face very roughly. Like, very roughly, and placed her lips on his and started kissing him. She did not want to kiss him for too long so she moved her face away from his after some time. Afterwards, she sat down on his lap and began moving her hips to the Dua Lipa New Rules song that she had in her head since this morning. At least it was a good excuse to dance to the song again. Before walking away from him she looked at Jessica and winked. When she was still there “Oops, sorry.” Was what she said after accidently stepping on his foot. Yeah, she didn’t have to do that but she wanted him to suffer at least a little bit. She didn’t just want to let him think that this dare would be all easy and dandy. She sat down in her seat again and looked around for who to dare next. Her eyes landed on Reina who she had talked to a little bit in the computer room. She seemed really shy and quiet so she wanted to give her a dare that was out of her comfort zone. “Hmmm, Reina I dare you to yell out the lyrics of the WAP song.” She laughed as she said this, knowing that it would be awkward for her to do, even though she probably wasn’t going to do it and drink. But hey, it was still a dare worth asking.

@Littlefeets - Reina
@astxrism - Dorian
@benitz786 - Jessica
@angelic - Mareena


Andy walked away into the woods and found a nice quiet corner, and rested his back against a tree and brought his hand to his face to see if he was bleeding. Andy sighed and looked into the nothingness of the dark woods, as he kicked a stick on the ground taking out the stress in his body. ”Hey.” he heard steps and then a voice coming his way. He could recognise that voice for miles, it was Ketziah. And even though he walked away trying to get away from the people, she was one of the very few people he didn’t mind following him, and actually enjoyed her company at any given time. ”How’s your face? I can’t have D messing it up on me.”
He looked down and a light smirk came to his face as he huffed a bit of air from his nose ”Don’t worry, it’s not that easy to break my face” he said ”Why aren’t you playing? It gives points or something…” he asked and looked at her, wondering.



Ketziah Drake

Ketziah had found Andy in a quiet area far enough into the woods where nobody else would be around. She walked over to him just as he looked over to see her. She smiled with a small laugh at his answer to asking about his face. “Good. I prefer your face not broken.” She gave a slight shrug when be asked why she wasn’t playing. “Its not like the points really matter all that much. Like, it’d be cool winning, but its not everything. Plus, after being questioned on why I came back, and one of my favorite people leaving the game, it lost its fun.”



“Good. I prefer your face not broke” she said, which made Andy lightly smile ”My unbroken face appreciates” he said
“Its not like the points really matter all that much. Like, it’d be cool winning, but its not everything. Plus, after being questioned on why I came back, and one of my favorite people leaving the game, it lost its fun.” she then said non response to his question, he listened to her. Now that she had mentioned it, he wondered why she really came back, since there was clearly a reason he wasn’t aware of. But he wasn’t going to bug in if she didn’t want to tell him, since it was her personal matter. “Too many people left the game, which one are you on about?” he raised his brow in a slightly teasing manner ”Why did you… come back, I mean?” he asked, ”You don’t have to tell me if you don’t want to” he added




“Sarah Wagner”

It was a name that Dan mentally filed away so he could completely ruin her the moment he got up to stable internet. Well her, and that bull sht lead that was her boyfriend. Daniel didn’t do mercy. It wasn’t in his blood and he wasn’t going to start now. So instead of saying anything in response to the name, Dan nodded - a subtle understanding between the two of them that he would deal with it. Well that, and make sure no one ever messed with Yara in the industry again. The two might not be together - but no matter what Daniel displayed to the world; a part of Daniel Parker would always be that love-sick guy head over heels for a girl out of his league - as he was a year ago.

So, Daniel walked away - uttering his normal cruel words. Saying something about a minute left that didn’t matter a second later. Because a second later, Daniel Parker’s world fell apart. Dan had turned around at an odd rustling sound, and the minute he did, Dan found the girl falling. It was as if time had stopped for only a moment and he realized for the first time how pale she had been looking during the walk. During the entire bloody day. He should have noticed. He felt himself screaming her name, but all sound was drowned out as her body hurled towards the dirt in slow motion. Dan started sprinting towards her, but he was clearly to far away to catch her. Though he was quickly by her side within an instant, his hands on her cheek as he screamed her name. “Yara, Yara don’t do this to me. I can’t lose you. I can’t.” he brought his ear to her lips attempting to see if she was breathing but his heart was racing too fast to hear the gentleness in her breath. So instead, he moved his head down to hear chest - thanking whatever there was out there in the universe when he heard the soft pitter-patter of her heart. Without a second thought, Daniel picked the girl up bridal style, running to the clearing where his helicopter was waiting.

“St. Joseph’s Medical Center,” Daniel screamed the moment he got both Yara and himself inside. Not letting go of the girl for a moment as the helicopter started flying to the hospital. “You’re going to be okay,” Dan whispered, caressing her cheek. Though he wasn’t sure if he was attempting to convince himself or tell her anymore. “I love you, and you can’t leave me too,” Dan whispered. It was only a three-minute ride on the helicopter - but it felt like a lifetime as he held the girl in his hands. Daniel had seen the girl sleeping, her angelic features as he drifted off to sleep with her in the past. This was different. “Yara. I’m sorry. I’m so sorry.” he whispered. “I know you didn’t cheat on me. I knew the day I got the photo you didn’t cheat on me.” he started. He didn’t know who he was talking to or if it was just the fear in him revealing something he had never told anyone. “I always trusted you. Always. I left you because the photo wasn’t the only thing I got that night. Anna threatened me If I didn’t leave you - she’d hurt Jessica. And I couldn’t… I couldn’t let her hurt Jess…and you were going to do better without me holding you back… That’s why I didn’t stay in London that night. I couldn’t face either of you and lie to your faces.” His heart ached as he spoke the words. Over the next few months after that night, it just became easier to make her hate him. If she hated him, she’d look out for herself. She deserved it - deserved the world. And right now…Daniel Parker had never seen the girl look so little and fragile.

So the moment the helicopter touched down in the middle of the bloody street, Daniel picked her up and ran as fast as his legs could go into the hospital. Screaming as they brought a gurney to examine her - blocking Daniel at the door to the emergency room.

@CerealKiller - unconscious lil girl


Ketziah Drake

Ketziah smirked when Andy asked which person she was referring to. “Well, I think you know him. He did just get punched. He has a lot of tattoos, and he’s kinda a big deal, even has food named after him cause he’s an awesome musician.” Then Andy asked why she did come back. She was waiting for it. She frowned slightly. She didn’t really want to say, but she wasn’t going to lie to him. She shrugged. “No, its fine. I wanted to come home and be around the people that matter to me. My health is really bad, and keeps getting worse.” She looked right at him, before speaking in a nonchalant manner. “You might want to start thinking about what you’re going to perform at my funeral, because I’ll be lucky to make it through the year.” She paused, making herself smile. “So, yeah, I’m dying. Kidney failure. Not a big deal. I’m making the most of my time, living my life, and doing what I want, when I want.”



TW hospital stuff ig

As Yara straightened up from her position on the tree, she lost all shred of strength in her body that she has been clinging to for the past day. She couldn’t, she just couldn’t. She was in a worse state than she has been in a very very long time, and nobody knew. Not even Jordan. She was just used to hiding her problems, that by now she could do that quite efficiently, and even when she felt broken and hurt as she has lately, she managed to hide it, until her body doesn’t let her anymore.

The world went dark as Yara fell to the floor, and the next thing she knew, her eyes fluttered slowly as the bright lights of the hospital woke her up, and the last thing she could remember was being in the woods with Daniel. A weak ”mmm” came out of her mouth as she moved her head to look down at her body, laid in a hospital bed, PN feeds and blood tubes connected to her arm. How long has she been here?

Her body still felt weak, but could you blame it? What did it have to hold on to and keep working? Absolutely nothing. It was the point where her body couldn’t just keep going, and that was it, the moment she collapsed in the middle of the woods on a school trip.

Yara slowly turned her drowsy head, to find Daniel sleeping in the chair next to her bed. And even in this time, the sight of him made her lips curve in a light smile, looking at the sleeping boy next to her. ”Daniel…” she quietly called, even though he was asleep.

@benitz786 Sleeping beauty


The waiting… was killing him. His eyes kept faltering to the clock on the wall as the ticking of it drove him crazy. He hated hospitals with a passion. It was filled with death and dispair - two things Daniel hated thinking about. But he waited, drank the disgusting hospital coffee… stayed alert. Kept his laptop on any news of Yara’s results and just… waited. There was one thing Dan couldn’t hack: Time. And it seemed to never be on his side; not when he was a child and his sister… and now…

So instead, Dan focused on the only thing he could focus on. Ruining Sarah Wagner’s life. Which he did with flair. Daniel Parker found every dirty thing that her parents had done in the past 10 years - which ironically included money laundering - and revealed it to the world. Meaning, as of 2:34 AM - all of that child’s assets were frozen and she was rendered penniless. Apparently, her father had attempted to escape the country but with a little help from Daniel - poor cream was caught in the New York air terminal. Though that wasn’t the end of Daniel’s meddling. A beautiful sex tape starring the one and only Sarah was somehow… accidentally leaked to the world around two minutes later. Ironically not with the guy she was dating. BUT that was also soon followed by the girl’s recent STI results which shocker came positive for STDs. Dan also hurt the male lead’s reputation by revealing his trist with the male director and fully ruined the Broadway production of Chicago. The next article that came out about Chicago at around 4:21 AM in the New York Times revealed how Yara Keller was the saving grace of the show and once she left the production, it went to utter hell.

Though that only kept Daniel occupied for so long - soon enough Dan had bribed the nurses and doctors to let him visit Yara since he wasn’t immediate family and not… technically allowed. But he… needed to be near her. To see her. And the tests were still running so Dan couldn’t distract himself with that. She had been moved to the largest private suite there was and as he entered, a frown met his face at how pale she was. Dan pulled a chair up next to her, gently picking up her hand and placing a soft kiss on it. “You’re going to be okay… you have to be. You’re not allowed not to be,” Dan whispered, laying his head on the bed as he held her hand - falling asleep soon after.

Daniel found his eyes opening as the light from the window hit his face. An unfamiliar… though nostalgic ceiling met his eyes as Daniel tried to figure out where he was. Though it was imminently clear that he wasn’t still in the hospital with Yara. There was a girl next to him, her black hair the only thing he could see as she was turned away from him. Though as he stood up, Dan realized where he was. He saw his window open, the view of the Eiffel tower through the balcony. It was a year earlier when Dan had swept Yara off her feet to a trip to Paris for her birthday.

“Morning Daniel,”

He heard her chipper voice as she pulled him back down on top of her, placing her lips on his emitting a slight groan from both of them. “Wait Yara. We can’t… this isn’t real,” Dan sighed. The way his mind worked - he was always lucid during his dreams. Mostly. He remembered every single one - though this one he just… didn’t want to end.

“You’re such an idiot Dan,” he heard a soft laugh at his words, though within a second she had pushed him down so her body was straddling Dan. "F!ck" Dan whispered - emitting a mischievous smile from her lips as she started kissing his neck.

Dan should have stopped this. It was a dream. Well… mostly. It had happened… just before. But he couldn’t. His mind was reeling as he felt her lips trail kisses down his neck and he couldn’t help it when he flipped them over and started doing the same thing - forgetting… momentarily… about the hospital

“Daniel… Daniel” he heard her slight moans as he moved his hands lower.


His eyes opened to the word she said - waking him up from his dream. Daniel’s eyes fell to Yara’s and a soft expression of relief met them. “You’re awake,” he whispered - holding her hand tighter as he said the words. “Thank god,” he mumbled, putting his hands around her and pulling the girl in for a hug. “God, I need to call the nurse I should…” though before he started ranting, he stopped himself - realizing what he was doing. He was acting like her boyfriend… something he wasn’t.

So after a second, he pulled himself away from the hug and took a step back. “How… are you feeling?”

@CerealKiller - Straddler


Andy listened as she answered his question regarding who she had mentioned to be one of her favourite people. And her answer only made him smile as if he wasn’t in a terrible mood just a few minutes ago. ”I happen to know that person” he said with a smirk ”He told me you’re one of his favourites as well” he said and a smile came back to his face as he looked at her, and the memory of the kiss they shared earlier filled his mind.

He looked at her as she started telling him why she came back, and the more she spoke, he felt his world fall apart, as she told him she was dying.
“You might want to start thinking about what you’re going to perform at my funeral, because I’ll be lucky to make it through the year” she said, and went on. Andy looked at her in the eyes ”You’re dying?” he repeated quietly, ”You can’t die” he started and pushed himself off the tree, now standing much closer to her looking her in the eyes ”You can’t… take mine, I’ll give you my kidney. Anything. I can’t lose you…” he said, and the last sentence went quieter as his hand found her way to her cheek, lightly cupping it as his thumb stroked it. He couldn’t lose another person, especially not her. She was one of his favourite people in the world to say the least, she didn’t deserve to go…

@Littlefeets sorry I sad bye


theres nothing yet but I’m keeping the TW because hospital ok

“You’re awake, Thank god,” he mumbled and pulled her into a hug, making her smile ever so lightly ”I’m awake…” she whispered as he hugged her, and even though she still hasn’t regained her powers, at that moment she felt good, in a way.

He was just about to call a nurse, or something he had mentioned he should but stopped his words, pulling away and taking a step back

“How… are you feeling?” he asked, and Yara looked away with a sigh. ”Weak. Stupid…” she said looking out the window, she was able to face him, now she couldn’t keep hiding that something was wrong, finding herself in a hospital bed was quite stopping her from doing so. But she couldn’t, she felt… Stupid. But it wasn’t even completely her fault, she didn’t want this to happen, but it did. ”I couldn’t. I just couldn’t…” she said quietly, she couldn’t let herself tell him what triggered her and brought her to where she was now, she knew how Daniel dealt with problems, and or couldn’t work in some cases, this being one of them. Some things backfire when you try to destroy them, and she didn’t want anything to ever backfire on Daniel. She just didn’t. As he was still one of the people she cared about he most.



New York Floor Cinnamon Bun Roll

theres nothing yet but I’m keeping the TW because hospital ok - copied from Michi

“Weak. Stupid…”

An interesting pair of words. Weak he understood. Something that both him and Yara had was control and having the inability to do that would make a person feel weak. Though the girl he saw before him, the girl he looked at for years - was anything but weak. Even in her most vulnerable, Yara Keller had always been the strongest person he knew. But stupid? Stupid for what? Did she know what happened? “What…” Daniel started, trying to find the right way to phrase it without seeming like he cared. After all - he still had to play the part of p^ssed off ex. In a sense. But he couldn’t. He was too… worried about her to play that roll anymore. “You know what happened out there don’t you? They’re still running the tests so the Doctors haven’t come in yet,” he whispered. Though after a second - Daniel said the six words he probably had never said before. “You don’t have to tell me…”

But then she started saying something and he joined her back on the bed, placing his hands in hers. "I’ll make sure you’re okay, " he whispered - Looking her in her eyes as he stated the simple fact. “Do you need me to call anyone? Jordan? Your… mom?” Dan questioned. He hadn’t told anyone because he didn’t know who she would be okay with telling. “Here,” he added, handing the girl her phone as he walked towards the door. “I’m going to go tell the nurse you’re awake… do you want me to grab you anything? Coffee? A bagel? Jello?”

@CerealKiller - Shay Mitchell


Ketziah Drake

Ketziah couldn’t have hidden her smile even if she’d tried as he said she was one of his favorite people as well. Then as she told him that she was dying, she could see the shock on his face. She knew he had, just like her, lost too much already. He stepped over close to her, and placed his hand at her cheek. “I wish it was that simple Andy… and I wouldn’t ask you to do that for me.” She closed her eyes for a moment, enjoying the feel of his hand on her cheek. She had already come to terms with knowing that her time was running out, but that didn’t make the thought of people she cared about being hurt to lose her any easier. “Just be one of my favorite people, and not treat me like I’m about to break, ok?” Riker at least made sure to have fun with Ketziah like always, but she already had her brother treating her like a china doll, and she didn’t want anybody else treating her differently.



”I wish it was that simple Andy… and I wouldn’t ask you to do that for me.”
Andy let out a small huff of air from his nose ”You don’t need to ask me to, I’d just give it to you” he said softly.

“Just be one of my favorite people, and not treat me like I’m about to break, ok?”
”That would be ridiculous. you? You can’t break” he said with a smirk ”You’re way too good to be breakable” He added looking at her, the light of the moon through the trees illuminating her eyes.

It saddened him, it scared him to think about it, knowing she was dying, but at the same time, she was right. He didn’t want to waste the time they had left, that was it, there was nothing left to lose. No holding back.
And with that thought, Andy slowly closed the little distance in between them as he pressed his lips on hers, reliving the kiss the two of them already shared, just… better.



yes TW because hospital and eating stuff ok

“What…You know what happened out there don’t you? They’re still running the tests so the Doctors haven’t come in yet, You don’t have to tell me…”
She did, in fact, know what happened back there. She knew what got her into this stupid hospital bed, but bringing herself to tell him… was just too hard. Both of the things. Two things she hid from him pretty much ever since they met, which now somehow clashed together, and got her to this state. ”I do know…” she said quietly and sighed, ”There’s more than one reason… but technically, the reason I collapsed was because theres just so long the human body can keep going with nothing to feed on… Just a thing that happens when you don’t eat.” she admitted, not looking at him, she couldn’t. It was a problem she had for years, and nobody knew, not even Jordan. ”I was doing better… I really was” she said, with her voice starting to break as if she was about to cry. She was doing better, she really was, but it just had to be broken didn’t it? She… had to be broken.
"I’ll make sure you’re okay, "
As he said that, she wiped the tears off her cheek, breathing and trying to calm herself down, and the thought of how she and Daniel were on such bad terms, escaped her mind as if she left it in the woods when she collapsed.
“Do you need me to call anyone? Jordan? Your… mom?”
”No no no” she sharply turned her head to him, as if stopping him ”They can’t know. Both of them” she said
“I’m going to go tell the nurse you’re awake… do you want me to grab you anything? Coffee? A bagel? Jello?”
”I should… but I don’t think I can yet. Maybe a bagel… or a cookie… something small.” she said

@benitz786 Tom Holland



Sadie watched him look back at where the campfire was, then slowly followed his gaze to where the other girls were, which set off, even more, overthinking and overanalysing from her. Was he looking back because he would rather be there? Or rather one of them be here instead of her? What did him shaking his head mean? Unfortunately for Sadie, there wasn’t much for her to take from his verbal answer, though, and it left all of her internal questions unanswered, but that by no means meant that she would ask them out loud. She didn’t want to know the answers, just in case they actually were what she thought.

After a pause, Dorian asked her if she would have done this dare if he hadn’t said anything. “To be honest, probably not…” She started, “But only because I would have thought you didn’t want to. If you didn’t. Say anything, I mean.” She stopped and sighed, listening to herself for a second. “Sorry. If that did, you know, hurt your feeli- I don’t know, but… yeah, I don’t know if I would have.” Almost as soon as that question had been asked and answered, Dorian was onto the next query - which Sadie wasn’t complaining about, because otherwise, she worried they would be walking in silence.

“Anyone else?” Sadie repeated. That thought hadn’t crossed her mind, really. Mainly because she assumed there was no one else that would want to - that is, if Dorian could really be considered someone ‘wanting’ to. “No, no one else. What about you?” She answered, finally, asking it back, with slight worry of the answer. Soon after he answered, he had a final question to which Sadie raised her eyebrows, and then gave a nervous laugh, looking down. “No… you would be allowed to do that,” She replied with a smile.

@astxrism — Dorian DeLoughrey

1 Like

New York Floor Cinnamon Bun Roll

Tw maybe? Hospital and eating habits

As she talked about what had happened, Dan’s eyes closed at slight disappointment. Yara had never been the type to not eat. Though… he guessed he didn’t know her anymore. Or she had been exceptionally good at hiding it when they were together which he could see happening because when he was with her, Daniel was blinded by the girl he loved that he didn’t notice the little things he would have usually when other people were involved. Though honestly, why? She didn’t need to do it - one look at her body could tell anyone that.

Though he wasn’t there to berate her. As she started crying, his heart ached for her. To hold her. To tell her everything would be better. That he’d be there for her. But he couldn’t do those things anymore. Oh f!ck it He wrapped his arms around her, pulling her in for a soft hug again as he placed a gentle kiss on her forehead. “I won’t tell anyone. But you should tell them. They care about you Yara and they’ll make sure you get better,” he whispered before pulling away, nodding at her request at food. With that - Daniel walked out the door, closing it behind him as he stayed there for the moment. His heart was swirling with emotions. Relief that she was alright, hurt that she did that to herself… confused because he still loved her. But taking a deep breath, Daniel called the nurse who went in after he left before calling his driver to go pick up Yara’s favorite food. After all - spite him - Yara Keller would not be eating hospital food - disgusting.

Daniel returned up words of 15 minutes later with a large tray in his arms filled to the brin. Fresh squeezed oranges, coffee from the Carribians, croissants from Paris filled to the brim. “Don’t worry, I checked with the nurse - it’s okay,” Dan stated. “They took all the blood work they needed and said you could eat all of this,”. He knew she probably didn’t want to eat, but to hell with that.

Placing the breakfast tray on her bed stand that pulled out in front of her he grabbed his own dark roast and started drinking. “So…” dan started, not knowing really how to start this conversation and not really wanting to get into specifics. “How’s… living at Jordan’s?”

@CerealKiller - there’s also a cinnamon bun on the tray okay


Tw fcuk it

“I won’t tell anyone. But you should tell them. They care about you Yara and they’ll make sure you get better,”
”I can’t tell them. I’ll get better…” she sighed, not even knowing why she was telling him all that ”I already was. But I never managed to get rid of it completely. Just my stupid body doesn’t let me live like a normal person. It hasn’t been bad in years, I ate, I didn’t throw up, for fcuks sake even you didn’t know about it, I was really doing better.”* she admitted looking down. She hated it, she hated the way her mind and body worked together against her and she didn’t want it, but it still kept happening.

He got up and left the room, later coming back with a tray of food which made her smile ”Don’t worry, I checked with the nurse - it’s okay," She nodded and picked up a croissant from the tray, taking a bite of it, especially now, she needed it.
“So… How’s… living at Jordan’s?”
”Probably the best decision I made lately, both Jordan and Riker have been amazing.” she said.
”wait, how did we even get here?” she asked after a moment, remembering they were in the woods in the middle of nowhere. *”The woods…” she added

@benitz786 Idk man idk


Ketziah Drake

Ketziah smiled as she listened to Andy. Even if he most likely wouldn’t be able to give her a kidney anyway, she appreciated him saying that he would. “Tell that to my brother. He thinks I’ll break at the slightest thing.” Then Ketziah hadn’t actually expected for him to kiss her. Her mind went back to their kiss earlier, and how she had wanted to kiss him again. With his lips against hers, she brought her arms up to his shoulders and around his neck, pulling herself just a bit closer to him as they kissed.




“I can’t tell them. I’ll get better…”

“Isn’t that what you said last time?” Dan whispered. He knew Jordan would be disappointed - but Jordan would be more worried for Yara. He’d take care of her. Better than Daniel Parker could. “Tell him, Yara.” He whispered, “please,” he mumbled. But he wasn’t going to argue with her. As much as he wanted to - she was her own person and had her own choices. Even if they were choices Dan didn’t… agree with.

So when he returned - listening to her talking about living with Jordan - he only raised his eyebrow more. She was living with a man who could help her but she continued to not ask for help. Could he blame her? Dan knew how stubborn she was… he was the exact same way. But now that he knew - Dan knew that he’d at least be more cognisant and watch after Yara - whether she wanted it or not.

Though a soft smile left his lips when she asked how they got there. “We were walking to my helicopter while we were in the woods. You don’t think I’d actually sleep on the ground, do you? I rented out a resort five minutes away,”



As Andy pressed his lips against hers, a wave of passion and emotion coursed through his veins like electric pulses. She wrapped her arms around his neck and as she did so, his hands found their way to her waist, holding her close.

Ketziah and him? They had quite a long history, and even though nothing has ever happened between them, it wasn’t the first time the thought has crossed his mind. Dying or not, she was always that, she was always amazing in his eyes and still is.

And as the two kissed, the thought about what she had told him just a few minutes ago has escaped his mind. At some point, he’ll remember it and pain, but now? Now it didn’t matter.

He lightly pulled away, their faces still very close to each other as he looked in her eyes ”Thanks for coming after me” he then said, ”I’d take you over being alone any day” he smirked
