Questions Thread Signup

So… we’re getting quite the schedule going here on ShanniiWrites! Every Saturday, we get our Pub Quiz and Short Story Saturdays. Pretty soon, I’m going to be putting up a calendar of all our activities so that anyone can join in and have fun!

So thanks to the Annoying Deluge Day that happened yesterday, we saw a huge boost to our activity and I think a lot of people had fun! (I hope).

One of the ideas that was bourne out of that day was the Chaotic Deluge Question Thread, thanks to our lovely @Stargazer54! And it seems to have gone really well with a lot of people interested in answering questions. And we had an awesome suggestion to turn this into a weekly thing!

And that’s exactly what I want to do!

Now, these question threads are, to say the least, daunting. Deluge got over 100 questions! So I thought it was best to make this a sign-up thing instead of a nomination one and we’ll randomly pick a name to create a question thread for every week.

The Disclaimer

Replying to all of these questions is going to be a huge task! Please only sign up if you:

  • Aren’t easily offended – As long as the questions follow the rules and aren’t too vulgar, there’s nothing we can do about questions that might offend people a little bit. So, if you’re someone who is easily offended, please reconsider signing up for this. It might cause you quite a bit of emotional distress! (We might work on a Restricted Section NSFW version of this if we get enough interest in that category).

  • Have the time on your hands – We’re hoping this will be an active thing! Please only sign up if you have the time on your hands and you’re willing to answer all of those questions!

  • Are okay with prying questions – just like with the offence issue, there’s nothing much we can do about questions that are a little prying. We’d like to have as many people who are willing to answer all the questions they can and come up with funny/silly answers for the ones they aren’t comfortable being truthful about. If that’s you, sign up!

The Rules

So every Thursday, we’ll be posting up a questions thread for a specific user.

That thread will be open for one week and will be closed just before we put up the new user.

You have 1 week to ask all the questions you can think of and the spotlighted user will have just the same amount of time to answer them.

After that week is up, the user is out of the spotlight and you’ve missed your chance to post on the thread! Of course, you can still ask them questions elsewhere, but it’s not their job to answer them anymore!

The spotlighted user will be given a badge and with that badge will come a title.

The spotlighted user will be required to keep the title for the full week so people know who they are.

How to Sign Up

Reply to this topic telling us you’re interested in being in the spotlight!

We will then write your username on a piece of paper and put it in a box for random selection.

Since I might not be able to reply to every single signup on here, I’ve developed a system: if I like your post, that means that I’ve added your name to the box!

Once we pick the name out of the box, we will DM the person to make sure that they’re free and willing to be active that week.

If they are not free, their name will go back in the box for another time and we’ll pick again.

You can only sign up once!

If You Get Chosen

You will be granted the Forum Questions Star badge and you’ll have to change your title to “Forum Questions Star” – this will become an option on your profile as soon as you get the badge.

if you have a title at the moment that you want to go back to afterwards, make sure that you keep note of it so you can let me know after your week is over!

One of the @ForumStaff members will take care of putting up the thread for you! (Forum Staff, we’ll have a chat about who’s willing to be in charge of this in a bit)

All you have to do is make sure that you scroll to the bottom of the thread and make sure you set it to “watching” (as seen below).

Then, just make sure you answer as many questions as possible before time runs out!

After Your Week is Over

You’re off the hook! It’s not your job to answer any more questions.

Your thread is closed and we’ll add a link to it in a Questions Thread Past Participants thread.

You get a shiny new badge! See below:

We all know you a little better and we all had fun!

So, are you interested? I know I’m putting my name in for sure!


Can I participate? :grin::heart:


Of course! I’ll put your name in ASAP


I’m interested!


Yes please ^^


Starts thinking of questions to ask everybody :sunglasses::black_heart:




I’m looking forward to this already!


@Mysterious_Tea will definitely appreciate the box :eyes:




What do you think @fcukforcookies? Should I dive in? :thinking:


I’m interested in this!



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I’m interested! :smile:


This can be fun :smiley: count me in


I’ll join :slightly_smiling_face:


Sign me up!


S-Shannii. You spelled Mysterious wrong.


An amazing idea! :smile: I love it. This is gonna be fun!

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