The Bachelor(ette) Official SG

Eliminating the Competition

After Connor returned from the voting room, Johnny went upstairs again, slower this time because of the number of times he had already been up and down them. Although when he did reach the girls floor, Nova had just walked in and so he went to stand in front of the group to wait. Only a minute he had to wait before he touched his ear piece for the results and addressed them.
“Ladies, you’ve all voted and I hope you’ve introduced yourselves at the same time!”, Johnny exclaimed. “Although, I must tell you that we’ve told the males you were voting on the same instructions and I have the results. One of you here today has been chosen by the males and will be going home.”
“I will call forward five of you who aren’t safe, four of you received three votes while the one who is sadly leaving us received 5 votes from the males. As for the names not called, you are safe.”
“In no particular order, could these five step forward? Nova, Mia, Eden, Lexi, and Maya.” Johnny wasn’t one for drawing suspense out for TV ratings, he’d rather rip the bandaid off.

Which of the five do you think is going home?
  • Eden
  • Lexi
  • Maya
  • Mia
  • Nova
0 voters

The news had been given to the ladies and one of them was not going right now to meet the potential love of their life. Ten of them were taking the lift downstairs to the limo and leaving the eliminated one behind, alone in the room. Johnny took the stairs and made it down just as Sacha was exiting the voting room. He stood in front of the group of eleven. Touching his ear piece for the results, he listened before addressing them.
“Gentlemen, you’ve all voted and I hope you’ve introduced yourselves at the same time!”, Johnny exclaimed. “Although, I hear that many of you didn’t. Oh dear, that’s worrying.”
“I must tell you that we’ve told the females you were voting on the same instructions and I have the results. One of you here today will be going home too.”
“I will call forward three of you who aren’t safe, two of you received three votes while the one who is sadly leaving us received 5 votes from the females. As for the names not called, you are safe.”
“In no particular order, could these three step forward? Erick, Yong-Rae, and Danny.”

Which of the three do you think is going home?
  • Danny
  • Erick
  • Yong-rae
0 voters


@astxrism, @benitz786, @CerealKiller, @Littlefeets, @Madilfill, @Kristi, @Skyler2, @Tellyg47, @eunoia, and @unsungcheerio

Character Question:

What is your character’s reaction to what Johnny announced about those who are safe and not safe?