I couldn’t answer to his words. No proper words came out as I hugged him back befire he left to go to the backroom. As I was left alone, I unconsciously walked to the window. Removing the mask I touched my decaying skin gently. those words…would they be real? - I wondered as I stared at myself in the reflection of the glass. I looked into my own eyes.
"I wish I could see your eyes, I bet they are a really pretty color. I’m sure that yours are amazing Genosta.”
Archers words rang in my ears. My own eyes. They were tired, they were red… They were glistening. They looked empty and sad but there was also an spark in them.
I let out a sigh and looked at the mask in my hand. Expressionless, always the same, split in half like my own face.
I smiled to myself by the idea that someone opened uo to this never changing face, that was hiding my every changing one.
I then put the mask back on. not yet - I told myself. don’t get your hopes up just yet, but maybe this time… I can one day - I thought.